Shit's not hitting the fan. No one is trying to kill you. Your guns are all put away. Hell, if you're reading this, then your internet is still working.
You have nothing to worry about, and everything is going to be fine. Just thought some of you might need to hear that.
ITT: discuss your life issues and seek help from fellow anons.
To keep this Jow Forums related, why does my fucking AR refuse to extract steel cased ammo? fuck it's frustrating. I have to tap it out from the muzzle end with a cleaning rod.
My life is pretty peachy. Thanks for checking in user.
Cooper Rodriguez
>To keep this Jow Forums related, why does my fucking AR refuse to extract steel cased ammo? fuck it's frustrating. I have to tap it out from the muzzle end with a cleaning rod.
What is it chambered for? If you're shooting 5.56 steel cases in a .223 chamber that might do it.
Logan Stewart
I need mental help but I don't want to lose my guns. I'm a peaceful person. I've never hurt anyone in my life and I never want to. I hope I never have to use a weapon to defend myself or others. My collection is pretty much the only source of pride or happiness in my life right now and if the gubment takes them away they might as well just euthanize me. I wanna plink innawoods and camp and meet people and stuff. But I'm stuck in a perpetual cycle of self hatred and anxiety and monotony.
I also can't decide if I should get an AR or more milsurp.
What's going on user? I'm no therapist but I do know a lot about psychology and the human mind. Plus it always helps to lay everything out, it helps sort through and think.
Sebastian Sanchez
Me, i have mostly classic guns but i do have a few ARs.
I haven't shot any of my ARs in years. I get no real joy from them. They're too easy: no recoil, flat shooting, great ergonomics, no challenge and no feeling of accomplishment
Joshua Jones
Sure doesn't look like shits gonna hit any fans, out my door or window, and it might not, but is it stupid to think maybe it is, really?
Just look at the way the UN I acting, the CIA, etc?
Ah well. Even if it is going to shit it's not worth being too worried I guess.
Christian Cook
I think it's appropriate to think about, but you're safe now user.
actively praying for jellystone to blow her top. im ready. i just do not care anymore. went to the range for the first time in a year and a half and that barely even tickled my soul, almost entirely dead inside user. thanks for asking. on the brightside i did find the missing bolt from my dads krag that i lost five years ago. that action is pure sex anons, so smooth.
Matthew Perez
Two weeks ago, my dad took his own life by lighting coals in his car and closing the garage door. I can hardly sleep at night. I’m only 21 years old and I’m down a parent. He was such a smart guy. He was the head of an emergency room. He went to Yale and Johns Hopkins! I just don’t understand why he, of all people, avoided talking to me or even a therapist about the pain he was feeling.
Everyone else is going to give me their condolences and move on with their lives. It makes me bitter when I think too hard about it.
What sucks is I’ve found it so hard to let myself feel. I’ve compartmentalized so much bullshit throughout my life that it’s like my emotions are locked in a fucking dungeon. My parents divorced when I was 10, and my aspergers made it hard to deal with the changes, so I ended up having a troubled childhood. The only way I could cope was to harden myself and stop feeling the pain that characterized so much of my teenage years. On top of all that, my last girlfriend left me after cheating on me, and she, like so many others in my family, had a mental break after her bipolar surfaced. Seems like the world is out to get me.
Jason Fisher
Unpopular opinion but it's been weighing on me anons
MAGAts and trump supporters are going to lose us our fucking guns with all their psychopathic ranting and raving, and eventually one of them is going to commit some sort of heinous act in trump's name and we're going to see AWB 2.0 electric boogaloo by next year.
i'm geniunely more concerned that these people are going to hand dems the keys to stripping our civil rights because they can't not be as autistically bent over about trump as humanly possible.
Dems already make every gun crime about trump, and the last thing we need is a mass shooting or terror attack that is made in the name of conservative american and trump.
no one's out to get you, but there's plenty of people ready to help you. have you considered seeing a therapist? I've been tossing the idea around but have no means besides my parents to afford it. idk how they would react to that.
there's gotta be something that puts a smile on your face. food, women, sex, fucking Grey's Anatomy. I find it very hard to believe that nothing makes you happy.
>MAGAts and trump supporters are going to lose us our fucking guns with all their psychopathic ranting and raving, and eventually one of them is going to commit some sort of heinous act in trump's name and we're going to see AWB 2.0 electric boogaloo by next year.
Leave Jew.
Logan Lewis
So you don't think that leftists want to capitalize on literally any violent act by a white guy to revoke our 2a? Have you always been a faggot or did you recently come out?
He may be casting a broad net but user's not wrong.
>owns ak ar abomination upper >thinks anyone else is a retard Whew.jpg
Evan Lewis
Jow Forums is leaking
Elijah Nguyen
ive been in this hole for so long bud, theres really not much. after i put my childhood battle buddy down a few years ago everythings just been meh. really the only reason i havent said fuck it is it would destroy my family.
Lucas Brown
People always think it's the most important time in history because they're alive for it.
I understand the concerns, but I think people need to chill a little and try to enjoy life. Keep a clear head so that we can address issues from a nice, grounded standpoint. The last thing we need to do as gun owners is make ourselves look like nutjobs.
I suffer from mental health issues, but it's mostly depression and anxiety disorders. I'm not sure what you're going through but this is part of why I'm saying I understand the concern. We can't just let them arbitrarily say "anyone with any mental illness can't guns"
people with violent tendencies and psychotic urges though, yeah
Lincoln Gomez
It’s okay to seek help user, hospitals won’t report to the NICS unless your are involuntarily admitted, or adjudicated as mentally defective. In July I was going to wrap my car around a tree but I went to the psych ward at the naval hospital instead, I was noguns before that and I bought a rifle in January with no problems. >>>edit if you live in Illinois they will try to take your shit but you can take it to court
Nolan Campbell
No its not a crazy notion at all. War and violence are part of mankinds DNA and will never go away. Hell, even right this second there are about a dozen wars/conflicts going on worldwide (and all of the parties involved have identical DNA to you and me). The United States has simply been pampered by not having a war on her soil since The Indian Wars. But never underestimate the human ability to produce unnecessary and costly conflict. Do I reasonably think Civil War 2.0 will break out in 2018? Of course not, but I would be a fool to ignore mankind's love affair with tribalism and violence.
Not the guy you're responding to bu t start growing plants. If you find something you think looks cool, go for that, but I like things I can harvest and gain something from at the end. It's calming and satisfying to work on and it's a practical skill in case things ever go south.
Brody Hill
my dream is to buy some land in the middle of the woods an do just that user. but poor fag neet at the moment thats barely mobile most days. i fucked up and fucked my body up bad. had a vegetable garden when i was younger liked that but have no space for a graden at the moment. i miss the woods though, very therapeudic.
Easton Collins
don't tread on me Jow Forumsunt
Zachary Sanchez
I'm an urbanon with space issues as well. Grow yourself some jalapeños or something in a little coffee can hydroponics setup.
Henry Hall
Federal law was designed with this in mind. You're only barred from purchasing guns if you are committed INVOLUNTARILY. That means seeing a therapist, getting medication, going voluntarily to a mental institution and owning guns is perfectly fine.
I had the same fears when buying my first gun and I thought Id have to hide my depression so I can own guns.
Get the help you need and don't worry about losing your guns.
>life issues I have body image problems that hinder me in dating or opening up to girls. About to finish grad school and I do not have many job options open, so i'm facing a cross roads of what to do with my life. Related to this, I'm afraid that my knowledge on militra and firearms is slipping, and thats been one of the things I pride myself on so I feel down about that.
Also, I want to get one of those Ruger Redhawks that holds 8 rounds of .357, should I?
Oliver Ortiz
This. I voluntarily went into an institution when I was 16 and my NICS for my first storebought gat went through in like 5 minutes.
Easton Collins
I horrifically fucked up at work and disappointed my good friend and mentor, as well as my other teammates. Fortunately she still believes in me, but it's clear she is very disappointed and is being somewhat distant.
I feel horrible right now. One piece of advice she gave me was to take time to do something I enjoy to de-stress, but due to the fuckup (and before it) I feel like I don't deserve to. I haven't gone to the range in well over a month now.
Jayden Johnson
your thread is really stressing me out is this some reverse psychology bullshit
Alexander Gray
Seek help if you need it. Unless you get a court to put you in an institution, you should be fine. Only need to worry if your issues become public record.
Isaiah Ortiz
I would suggest destressing, now is when you need it most. If you let your mistakes linger and stay stressed over it, you'll make more in the future and possibly can your relationships over it.
Alternatively tannerite your work place and fuck off into the woods to bury your mistake. Live the rest of your life as an angry hermit.
Ethan Campbell
Aiden Harris
I'm really grateful for what she's doing, in that she's helping me get over the mistake and advocating for me. The fact that she straight up says she doesn't hate me really helped me relieve a lot of stress, but how do I get over the compulsion to punish myself?
Jonathan White
I feel your pain, I'm someone you constantly stress out over my fuck ups and ignores anything good I've accomplished. Just tell yourself its going to be ok. Just keep at it, keep working. Be careful, sometimes a good mess will teach us what not to do. Punishing yourself only makes it worse, you've got to remember that.
>t.statist that think voting either way is gonna change something
Nathan Harris
>Shit's not hitting the fan. No one is trying to kill you
YET! maybe it's because I'm still young but I worry a lot about politics and the future of this nation, more than most in their 20s do I think anyways. I also wonder to what level I should resist if/when they come to confiscate my firearms. Im not going to McVeigh anyone but the question now is whether or not I'm willing to go to jail in order to say "no, fuck off" when they tell me to turn em' in.
Isaac Lopez
I'm getting fired tomorrow or Friday. Everyone at work was laughing at me/talking shit behind my back today. I was training the "new guy" he's replacing me but no one has told me that I'm getting fired to my face. I just told my brother and sister in-law, they think I am just over thinking it and that I won't be fired. I literally am 100% my first full time job after not even being there 3 months. They will think I'm more pathetic than they first did. Not looking forward to the boss calling my into his office and everyone watching me as I make the walk of shame to my car. I'm a fucking 18 year old brain let that can't lift heavey shit because of my back so I literally couldnt even be a dropkick factory worker. I want to put ricin in the coffee tin
Colton Garcia
Why the fuck would they ask someone they plan on firing to train a newhire? That's retarded user stop overthinking it.
Angel Harris
There is only meant to be 3 people in our team, they consistently talk shit about how I'm too slow or not learning quick enough and now there is a 4th guy in the team. It's over. I heard someone say "why's there a new guy today" - "Because HES getting fucking fired mate, it doesn't take long around here" that was directed at me.
David Kelly
user, don't shoot up your workplace. Instead shoot up AT your workplace. What are they gonna do, fire you? They already are. So fuck their drug policy and tie off and find your favorite vein right there on the bosses desk
>save a life;collapse a vein
Adam Peterson
Been trying to find this meme desu thanks senpai.
Caleb Kelly
just reenlisted because i miss being in a combat zone,everything will be fine soon
Jace Harris
I'm right there with you except for the self hatred. My oldest son killed himself 6 months ago. >Not joke >Not bait
Jaxson Collins
Thats rough. Its extremely painful,i would know. Dont start drinking like I did,its not worth it. Live on.
Carson Baker
>been very lonely depressed for a very LONG time now >recently keep having a recurring dream about killing giant alien bugs on one of those bendy busses but its a double decker >kinda like that scene in the mummy returns >and its speeding through this futuristic city and crashes in a tunnel. Then this supe cute chick tosses me a chopped RPD I mean this thing is so chopped that it couldn't possible function in real life >continue to remove alien bug while shielding cutie with my body >surviving bus passangers crying for help >I ignore them >run out of ammo and bugs move in for the kill >suddenly I'm instantly in my childhood bed and the smell of fresh baked cinnamon rolls starts to wake me up (this is still all a dream) then my mom opens the door and my childhood doggo comes running in and jumps up on the bed like he did every morning to wake me up for school and we cuddle. It was so real I could feel him smell him and even feel his heartbeat
It was nice to get to cuddle with you again buddy i miss you. Probably saved me from ending it all over the weekend.
Daniel Torres
I know it's easier said than done, but try not to stress. Look at it like this: >World sucks >world trying to make me crazy >world failed >I'm still here so I fucking win! >profit
Matthew Cook
Can't drink due to medication. >Be me. >Get even more funs after PTSD diagnosis.
Sebastian Powell
Sorry to hear that bro. Stay strong.
Robert Richardson
7.62x39 casings are notoriously unreliable in the AR design, this is why the .300 Blackout was created. If you want the ballistics, get a new .300 upper. If you want the cheap Russian surplus, buy a proper fucking AK to shoot it with.
Aaron Ward
My mother got cancer last year which sent me into a mindset of being bummed out again. I have girlfriend that I love and she loves me but we argue every other week which nearly drives us apart, she's the only person I have due to my bestfriend moving away for university. All the friends that I had made from her friendship circle all hate me on the downlow so I don't pal around with them anymore. I get far too upset and vocal with the political situations the world is in and I really shouldn't. I'm sick of being labeled right wing just because I like Rhodesia (they had cool fucking asthetics) and because i like free speech. I'm at the point now where I don't give a shit about what people do to others just don't fucking do it to me or those close to me.
Should be going long range rifle shooting in summer. And the dream of moving to freedom land is still living. Any burgerbros able to tell me the chance of a visa if I'm a CNC machinist who will be getting an engineering degree in the next 3 years?
I think I loved this woman, but now she’s distant and cold and won’t answer my messages, not sure if she likes me back anymore or if she ever did and it wasn’t just for the attention I gave her, I see her in person some times but I don’t know what to say or if I should, or just leave it be. My fault was caring too much but my intentions were always good.
Also, does the Scar-H use the same trigger group as an m4? I want to know if it’s possible to put a binary trigger on it for a 2 round burst style DMR, dumb idea because of recoil or what?
Cooper Thompson
Reached a low point in my life a few months ago. Wasn't happy at all, and I started doing a lot of cocaine and a few other things that didn't make me any happier. Got off of all that shit and got myself together. Now I spend a lot of quiet time with my funs and playing vidya with friends. It gets better, anons. Just keep holding on
Involuntary commitment for being a danger to yourself or others will make you unable to possess firearms. Going to a shrink or even voluntary commitment won't get your guns taken away.
Mason Hall
>eventually one of them is going to commit some sort of heinous act in trump's name
Like the guy that showed up to the republican congressional baseball practice and tried to massacre congressmen? Oh, he was a democrat, I guess that doesn't count.
What have the red-hats done that can compare? Oh, right, nothing. I guess you're retarded from taking Obama's balls on your chin every day for the last eight years. Protip-- put a gun in your mouth and pretend it's your boyfriend's cock as you pull the trigger.
>If you're shooting 5.56 steel cases in a .223 chamber that might do it. Shut up you fucking morons.
Caleb Moore
I want to be a girl really really badly and it makes me really sad that's not possible. I don't know why I would have to be ostracized and persecuted for pursuing it regardless. I don't like that being this way and pro-guns means basically everyone hates me.
I actually agree, anonfriend. I hope its not the case. I vote Republican and support the NRA because there is no other fucking option. I don't agree with alot of the shit the GOP puts out but, hell, who else is gonna protect my gun rights?
Gavin Stewart
>just use bugmen desires and pastimes dude! Gotta have happy thoughts! Taken the blackpill, but am just doing all that is possible for a single person to do in order to prepare for the inevitable. (get fit, stockpile food and guns, finish school, find 3-4 close friends, find a wfie, etc.)
Liam Phillips
Fuck off jew. Shit IS hitting the fan, western society is crumbling every day, more and more dindus come into our white countries, and our guns are under constant threat.
Alexander White
>Shit's not hitting the fan. that's where you're wrong kiddo
>You have nothing to worry about, and everything is going to be fine This bullshit line of thought is how you become complacent. Don't. Most of the posts in this thread clearly show that everything is not fine. Every day of existence bring a new struggle or task that needs to be overcome in order to move past it. Sticking your head in the sand and writing off those problems is probably the worst thing you can do. I'm not saying don't enjoy life but understand that shit isn't peachy. Don't ignore the problems, don't tell yourself it's going to be fine. Make it fine.
Jeremiah Cooper
don't do it user, you'll be marked for life and gives them the power to gank your rights at a moments notice
John Diaz
Dude, go to a therapist, they can't tell anyone anything unless they have reason to believe you will hurt yourself or others. Even then the only way they can take your guns is if you are involuntarily committed, no therapist would do that unless you are in immediate danger, like try to jump out a window in front of them. If you put this off the greater the chances you do something stupid that could result in you actually being involuntarily committed and then you won't have guns.
Also the AR is the better idea, most milsurp is over rated
Come to Arizona. Best gun rights state and you can get a dozen acres in the north for less than $10k. Plop an old camper on it until you save enough to have a home built.
Cooper Green
I believe fluffy in ARG takes SSRIs for depression and he can still own guns. Maybe ask him. Hope it gets better for you
I just bought an svt 40 on gun broker for 1400 the guy said he never really used it and kept in his safe but in worried I got a good deal because there is something wrong with the gun. Also no gf so been cuddling my pile of guns. Work weird hours so no real time to try it out and online dating is bullshit.
Julian Carter
back on over the counter antidepressants
I'm trying to grab a date with this girl before the semester ends, any tips for that?
Signed up for the LSAT today, really nervous bc its in two months
masturbation lost its fun, doesnt feel good and I can't find any porn that really gets me going. Kinda demoralizing
No pornography and no fap for at least 3 months. Should help.
Cameron Morris
Connor Butler
nigga thats like all summer, but Ill try it
Connor Butler
get her Snapchat.
deadass the easiest way to start talking to a chick on the reg, assuming you already talk to her a little bit at least. then eventually just ask her to hang out sometime. set it up. grab dinner, go study at her place, go hiking, whatever comes up.
not that user but i agree with both of you. Open carrying in full battle rattle winds us no allies and just freaks out normies and makes us look bad. It doesnt help that trumpers openly associate with richard spenser and fuel the narrative we are all racist knuckle draggers. It sucks they are the loudest fucking morons.
Anthony Morgan
>summer >on Jow Forums >go /out/ nigga
Chase Thompson
I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.
Kevin Scott
I'm graduating in a year with a history degree l, thought I was gonna do law school or get a MA or a PhD at some point but now I don't know. Thinking about applying to OCS either Army or Navy but not sure if that's even a good idea.
Isaiah Reed
that would almost make me want to more, its become a way to just kill time at this point
Christopher Reyes
I just signed up for the LSAT, the ride never ends
Hey man, so far so good, none of what you worry about has come to pass, relax.
Ethan Young
Legit not sure what's worse, going officer and dying fighting Russia or studying for the LSAT and going to law school
Logan Turner
Thank you. Wife been doing worse as time goes by. No healing.
Tyler Mitchell
Either way, your life is going to be full of people who will try to make it miserable. You should weigh your options and decide if you're comfortable spending a ton of your time in an office, we're go military and at least get to play with some fun toys. Either way, there will be people who support you, and people who try to break you down. Find something that if even you're not excited, you can get out of bed and do it.
T. I make very good money working for a major health care company. Everyday is busy, I am accountable to tons of people, and some days I just really don't want to get out of bed. By all rights my life is perfect, but some days are better than others. Thanks for checking in, OP.
Isaac Phillips
Face the challenge.
Easton Howard
I've dealing with a bit of social issues and of course thinking about my future. Like the older I get, the more I feel like just enlisting instead of finishing college (as financially retarded as that sounds) and it kinda gets to me.
And even worse, I'm terrified that I'll never be able to go into the service because of my depression. That was my dream since I was a kid. To be just like my dad, y'know.
Real shit though, even though I'm losing friends and moving on everyday it seems like, this board is honestly the best thing in my life rn. Thank you, Jow Forums
>school two days a week, 4 or 7 hours a day plus homework >work five days a week, 8 to 10 hours a day >literally no social life to speak of >only recreation in gaymen or shitposting onna bus and range time once a month >pursuing a degree I don't care about just for the shekels >no real aspirations or practical goals whatsoever >vague dreams of a better world with less rules and people
absolutely. I'm glad I made this thread, it got a lot of attention from anons who seem like they need a place to vent and help others. anonymity is beautiful.
same dude. getting my ass into my car and into class is getting harder everyday, at least with military there's no fucking commute
what's your major, user?
trust me, there are worse women-relater feels than tfwnogf. instead of lamenting, try taking the opportunity to get to know yourself better and find a girl who is really special. don't just fall for the first thot you see.
pic related for the user worried about asking that girl out.
Actuarial science, using statistics and math to predict the future. All kinds of jobs in medical, insurance, or corporate management. Basically just figuring out what data is relevant, making formulas, and writing it all in a way a supercomputer can process. I was going to do computer science or engineering, but quickly found I hated listening to people tell me how to do anything I actually cared about. If I can't make things the right way due to the demands of stupid people I just won't make anything at all. I'm mostly pissed off I have to pay for this shit because my shit genetics won't let me join the military.
I'm just lonely. Got a career and a house, checking off those life milestones, but I'm by myself. Nearest friends/family are 3 hours away. Last date was over a year ago, and she did not like me. Still think about her though which probably isn't healthy. Think I'm just gonna autistically focus on working on my house and becoming a single version of Hank Hill.
Also, need to get my permit in this shit state and stock up on the funs before they get taken away.
Benjamin Flores
wow that's funny, I'm getting a degree in Mathematical Finance with plans to do actuarial science.