has gun what is? I'm guessing early-mid 1800's Iron barrel? polygonal/groove rifling unrepaired
not mine. belongs to my boss. told him not to fix it... yet. mechanism works great, all original as far as I know. don't have it with me, didn't get measurements. lots of pics. Has name on it
Notice this one's a flintlock. I'd bet the one you found and OP's are caplock conversions.
Cameron Sanders
I'm guessing a Withorths Rifle. Civil war "sniper" rifle, used by the confederates. Really really cool piece of history you got there. I think the furniture might have been replaced/looks different from the pictures I've seen, but judging by it looks like there might have been some brass bands around there earlier.
Really fucking cool if I'm right, but I'm high af right now so I might be mistaken.
Jaxson Russell
OP here. That's what I'm thinking; converted to caplock mid-1800's ish
alvan pratt was the name, made in sutton, MA, along with henry pratts...
I can't find how he was related to henry pratt - son or nephew? cousin?
Jonathan Barnes
>I'm guessing it's an extremely rare rifle that looks nothing like yours, because I'm a mouthy degenerate retard
Ryder Butler
if you're just going by the lock and barrel most caplocks look like that.
Jason Kelly
that's where the rear sight was. it's gone now.
I can tell the brass on the butstock compartment has been changed out by the divot on the wood where brass would have been; see
Wyatt Martin
front sight is still there under the electrical tape I dare not remove
Xavier Moore
>hexagonal barrel >non-stock furniture whats your suggestion then homos? When I look at pictures on google they look awfully similar except for the wood.
Asher Morales
Whitworths had round barrels, you absolute retard. The rifling was hexagonal.
They look "awfully similar" in that they both look like muzzle loading rifles.
Wyatt Lee
OP here
must we be so hostile? I just want to know where/when this is from. Worcester, MA, 1775-1808, alvan pratt, convertyed to caplock at some point, groove/oct barrel, redone patch compartment, original stock, "worcester county rifle" possibly used in battle of lexington/concord, militia rifle is what I've learned from this thread.
I'm gonna go buy a bottle of vodka. Thanks for all the help guys. I'll be back in 30-40 minutes, I'm a ways from the store.
Benjamin Watson
pretty good start. it's beat to shit but I wouldn't touch it, take it to an auction house that specializes in antique firearms and get it appraised. probs not worth much but if it's real it's a cool peice
Justin Flores
hostility is the only way to deal with stupidity in an user format. it also serves as a barrier against those who don't belong here.
Robert Long
i'd be shocked if it brought more than $150 at auction.
Noah Martin
I've told him not to sell it, but to will it to his son
that's /b/ and Jow Forums. I typically expect higher standards of behavior from Jow Forums, despite all the furries (which are fine) and traps (which are OK)
I wouldn't be surprised by 4-500
Cooper Lopez
correction; the top of the patch box just fell off. the cover is original.