Tfw don’t have enough good boy points for a cz Bren
Tfw don’t have enough good boy points for a cz Bren
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Good luck finding one. The only place I know that has them is buds.
And they only have 805s.
You can find them for 1400 all the time, user.
Save up for the 806 Bren 2 when it comes out in a few years.
My LGS had a bunch the last time I went there like two weeks ago. 2K dollary doos though.
As opposed to...?
Check Gun Broker. That's where I got mine. $1300.
>he missed out on the 1300 dollar brens
806s and 807s.
These are coming to the United States never ever so good luck, friend.
The 806 is years away from even being produced for the civilian market.
you didnt try classic
When the 806's do come in, they'll be called the Bren 2 and available in 5.56 and 7.62x39. Probably won't be available until 2020, but the good news is the rumors are that since it's got considerably more polymer in its construction, it will be a couple hundred dollars less than the current Bren 1/ 805.
I've fondled one at work that had a TA44 on it going out for testing at a police department and it was pure sex.
t. CZ employee
Will the 7.62x39 version take AK mags?
You people are fucktards
Yes, I think they're shipping them to the Frogs with AK PMags.
Uhhuh, well do enlighten us Mr. Fucktard.
Dope. Well I'm a big fan of my 805 but I might have to upgrade when the Bren 2 hits.
Ok. 806s and 807s aren't even remotely close to being imported for the commercial market in America, so no shit no retailer has stock. Go kill yourself, now.
From what I've heard, they will be proprietary (classic Czech move).
That being said, the 805 originally had proprietary mags before they started getting imported here (pic related) and we made a stanag magwell for it.
Wow, it's almost as if that's exactly what I was lamenting. Do you have autism?
Was it the GIGN that bought them with AK mags?
I was mistaken, they are not AK magazines. They're specific to the 807, they only look like AK PMags.
>the poorfag scar
>I overpaid for my rifle and now I need validation
Worth every penny
Thanks friendo. I don’t know why I didn’t think to check GB.
They have the pistol and the ban state ones only
P r o o f
>since it's got considerably more polymer in its construction
wait, I thought the complaints on the first bren generation by the czech military was the polymer receiver, no?
what exactly makes the SCAR $3000?
If you paid $3000 for a SCAR you got fucked in the ass.
>Arguing financial choices with retards from /arg/.
N-no! It was worth every penny!
>retards from /arg/ who commit suicide from poor financial decisions.
>FN's marketing team convinced me it was worth every penny!
>Gun that looks kinda similar but is way cheaper and actually has a factory short barrel variant
idk why but 805 is way cooler to me than a scar 16, the soyboy version or the 17
>SCAR16 is a wurf evary penay
Tip top tard LARP
what a coincidence
Pretty sure i saw these bitches going for 900 a week ago
why the fuck is the stock angled instead of being straight? And ho boy does the telescopic one feel like shit and the cheek rest gets in the way of the stock mement if you move it forward.
I fucking wish the ACR stock adapters would be sold in europe.
the retarded waffle iron receiver looks like ass though, I'd rather have it weigh an ounce or two more.
>stock mement
It's time to turn off the computer user.
That was the ARX100. If I could get an 805 for that Id buy two.
>saw one at LGS for like $1300
Looked pretty cool, but it was heavier than I expected and some of the furniture felt pretty whatever.
Is it just a cheaper, heavier SCAR without the ugg boot or is there anything unique about it?
Is there a model in .308 available or coming eventually?