Ok everyone hand in your weapons!

Ok everyone hand in your weapons!
Remember that only cowards carry and No one ever has an excuse to carry a knife.

How are people this blind whats next banning kitchen knifes?

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That IS a kitchen knife on the poster

Don't these get mostly filled with trash?

What else do you expect from having a kebab as mayor?

Guess I'll stop carrying broken bottles then.

If I ever find one of these personally I will put my sons used dipper in there

Yo, did that box just call cookie monster a fucking coward? I'll fuck it up for that.

>walking around town
>suddenly a wild burgler appears
>gimme your dough, he says
>no sir ree Bob, you reply
>he lunges at you with a bike wheel
>you reach for your skrewdriver
>oh damn, you dropped it in the bin
>get beaten to death by the burgler
>At least I'm not a coward, you say as you die and a wait for someone with a wound care loicense to come and help you.

May be a coward but I'll still be alive to cuck you after you die from stab wounds

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