Old thread: >>37494236

old thread: Noguns but want to get license?:

ABC writeup puts duck hunting in positive light

Aus wins some golds in >air shooting

Paintball to no longer be a firearm in NSW

Daily reminder to look into getting your collectors license to enjoy Cat C goodness

SMLEfest will return apparently no one knows where or when though

crowdsourcing purchase of a large hunting property when?

For redditfags ( i know it's all of you )
Jow Forumsausguns
Jow Forumshuntingaustralia

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also may is sink or swim month for australia

if the reforms to help farmers in tasmania don't pass nothing in this country ever will

let your candidate know you support the reforms, also post in this thread how to help cause idk

Seeing Leyonjhelm right this second.

SMLEfest: it'll be towards the end of the year. Location scouting will be starting soon.

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What kind of guns can you get over there?

fudd guns

Basically lever/bolt/pump action shotguns and rifles with low mag caps.

Obviously there's ways to get an AR15 and a concealed carry permit but it's an obscene procedure and never applies to your average citizen.

First paintball then airsoft. Gun culture will seep its way up through the youth.

Why is the modern australian male so deathly afraid of guns lol.

I've seen coworkers literally recoil in fear when another coworker said australia's gun laws are actually pretty retarded.

Took the girl out to Springvale tonight and she's going to get her license with me so at we can go halves in safe and gun costs now hopefully take her as a hunting buddy when we are all set up. Glad it isn't as bad as all the hype about our laws makes it sound.

Wedgetail needs to produce something like this.

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With a few adjustments our laws wouldn't be that bad comparatively. People also like to act like Australia was like the USA before 1996, it's never been.

I'm sorry to hear that user
I know some 45-70s are fun. But as for semis/ pump actions, is the law very straightforward on the definitions, or do you have odd loopholes like the mossberg shockwave?

pump actions are actually singled out to be restricted from a standard firearms license.

you need to be a farmer or collector to have them.

pump rifles are ok though.

just don't ask me why, because once you get to the next category you can have semi automatic shotguns but not semiautomatic centerfile rifles.

Anyone wanna start a letter campaign on a single issue?

>locally produced modern Cat H compliant SP89
Oh lawd my wallet.

Anyway. David is applying some pressure on the military appearance law at training federal level, as well as Airsoft and replica guns.

So an absolute no to centerfire... what about rimfire?

Basically there are 3 categories.

A/B: sports and hunting
bolt action
lever action (5 round capacity if shotgun)
break action
revolver action
pump action (rifle only)

C: collectors, farmers, and in some states clay target sports
semi auto rimfire (5 round capacity)
semi auto shotgun (5 round capacity)
pump shotgun (5 round capacity)

D: professional pest destroyers, farmers with large enough property/reason
semi auto rimfire (no capacity limit)
semi auto shotgun (no capacity limit)
pump action shotgun (no capacity limit)
semi auto centerfire (no capacity limit)
magazines for centerfire guns over 10 rounds (depends on state)
lever action shotguns (no capacity limit)

any mistakes someone will correct me, but that's basically it

also, no pistols for hunting.

some farmers can get them for putting down injured animals.

so the au isnt completely no guns?

Nah. We're limited on what we can have and it's a pain in the arse, but we're not completely no guns.

Every day is a fucking struggle though.

if you cunts would stop shooting up schools it'd be easier for us to make our case.

I'm not american


Tfw no AR15

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Bungins a hoe


I've been wanting to get into archery for like two years but I'm still stuck working weekends in my job and ranges seem to be open on weekends. Feels bad.

Reminder to get yourself a Tikka T1x MTR
Another reminder that Sako is pronounced Sahko not Sayko

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trips say maybe

Oh shiddd man I was there tonight.
You the cunt talking about normies?

Whats his position on normies, yea, nay, or REEEEEEEEEE?

any reason you recommend this rifle in particular?

Will be one of the highest quality rimfire rifles out on the market without having to drop 2k on an Anschutz. Sako/Tikka quality for a rather fair price of $900 AUD is definitely worth it.

Exposure and conditioning. People are told their whole damn lives now that guns are these terrifying evil things that exist to slaughter babies and shoot up schools and should only ever be in the hands of police and the military. Normalization is the best tool here and it's one that we lost in the 90's. Like it or not, guns are weird and borderline obscene to most people now.

What about cz, lithgow or the rpr

Also mag capacity?

Sako t1x has 10rd magazines afaik.
The new Lithgow .22 is well over 1k isn't it?

LA101 is sub 1k

Nah that was my mate though. I was two down from him.

Interesting. I thought they were a lot more for some reason. I was going to get a sako but I will look into the Lithgow as well now.


why does .17 HMR gotta be so fucking expensive reeee

Meh I just went to see what he was doing at the federal level regarding guns.

Thoughts on ruger precision 22?

I've no experience sadly. I'm still looking for my first one and looked at Sako's and ruger American's. I'm sure someone here can shed some light on it though.

sako seems overkill for a 22, unless you are planning to get real competitive in your shooting

i prefer just huntin desu

Discord link here:
get in


Savage B22's are good

Also Viccucks, who's going?

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I have to work from 5am-4pm sadly. Only found out about it the other day.

Anyone here a briscuck trying to get into hunting through getting accreditation for NSW state forests?

tell us how u go bruv

How much is a permit?

wats on for the weeknd boizz

I'll be there sometime tomorrow

Does FOU have a stall this time?

If i get time and can find a place open in the evening/afternoon I'm going to sus out safes. Got permission from the owner to bolt one down on the floor inside the garage.

fuck off faggot, we never had CC or anything obviously but it was not unusual at all for normal people to own semi automatic rifles. Making out like Australia never had a gun culture is a lie. If you defend our pointless gun laws to any extent you're a lost cause anyway.

Nah not this time. Maybe next show.

australia never had guns for self defense (except certain people with a permit like jewellers and shit), pistols have been heavily regulated since ww1. most states already had licenses and some had registries by the time port arthur happened.

maybe it had a gun culture sure but it wasn't like america in terms of gun use and rights.

What sort of shit do we have for melee weapons in Australia? The laws are such a mess I have no idea what's considered legal for selfdefence

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Oh boy, please tell me its private property and not an (((SSAA))) range

Literally no 'weapon' is legal for the purposes of self defense

Best 20 gauge shotgun?

A 12 gauge with light loads in it.

Can always step up later

what if i like the aesthetic

no weapon is allowed to be used in self defence

when's FOU getting some sikkunt merch

What the hell are you meant to do then? Just stand there as the guy starts filleting you with a knife?

in the heat of the moment you are allowed to use any means necessary to reasonably defend yourself

what constitutes reasonable is decided in court after you've been arrested

Guys im really keen to get a rifle to start hunting / general target shooting. If I show up to my local range and tell them that will they be accommodating?

How do you even find places to hunt??

Whats the best first step? NSW for reference - already a member of SSAA and NRA

Also, im really concerned about the whole 'the police can come and search your home for anything at anytime for any reason' thing, is it really that bad or just a big scare campaign?

Please let me know.

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They already have stubbies get on it you drongo

NSW allows state forest hunting. Also look into SSAA farmer assist program.

Most ranges should be accommodating. You'll probably do your safety course there.

What are FOU stubbies?

Anyone got a ruger scout rifle?

Had one in synthetic. Fantastic guns. Factory mags wobble a lot, but still feed fine. Similar options are Ruger Hawkeye compact, Mossberg MVP 308 (takes Pmags), new Ruger American rifles (take AI mags), Savage scout, or a Sabatti scout

Drink holder that keeps the beer cool, and your hand free of condensation/cold.

Theres also hats and patches here firearm-owners-united.myshopify.com

308 seems too hot for one

What do you mean?

Too much kick for it

I'd prefer 223

Nah there's really fuck all kick. The recoil pad, and the muzzle break are quite effective.

But if that's the case: Ruger Ranch V2 5.56/223 l, takes AR mags

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I want this in 7.62x39 what am i in for

How's the muzzle flip?

>have Cat D licence
>Can't get import permit
The second hand Cat D market fucking sucks boys. Almost not worth it. Almost.

I have one. Still unfired. Reviews are stellar. Bolt is much smoother. Mini 30 mags are hard to find. You can get 10 round promag ones from Brownells Aus

Its alright.

Howd you wrangle your cat d?

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Might put a PTA in for one.

Wheres the FOU dicktogs and thongs

Noice. Want a hat?

Instructor licence, doing safety courses.

Category D licence isn't *hard* to get, there's just strict reasons for it. Not really worth it, at first the classes were enjoyable but people are retarded.

I've seriously considered that road. How have you found it? How do you show you're genuine about wishing to instruct?

At first it helped that I worked at a large LGS for 3 years prior, and it was quite fun. Just teaching/instructing in general is a fun job.
But then there's just certain things, which for me, really piss me off. Mostly old people/boomers. Ones who have 'been shooting for 30 years' but only now are getting their licence? The best students are young girls, as in 18-23. Usually with their boyfriends. They're kind of scared so they listen to every things you say, which is helpful.

You need to have a Cert IV in Training and Assessment, at least for QLD. After that, it's up to the individual RTO as to how to hire people.

Cheers for the insight.

oh right, a stubbie holder.
For some reason I had in my mind a pair of stubby shorts.

How does the import process and PTA work for importing something like an AR-15?

It’s amazing how many people thought gun ownership was basically banned after 1996. Did these boomers even look into the fact you could apply for a licence for your double barrel and SMLE?

Why would they though?

If you're some old boomer out in the middle of nowhere why bother paying money and fees to do what you've always done. They probably only come in to get a license once they run out of ammo.

May as well pony up and just buy a locally made AR15

not him btw

Being in possession of an unregistered firearm? But you’re correct farmer joe probably doesn’t care they took our tacticool semi-autos.