This retarded little whore just got arrested for trying to shoot someone in a road rage incident

This retarded little whore just got arrested for trying to shoot someone in a road rage incident.

Do us all a favor and only encourage semi-normal people into firearms. We dont need those who are too far out to be saved.

Attached: 1523557835266.jpg (539x960, 220K)

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There isn't anything readily apparent from your picture that would indicate that that person is violently unhinged. Obnoxious, yes, but not strictly a threat.

That's the LAST TIME anyone ever shills for faggots again, if I see an armed faggot you're getting exactly what you need, a hot load shot into your ass, but not the kind you want.

Post a news link or mods delete this shitty thread

>unnatural dyed hair
>not a sign of a mental disorder

What is this 2008 tier logic?

Attached: nVsy1pr.jpg (960x1864, 389K)

>flamboyant liberal queer

most of these types are smart enough to recognize that they aren't fit to have cars or guns.

can you guys just go back to Jow Forums already?

one fucktard using a gun irresponsibly doesn't mean anything

Why would you encourage the enemy to have guns? Yes, the enemy. These people want to take away your rights, and when they think about guns they can only imagine committing crimes instead of something like hunting.

I come from a nogunz country, and it's funny how leftard, no matter where in the world, always talk about the same things "hurr if we make guns easier to access, everyone will have guns and then people will start killing each other on the streets over trivial things such as road rage incidents, etc". Except it doesn't happen in real life, the majority of (white) people aren't killing each other over trivial shit, be it with guns, knives or anything else.
But clearly, those fucks have those delusions because that's how they feel they would do things if they had guns. And that news is the proof. She was probably the type to say such a thing, and she ended up doing the very same thing.
Just like that jew who kept saying "my neighbors would kill me if they had guns" but he was actually the only one who thought about killing his neighbors.

Typical projection.

>People who think gun owners are dangerous are dangerous when you give them guns.
