Syria Happening General

Tonights the night Pt. 2 (fingeres crossed edition)

Highlights so far

>Russia claims it will retaliate against targets that attack Syria
>European airspace controllers issue warning of possible military action to airlines
>trump tweeting
>P8 Poseidon flights around the eastern Mediterranean
>russian naval "exercise" off the coast of Syria
>UK orders submarines into position to strike Syria
>France claims to have proof Assad is responsible
>UK Cabinet agree on the "need for action", decided no parliamentary vote is required.

Attack window 2200-0400 Zulu 0000-0600 Local

Live updates here

Attached: TLAM-attack.jpg (1299x752, 502K)

Other urls found in this thread:,34.24/7

Live flight data here


Quiet right now, photo of one of the P8's from last night

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Wait I thought nothing was going to happen? Didn't Mattis say there was no proof?

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Thought the window for airstrikes ends at 4am local time?

You don't fire Tomahawks from aircraft.

who said syria needs to be tomahawked?

Attached: Storm-Shadow-BROACH.jpg (2916x907, 274K)

>Wait I thought nothing was going to happen? Didn't Mattis say there was no proof?

Thats old news.

France's President Emmanuel Macron says he has "proof" that the Syrian government attacked the town of Douma with chemical weapons last weekend.

He said he would decide "in due course" whether to respond with air strikes.

Urine and blood samples from victims of the attack have tested positive for chlorine and a nerve agent, media reports quote US officials as saying.


>Thought the window for airstrikes ends at 4am local time?

It's not an official window, but usually, you do these things in that 6-hour window when the fewest people are about.

there's a strong historical precedent.

>France's President Emmanuel Macron says he has "proof" that the Syrian government attacked the town of Douma with chemical weapons last weekend.
I don't know anybody in or from Douma. Fuck em

So Russia has stated they’ll target the launch platforms of any cruise missiles fired into Syria. What are the odds they follow through on that?