This triggers the Kraut

>this triggers the Kraut

Attached: TrenchGun.jpg (600x450, 72K)

>Be me
>reading desert punk
>"That shotgun is so cool, wish they still made them."
>go to Jow Forums
>gonna make a thread about discontinued guns you wish you could have
>see this

>always wanted a trench gun
>always too fucking expensive
>see 1897 at pawn shop for $275
>but that shit immediately
>1899 manufacture date with an unmolsted 30" barrel
>can't bring myself to cut it down, still no trench gun
maybe some day I'll get a reproduction or already cut down model.

They were made for a long time and sporting models are cheap and fairly easy to convert to trench guns. There are still reproductions made as well.

Do not ever cut down that gun

I will execute any soldier spotted with such behind the wire!

I know, I never will
I actually got a 2nd one from the same pawn shop, but traded it for an AK.

Reproductions aren't the same. I want mine that no one else has fired. Every time I get a new gun I feel like a middle schooler seeing a titty for the first time.

I've found the ultimate home defense weapon. Just imagine if you have to use it and end up in court. Imagine the look on the faces in the courtroom when they present this as evidence and it has a bayonet the size of a dragon dildo on it. It will be priceless.

Attached: 1523543284013.jpg (474x355, 19K)

>I want mine that no one else has fired.
best invent a time machine then, faggot.
If you want a new one, repro is your only option. Which yes, they are near identical to the originals.