Russia’s military options to counter US strike in Syria

-Stop some of the missiles with s400s
-Jam sensors of ships launching missiles
-Russia could have stopped a dozen previous attacks, but chose not too

Actual summary:
-Russia's stuff is inadequate and doesn't work
-They will be raped like it always has

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What do YOU think Russias options are?
Doesn't have to be just Syria. Russia could respond in other areas too.

>lurk moar faggot

they could invade the balitcs to distract from syria

fuck i cannot type today

That would be a PR nightmare for Russia and turn global opinion against them.

i dont think russia's PR could get any worse at this point. they kind of hit a new low with that airliner over Ukraine and haven't recovered since.

Far too expensive a proposition. Jamming and Air Def are far more viable.

they could shoot down some US planes to make a point.

That makes no sense. Unless you mean shooting yourself in the head is technically a "distraction".

Mercs fighting for the post coup ukraine gov shot down the plan thinking it was Putins returning jet.

Considering the S400 batteries will most likely be manned by Russians they are off limits to any potential airstrikes. So the most likely scenario is they attempt to intercept what they can as a real world weapons test. Highly doubtful any attempts will be made to engage the destroyers who launched the missiles but crazier things have happened. That would effectively be the start of WW3. So if your goal is to get the Russians and Americans to kill each other sink a US Navy destroyer or even take a shot at one just like what happened in Yemen.

I recall a panel from Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns. The launch of a 200Mt Proton ICBM called "Coldmaker", in it, Ronnie says of the Corto Maltese conflict that was a parody of Cuba (come on, its fiction), "Good news! The Soviets have given up their pursuit of Corto Maltese" Mind you he is saying this from shuttle in orbit. "The bad news is they sure are sore losers."

getting involved in another conflict to take pressure off an ally is a viable strategy

Great so they can lose in TWO fronts. Putin you are of genius.

Not when the ally is a member of the largest defensive alliance on Earth.

Russia could easily take the Balkans

>Russia could easily take the Balkans
You mean the Baltics, look at a map.
They could take them but they won't be able to hold them.
So now the situation is: Russia now losing in Syria because they can't support their forces there, Syrian forces are a moot point and to top it all off they push every nation in Europe into the US' camp.

>They could take them but they won't be able to hold them.
yes they can.
they have more than enough power too. no European military can go against them and the US wouldnt have the stomach for anything that isnt bombing hajis

>yes they can.
But can they hold them? If given enough time the EU can muster enough forces to kick them out, they have more men and more numerous advanced equipment. Not to mention an actual working economy. The sanctions alone would cripple Russia in ways that make the current sanctions look like child's play.
>US wouldnt have the stomach for anything that isnt bombing hajis
Well apprently in this universe the war has already broken out in Syria with an assured US victory due to the meager amount of Russians there and the laughable state of the Syrian army. So presumably the US/NATO has beaten them once and has the resolve to kick Russia out of the Baltics. If they fought over a piece of desert hundreds of miles away from Europe, it's guaranteed to go to bat for EU/NATO states if there is an invasion (one in which Russia is the clear aggressor.)

>US has military bases and major allies in the area
>US has satelites
>US has P8's constantly patrolling

>The US won't notice half of russia's armed forces mobilizing into western/north europe

>The US has military bases all around the Black Sea
>The US has satellites
>The US has the Doland Cuck in the Black Sea

>Not stupid enough to believe that the US wouldn't notice the little green men mobilizing into Crimea.

And they would have gotten away with it to if it wasn't for those meddling satelite images and radar telemetry.

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They did tho
