Gun Waifus

Thread hit post limit and didn't get to finish saying how my garand gets just what she deserves.

So I figured I'd ask you: do you have any guns that get just what they deserve?

Old thread

Attached: My Garand Trap.jpg (1280x1920, 959K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>how my garand gets just what she deserves.

no garand deserves an owner who possesses maid outfits and rainbow stockings.

Your rifle looks very cute!
I'm sure she feels very happy in that maid outfit.

this is what it looks like when a meme jumps the shark

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Gonna go play with my mountain of dicks until I pass out.

>Gonna go play with my mountain of dicks until I pass out.

where do they find these people?

Jow Forums is a magical place for everyone, user. No one here should be surprised by this anymore.

Attached: Garand dick collection.jpg (2400x1600, 1.86M)

now show a pic with yourself wearing that


Jesus Christ dude. There is no scenario in which you are not a total degenerate for owning that amount of dragon dildos. I could see maybe owning 5 and still being somewhat of a normal closeted weirdo. But that amount. That amount is just fucked up man.

There's more money in dragon dildos there than in the gun.

Is this song constantly playing at your place?

>that natascha
Thats a really gross color user and it looks like it has shit all over it.

That rifle Is In pain, just look at It.
All those soldiers that died gripping that sweet walnut, hoping someday It might sit mounted above some fireplace In a nice cabin, In remembrance of there sacrifice....

But no. It's here.

Attached: IMG_8978.jpg (400x266, 21K)

I see a good product there, user.

I hope you enjoy.

Attached: 1502873976.maplesquid_rotarr_drago.jpg (735x980, 239K)

>of there sacrifice....

America was used to bring down Europe. Once it served it's role the flood gates were open and the country went from 90% white to 56% white in just a few decades.

If mainly white soliders knew they were fighting for this they would never set their foot in Europe.

You have too go back.

Attached: IMG_9671.jpg (1024x693, 70K)

Alright. The good boys defeated natzies. But why is Germany still occupied 70+ years after war the same with Japan?

Why is Israel allowed to have nukes but not some Arab country, or an ex axis country like Japan or Germany?

this is some /v/ level faggotry

Faggotry is shilled on all boards. Just days ago faggots were caught running a discord server where they planned organised raids on r9k.

They use the same tactics here. Faggotry was always k so now you must accept unrelated faggot shit

WTF I hate Garand owners now!

Yeah, I hate it too. I think I didn't use it for a long time so it just sat on a shelf and eventually developed that color on the base. Also have a few toys with random black spotting, and I'm not sure how that happens.

Unfortunately. Jews. Jews. And Jews.

To be fair, it's probably just been sitting in a Philippine warehouse for the longest time, waiting to feel the touch of any owner again.

I have enjoyed.

How Jow Forums are sergals in all honesty

I'm just coming back after being away from Jow Forums for like six years, and I'm surprised how much of a positive reaction my sergal body pillow got, like in the old thread.

Have you been away from other fur fags too because 6 years is about how long ago it was acceptable to like sergals

Attached: JPEG_20180328_090643.jpg (202x202, 8K)

Attached: 20180413_202144.jpg (1400x2074, 2.02M)

Using a sig brace for its one true purpose.

Attached: 20180407_225049.jpg (2988x3317, 678K)

Feels like I see them more nowadays, and they seem quite frequently a bit more edgy, as one would expect from a creature with so many sharp corners and made by the Japanese. So I guess it makes sense that the furfags of Jow Forums like them.