ITT: Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread

Big Brain Boris Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw too intelligent to gas civilians

So do you have a question?
Or are you just starting a thread because there isn't one?

is it habbening?

the real Habbening?

Not OP, but this is the smart move.
If you post a question in the OP, you know what happens? You get 200 replies, 195 of which are their own new questions. Now he gets to reap the sweet (you)s without the frustration of thinking his question is answered, only to be disappointed again when it's just some dumbass with another question.

How did the Panzer IV compare to other tanks from its area

Attached: 1523187636216.webm (1280x720, 1.17M)

Well yeah the other thread is on page 11.

Is WWIII imminent?

wait fuck it's already here

Attached: FB_IMG_1507086094049.jpg (280x291, 11K)

I have a possibility of getting a mp5 for $1500.
Hk parts in a SW receiver.
Do I do it Jow Forums?
I'd have to spend the additional money for the SBR tax stamp also.

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