Garand or AR

Just saved up some money and I'm looking to buy something for myself. I'm having a hard choice in getting either an M1 Garand or an AR15. The reason I want a Garand is just for aesthetics and history, but I want to shoot it as well so I don't want some rack grade shit. The reason for the AR, well I'll be honest I don't have one and they've never been too appealing to me. But over time they grabbed my attention and I want to build my own. Due to being married and having a family I can only pick one so what shall it be Jow Forums, AR15 or M1 Garand?

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I would get a garand.

The AR15 is only getting better and cheaper. The same is not true of the garand, it's only getting rarer and more expensive.

garand. fantastic rifle and won't be available forever. ARs however will be around for a long time, and cheap as well.

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Garand and a AR lower you can slowly build up parts for

the only answers to this question user

What's a good price for a garand?


I know a guy who has one for sale. I think it's a Springfield.
Not sure what he'd sell it to me for. Just getting an idea.
Thanks man

What about ammo?

Get an AR-15.
When the Dems take over Congress in 2018 they will ban AR-15's.
But won't ban the Garand for some reason.


buy some and shoot it

They’ll ban the garand for being a weapon of war, designed for the military, has a bayonet lug, and fires high power ammunition. It also is chambered in the most readily available armor piecing round on the market as well.

If you do AR, go classic and do an a1 or a2. Then you get asthetic and function

But if he shoots the ammo what will he put in his gun?

his penis

buy some cans, save the brass, practice reloading on other ammo, get proficient at it, reload the m1 brass.

Garands are fat tubby phuckers, and picky as fuck about ammo, you're limited to actual vintage ww2/Korean war ammo or handloading to mimic it exactly. Get an AR. If you want aesthetics get a Colt SP1 from the early 70's, with the 3-prong flash hider and no forward assist or brass deflector.

>Due to being married and having a family I can only pick one

Sounds like you need to pick a better job. I'm married, multiple kids, mortgage, etc and I can still afford to blow money on funs.


This is a great answer. You can always get an AR later.

Why even post if you're going to be this much of a fucking retard? Nobody cares that your nigger wife and kids don't require much money to keep happy and that you can afford your $1k mortgage for your mudhut while still buying a couple hipoints every once in a while on your McDonald's salary.

you are one dumb nigger

Only right answer. Find a basic bitch lower for sale online and get that. Then get the parts as they come up.

>mfw CMP has M1 Garands
>mfw car broke down and have to get a new one

Garand or Car guys?

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you already got feet user

Garand is big, heavy, uses weird ammo, and isn't very useful for anything other than taking to the range once in a while, or petting softly while you whisper sweet nothings, both of you drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

The AR15 is basically everything the Garand isn't - lightweight, useful, can be made into anything you like, and doesn't want to cuddle except after sex, and then only for like five minutes because it's "too hot" and "you're squishing me".

Choose wisely.

Privi sells new production 30-06 thats garand safe for the same price as surplus hxp now.

Wow way to project.

>garand safe
snowflake ammo requirement confirmed
OP, get an AR unless you want a primadonna inaccurate whale-sized gun that you'll shoot once then 10 yrs later you'll see it in your safe behind your AR15's and wonder why you ever thought this was a good idea.


The Garand, of course. Sellier and Bellot makes M2 ball clone ammo for about $0.60/Rd which ain't bad.

Remember to NEVER use hunting loads in it unless you've got an adjustable gas plug, and even then be gentle with her. Perhaps more out of respect than necessity, but still.

I paid about $1090 for mine but it was a prewar in the mid 300k serial number range. Gas cylinder wobbles despite my efforts to fix it and she's not in impeccable condition cosmetically but I love her nonetheless and that serial number is pretty damned low which is cool. She's actually prewar by a couple months.

Anyway, there's far, FAR more history with a Garand than an AR. And if you're in a pinch she'll kick as much ass as she did the day she was born. Just remember that a 30-06 WILL make it to your neighbor's house through yours, probably.

Then you can use it to tactically aquire an automobile.

Seeing that Jow Forums doesn't use guns for anything but LARPing OP will get alot more mileage from the Garand.
Get the Garand, get this, shoot whatever the fuck .30-06 you desire.

Still digging that hole I see.

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Garand and an $80 bike from Walmart.

100% this. Go ahead and buy the "gun" of the ar now for like 30 bucks

Get a 308 garand, so you get an iconic gun that shoots more common ammo.

Get a gas plug as well.

Not my fault you're mentally deficient.

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Yep. AR market ain't going anywhere. Get a garand before they dry up.

If you've already got a shotgun and pistol (right choice for first guns) get the AR, Garand will be regretted later. Also, when you realize how much wear you put on a no longer produced rifle you'll feel a little bad too.

Garand, them get a gas plug from Garand gear and you can shoot hot loads through it like the niggers do to your mother, fag.

A nigger and his propane tourch after he put the stock in the dishwasher. I would take the AR before that piece of trash that bubba dicked.

The price tag on an AR is only going to go up come November, thanks to all the panic-buying.

Why not a3?

Hey my man, for what it's worth, I wish I chose the M1 as my first gun. I've always liked them but they really will only get more expensive and the eternal boomer will always horde M1s fresh from the CMP. In a few groups I'm in on facebook I know some of the members own garands in the dozens. I also see at the gun show they sell regular M1s for double the price, I only was lucky enough to get mine for 800 last summer.
But anyway, they're fantastic rifles, a classic but not totally obsolete either so they are still pretty good shooters.
I own nearly ten guns and if all of them had to get shredded but one I would keep the M1.

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why not both?