/arg/ AR thread

AR thread
Tripfag containment

shitposthandgunARSCARtrapsautisticplayhouse edition


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Most fitting edition yet.

You know, considering how far along I am with my A4gery build I was thinking if i should continue on or do something like your upper. I still haven't ordered my barrel....

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Can someone recommend a Loctite type for my suppressor host flash hider? Can't get Rockset here atm (local Brownells has troubles with export permits).

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DI creedmoor guns can be finicky with the pressure spikes. Would recommend a prebuilt gun for most people. Though the first AR I owned was a 6.5 creedmoor, I used a noveske barrel, and few people had issues with them.

The issues have been ironed out enough to the point that socom is going creedmoor with the m110 and SCAR. But yes, the pressure curve on the 308 is much more forgiving on DI

Attached: Barreled Reciever.jpg (2560x1440, 810K)

What that old and sold mk12? Aesthetic and accurate, but ultimately heavy and boring.

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And ACRs

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A2 I changed my MOE for a KAC RAS and my sight for a magtech, are you happy now?

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I wouldnt piss on you if you were onfire

If not rocksett, a super high temp (ceramic) type threadlocker is best. Otherwise just plain loctite is not awful. It will mostly burn off, the remaining charred bits will still help.

So whats the whole story of wgws shooting fa and A2? Were they picking up targets at the range and wgws was too deaf to hear the cease fire?