Guard animal thread

Post your sentry animals

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Keep the yard safe, pupper

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I have four of these, sadly the grenades didn't come included.

Get lost in the floof

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Good Lord, look at the size of that fucking cat

I am in awe at the size of this lad
Absolute unit

Yeah, he’s a big boi. I love how I can stack shit on him and it just gets lost in his fur.

Unit is a good descriptor.

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this thread needs more battle buns

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I remember you from the other thread, do you pet the buns, eat the buns, or both?

Giant floofy cats are the best. Post pics of black one also.

these are not my buns. I just really like buns.

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if they were my buns i'd pet the shit outta them

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any idea on the breed? kinda looks like an angora.

battlebun guy is my favorite poster on Jow Forums

ask not for whom the battlebun operates, it operates for thee

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>tfw my battlebuns are 400 miles away
>tfw cant pet battlebuns
>tfw cant operate with battlebuns
i miss my buns

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cat is thinking, look at this faggot

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Your guard cat is unarmed; battlebun can protect you

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>Giant floofy cats are the best.
You must like eating cat hair.

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awww hes all fat and fluffy

She’s small but just as poofy.

No idea, they’re both shelter cats. I have a soft spot for longhairs.

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great thread you guys, these are outstanding.

also checked

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Him as a pupper

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I recommend a battlebun for pupper protection

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They can be delivered straight to your door with no FFL

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Common sense battlebun legislation would have all citizens, who desire one, receive a battlebun on their 18th birthday.

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>Peace was never an option

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This pic is 4 years old but he was taking great interest in some x54r, back when it was cheap

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>battlebun ready with a reload

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>it smells like communism, why is this here?

Suns out (battle)Buns out

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His reaction

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Last pic

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Tovarish kitty has only a taste of the good life

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Entry Sentry. Cops have been canvasing a slum around the corner, and she has been antsy.

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arm pupper to alleviate pupper anxiety

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>yuo see comrade
>when yuo look of carpet
>enemy no shoot, for fear of shooting own foot

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Self defence tarantula

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Clean your room user. Cute bun.

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These aren't my buns. I'm just too far away from my buns, so I save all battlebun pics I see since I can't make any for a while.

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Also, checked.

Quints and trips checked
Battlebun for celebration

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Last Battlebun, its been a pleasure serving you all.

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I don't own a Garand, would rust from an EB clip spread to the rifle itself? Or only if was left in for a time?

Land stalker reporting for duty.

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It should only spread through frequent or constant contact, but that rust should clean up easy if whomever owns it doesn't mind fucking a patina

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plz no step

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wabbit season

my dingo dongo, Chester

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>when hunting wabbits, you are the one in season

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"This is the way we build the fort, build the fort, build the fort... This is the way we build the fort, so early in the wartime"

Jesus Christ Josh get your life together, lose some weight.

Dont fuck with Dom

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How can I be a faggot with glawk fortay problem solver?

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my doggos don't judge. neither do the curs I've rescued in my day.

but yeah, was quite the hambeast back then.

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Well, I don't know if I LIKE it......

>cat hair: it's a fashion accessory AND a condiment

10/10 would cuddle

The cat or the gun?


>be former gf
>cop on duty
>checking on security of empty vacation homes
>go up to gate
>see piece of that cool looking multicolored rope that looks all camo and shit laying up against gate
>reach down to pick up rope
>head pops up at end of rope
>nope on out of there

She said the people in the next county over probably heard her.

The kitty, she is adorable.

I lost my fluffy Bess in January. She was so old, I had no idea how sick she was. When she started going downhill I kept taking her in to the vet and we kept finding more and more things wrong with her. When we found the cancer it was time to let her go. I visit her grave almost everyday.
Absolutely the worst Christmas of my entire life and I've had quite a few of them already.

Remove Honk

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These are my buns from 5-6 years ago
This is how they look like now. Taken two weeks ago.

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I would take that home for dinner, couldn't ask for a cleaner shot.

So close

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Settled for once and for all, the forward assist IS useful!

but why


Sorry to hear that, user.

Why not?

>tune o matic without adjustable saddles

Because it's a duck, retard

He looks so pure. I would waste 1 million atf to protect the battle bun

Also my retarded Maltese. She managed to do this a couple times

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Why so salty?

What the hell dude. Ducks are bros. Honks are the niggers. Here's a handy chart

Ducks = Bros (do not harm, feed bread)

Geese, Swans = Dicks (Remove immediately)

Bread is bad for them you cunt