Gotham is taken hostage, what do?

>You are in command of the United States Armed Forces
>Bane has taken over Gotham
>All exits are destroyed/blocked
>Intervention will result in nuke detonation if noticed
>Bane's militia are armed with various AR's, SMG's, LMG's, typical ISIS fare plus tumblers which have AA/AT capabilities
>Bomb will detonate in 5 months if you do nothing

Attached: bigguy.jpg (1920x1080, 138K)

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Wait until batman secures the nuke out and spam his ass with AA.

Defect to the side of Bane

Why would we use the AA on batman?

Put Gotham in California and wait for the nuke to explode.

The fire rises.


Alright, before answering I need to know this: are we in Nolan's cinematic universe or can I phone Superman to solve this in 5 seconds by flying straight through Bane and then having the Green Lantern Corps to mop up Bane's militia?

Nolan universe

Call his bluff and launch a drone strike. If he nukes gotham one less librul shithole, and if he doesn't he's a big bitch