AR-15 Upper Receiver Vise Block?

So I got a cheap AR-15 armorer's tool kit like the picture. My upper receiver vise block has two halves and goes together with the upper in-between the blocks. I've seen some more expensive ones with dummy bolts inside of the upper receiver before it's clamped between the two blocks. Do I need this or will the version I have without a dummy bolt carrier group do just fine?

Attached: 4244242342.jpg (1000x1000, 80K)

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recommend the DPMS panther claw

its fine ive used mine for 3 rifles with no issues

I made do with a system like yours for years. I bought one of the Kley-Zion rods because it isolates the torque on the barrel extension - not on the receiver. The fake bolt can help a little. I was always careful. The jewrod is almost foolproof.

>Kley-Zion rods

How does the Kley-Zion rod keep the upper in place so you can screw the nut onto the receiver?

Does a magpul bev block work well for those things? They seem like a nice package and I like the design

the "dummy bolt" thing you're talking about is probably a reaction rod and it's superior to a vise block.

The only downside is that they only make rods for .223 and .308 afaik

>thing you're talking about is probably a reaction rod
I think he means the accessory that comes with the Peace River block set. Pic related.

Attached: peace.river.jpg (500x500, 74K)

yes that's it, isn't that a dummy bolt?

>How does the Kley-Zion rod keep the upper in place?
It does not have to do so. The jewrod captivates the barrel extension. The barrel extension keeps the receiver indexed by way of the index pin in the barrel extension that was designed for this purpose. Pic related.

Attached: index-pin.jpg (640x480, 22K)