First Gun

Hello Jow Forums, I grew up in a liberal house where my mother was insanely anti-gun. I thought the same way until I hit 16. I am now 19 and want to buy a gun for plinking and potential home defense. Any suggestions?

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Tell us your budget. I would lean toward getting an AR as long as you can afford something above poorfag-tier, since you will eventually buy one anyway.

I'm willing to spend as much time as necessary to get the money for the right gun. Want it to be the only gun I buy until I'm making a decent amount.

Start with a .22 rifle to learn the fundamentals.
After that a handgun would be a good choice for plinking and home defense

He's too young to legally buy a handgun.

Guns are expensive, but it might be worthwhile getting something inexpensive like a Savage MarkIIG(L if left eye dominant) for cheap plinking to learn fundamentals on and then something more adequate for home defense afterwards. Hell, even a Marverick88 would be adequate.

AR, hands down. Cheap but not useless ammo, common parts, pretty cheap gun.

Getting a .22 is cucking yourself if you're not going to buy another rifle any time soon.

I was looking at some AR's. I gotta get a license to buy a long gun sadly, but it seems like a good option. Pretty sure if I get one, though, I'll be disowned.

Marlin Model 60

Buying a .22 as his first gun will make him get bored quickly. He’s not a kid.

OP, there are AR deals all the time, so don’t rush into buying any one brand just because someone on Jow Forums told you it’s good. That being said, Bravo Company used to be considered the best for the money. Don’t know if that’s necessarily still true since Colts and LWRCs have been getting cheaper as well. Prices fluctuate so much that it’s hard to say what the real “best” AR for the money. Just ignore anyone who tells you should buy a poverty-tier PSA or Anderson, and gradually replace all the shitty parts with good parts. That’s a waste of money, and people who do that are poor for a reason. I was able to afford a $1.2k AR while working minimum wage a few years ago. You just have to have discipline, and not get sucked into the vacuum of poorfaggotry.

t. 29 year old who could have bought some nice guns by now if he didn’t buy so many $500 guns earlier

In that case, wait until you can move out on your own if possible. Now is not a good time to buy an AR if you are living with libfag parents due to all the school shooting propaganda.

>Getting bored with .22's
Then you're doing it wrong. Shoot at interesting targets, start shooting on the clock, increase the range as far as you can or a combination of the above.

>Buying a .22 as his first gun will make him get bored quickly. He’s not a kid.

fuck you and fuck this mindset

Eat a dick faggot. Despite owning 7k worth of firearms my .22 is still my favorite to shoot.

Let’s be real: Kids get into guns because of cawadooty and CS:GO. Let OP have some fun being tacticool if he can only have one gun for the time being.

10/22 with a 25 round mag is decent for home defense. 22 is a must for first timers unless you have a lot of mental to spend on ammo a 22 is cheap to buy and shoot. It also is good for home defense with a high cap mag.

Everyone likes shooting .22s because they’re cheap. OP specifically said he can probably only purchase one gun for the foreseeable future, and he wants something for potential home defense. AR is the way to go, faggots.

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>22 is good for home defense

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>i think i can take 8 rounds of 22 to the chest
He said high cap mags big man.

better hope the other guy doesn't have a gun too m8

Jamal will dome you with his Glawk Fo’ty before he even feels the 22. If someone breaks into your home, you want something that will stop him immediately.

If you're living under their roof it's their rules. As much as I disagree with anti-gunners you really do need to respect your parents' wishes if you're still sucking their teats.
That said you might get away with having a 10/22 in the meantime. Start small and save up money to move out.

Have you ever exercised your right to self defense? Trust me when niggers get shot at they run like cockroaches. Just personal experience and storys you hear from people living in the hood.

Its not ideal but it is the best choice for a 19 yearold, new shooter.

Pistol caliber carbines might be pretty much only thing that is useful as home defense gun and cheap plinker. I'd still go with .22lr if you have to live with commie parents.
>Buying a .22 as his first gun will make him get bored quickly. He’s not a kid.
Oh, a brainlet.

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How about a nice lever-action 45-70?

get a 12 gauge for 200$ and shoot clay

It's fun as fuck and great for learning high-stress shooting.

*He’s too young to legally buy a handgun from a FFL

Private purchase senpai

Only one gun + under 21 = shotgun

You can shoot birds, snakes, possums, deer, bear, and niggers with appropriate shot or slug. Buck shot is good for both buck deer and buck niggers.

Also his communist jew faggot parents will be less scared of a shotgun.

looking more into a rifle. A shotgun is more probable for home defense, but I'd prefer something more accurate so I could practice aiming and go hunting in the future if the opportunity arises.

Get an AK.
If 7.62x39 is hard to come by, get one in 5.56 or .308.

Great guns, "safe" from AR-15 witchhunts, and easy to master. Good for hunting as well.
SKS are fine too.

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As a owner of a vector I don't normally recommend it, but it is fun. Semi-affordable (depending on budget of course) It's great for plinking and can use home defense pistol rounds. They come with a 13 round G21 magazine which I would encourage to get an extender so you can have 25. They come in all different kind of calibers now as well. They might be goofy looking but again they are fun to shoot. inb4 semi auto takes away the purpose of the vector

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His retarded parents will probably freak the fuck out for buying a scary looking black killing machine.

OP fuck your retarded parents and fuck you too faggot

>have liberal parents
>omg user why would you buy an assault baby killing school shooting rootin tootin murdermachine ?
>It's because it's black, isn't it you fucking racists ?

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just get an AR so she completely loses her mind. she needs to be mentally punished and tormented for imposing her bullshit on another human being and denying you your basic human rights.

also get a bolt action .22 to learn the basics

As long as I get wood furniture on any weapon, I'm pretty sure I can get it

Shotguns are lot different in real life than the video games you've played.
A full choke or a rifled barrel w/ slugs will hit things accurately quite a nice distance away.
Fun as hell to go skeet shooting too.


First off, what state do you live in? If AR-15s are legal there they're actually a good starting gun, and they're fine for home defense. Just get a basic one, but not so basic that it's trash.

Good news, OP - I made a video especially for people in your situation:

>better hope the other guy doesn't have a gun too m8
His bullets may be faster.

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BCM AR-16, flat top 16 inch barrel upper and put a red dot and back up irons on it. Either buy one of their lowers or build your own if you are into it (better to build than buy, but takes tools and time). Will probably run you about 1500$ when its all said and done but is a great defense gun, fun/cheap to shoot and accurate enough that it will take you years to get everything out of it that it has to offer.


>Start with a .22 rifle to learn the fundamentals.
I hate this advice. Buy what you want first and learn from it. .22 rifles are so damn boring.

The Mini-14 is similar to an AR-15 in that it's a semi-auto .223, but it uses proprietary magazines and isn't as good in general. Advantage is that it just looks like a "hunting rifle".

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depends what style of gun youre looking for. if you want something more fuddy you could get a fulton armory or inland m1 carbine. otherwise get an ar/ak.

I live in CT, so extra harsh laws. There's one variant of the AR-15 that's legal, but it looks very odd.

You could get one of these, because they don’t have evil pistol grips, and are designed to be cuck-state legal:

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You should definitely go for an intermediate caliber for a first gun. If you want a home defense gun, a semi-auto would work best. AR or AK. You'll find not shit ones (either) for around $700-800.

fug it. Go full Ares SCR if you want a 5.56.

10/22 is a good starter rifle, and you can use it for varmint hunting. Not really keen on .22LR as a defensive cartridge though.

If you value home defense over plinking, you could get a mossberg pump (500 is a good one, I got the combo package), and get into clay shooting (and birb hunting), while using the 18.5 inch chamber bore barrel for home defense.

Also mini14 is an option for 5.56. Make sure to get a newer one, as the older ones are worse.

Mini-14 or SKS would be great choices. Totally legal, intermediate caliber, semi-auto, and affordable ($900-1000 and $350-400 respectively).