Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums,

Recently I've started to buy funs for fear of actual. Legislation against high cap magazines and scary AR-15s so I picked up (Pic related) and I'm a big fan of SBR's. Other than the PS90, which has been on back order for months, what should I look out to add to my collection?

Thanks for any tips or help.

Attached: 20180415_194832.jpg (4032x3024, 3.94M)

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whats ur net worth? what do u do for a living? asking for a friend

Does your friend want to be my shooting buddy?

um user, you have a cuck lock on your gun. you should take that off and throw it in the trash

maybe after he buys his first gun. hes deciding between a h&k usp and a glock 19. also going to buy an ar soon because you and him share the same fears about legislation. back to my friends question

Did you really just take a picture of your new gun inside your care to humble brag about the kind of car you have?

Are you saying cars and guns and worth bragging about? Are you a male? Just curious.
I'm honestly expecting some meme legislation that will cuck everyone to California standards. Net worth is hard to determine because of leveraged debt. I'm cash solvent but I reinvest heavily often enough to not have too much cash on hand.


You might want to do some thinking before you come around the slums to tease the poor people.

lol did you take a picture in somebody's bentley with a gun that still has the gunshop's lock on it?
is the bentley the shop owner's because I might know where you were

what kind of investing? sorry if im being too intrusive im just jealous as fuck, i mean my friend is