Attached: The Walking Dead 8x16 _Eugene made bad bullets_ Season 8 Episode 16 HD _Worth_ Season Finale [720p]. (1280x720, 2.67M)
I have not seen this show in years, what the hell is happening!?
The Saviors invested in Glock brand ARs, AKs and 1911s. Big mistake.
For real Eugene sabotaged all the Savior's bullets to make them asplode when shooted.
Good thing i stopped watching in season 3.
You missed the most kino episode if you stopped prior to episode 15.
Merle was the only good part of that show.
Why are they all standing in a big line like that like it's the 18th century?
Because they have the high ground!
Do glocks really explode? How likely is it that a bullet gets trapped in a barrel and me not knowing i shoot and gun explodes?
With a glock the odds are probably like 1/10 that you blow your hand off with each shot. So with something like a glock 19 that has a 17 round magazine it is pretty much certain you will lose your hand before you fire all 17 rounds.
Do you have a first gen in .40?
Yes, all the time. It was an epidemic back in the late 2000's
>How likely
Less likely now, meaning extremely likely as opposed to 100%
No seriously. Stop memeing for once and tell me what the likelihood is
Same here. Once "The Governor" story line started, I lost a lot of interest. The black chick(Michelle?) with the walkers on chains was kinda cool, but that governor "two men enter one man leave" shit was dumb and I stopped there.
No ive never owned a gun or shot one. Was planning on buying but the idea of shrapnel flying in my face is pretty terrifying
If you shoot .40 out of an unsupported chamber then it is likely.
If you handload and make bullets hotter than recommended for your glock mfg barrel or aftermarket barrel then it is likely.
With a new Glock and non-handloaded ammo, never.
the very first 40s&w glocks had unsupported chambers and were not rated for +p ammo, but people are dumb and tried anyway leading to the exploding glocks. Glock quickly redesigned the 40s&w chamber and it hasn't been a problem since. The likelihood today of your glock exploding is approaching zero.
Then I suggest you buy quality and if you handload make sure your bullets remain within specs.
Honestly not any more than any other handgun Its not enough that it should even influence your opinion.
The glocknade meme comes from the fact that some models of glocks don't fully support the brass casing of the bullet. This leaves a small portion of the bullet casing unsupported. It is possible the casing can fail. This results in the pressure being vented inside the gun which is inside the palm of your hand.
It is rare, but possible. Not all models of glocks have this issue.
Ok thank you. So dont put in higher velocity bullets than your gun is built for. Got it but what happens if u do? Does your hand really explode or flying metal everywhere?
No. Depends on the gun and the type of failure. Also depends on the pressure of the bullet. Can you lose fingers? Yes. Can you walk away with a nasty bruise and some small cuts? Yes.
This is the walking dead right? Yeah, I couldn't stand to watch it after they got to the prison so that's about where I stopped. It just turned into a boring soap opera 80% of the time.
>watching it past season one
wasted so much time my friend
>liberal fantasy / conservative horror situation inside liberal horror / conservative fantasy show
Well no need to catch up on the show, jeez