Is there a reason why some states (ex:NJ) provide provisions which exempt off-duty and/or retired LEOs from guns laws which apply to the general population?
I understand the love for the thin-blue-line runs deep on the right, but it seems counter-intuitive to support these provisions, as it probably significantly cuts down the amount of support for concealed carry, since it is guaranteed to some based on profession.
NJ and other places treat their cops like the friggin STASI. They give them special permissions so they go along with all the gun control bills. I have a feeling they will eventually and slowly be disarmed due to all this BLM crap though.
I love cops in general, especially mine, but NJ cops SUCK. So glad I left that state.
Angel Ramirez
Bootlickers gonna lick...
Chase Smith
Can you clarify? DV?
Brody Perez
Domestic violence
Carter Cook
black lives matter and other paid protest groups only have power in cities like baltimore which already stand as shining examples of how not to run a city
Michael Brown
New Yorker here. The NY SAFE Act exempts current and retired police officers from pretty much all gun laws with a few exceptions. The biggest reason is because Emperor Cuomo thinks cops are on a higher plane of existence, and they somehow need an upper hand to keep the sheep in line. The SAFE Act had to exempt police from the laws because the laws themselves are unnecessarily strict. The worst part is the exemptions were put in place after the original law was passed.