I am declaring April 15, Gunny day, a religious holiday for Kubist.
We will decide what will be the traditional practices for this day in this thread.
Also, if you haven't yet, go pay your respects.
Ave Nex Alea.
I am declaring April 15, Gunny day, a religious holiday for Kubist.
We will decide what will be the traditional practices for this day in this thread.
Also, if you haven't yet, go pay your respects.
Ave Nex Alea.
God bless
Now he is regrouping with his platoon on the eternal rally field.
20 push-ups
I like it.
What else?
Lots of pics and videos of kommandos shooting watermelons
Mandatory 1.5 mile run at 0500
>Mandatory 1.5 mile run at 0500
That's a bit..much.
Go shooting
+1 fake motivation but also actual motivation you know what I mean.
No taking shit.
Do you love the gunny? Did he not make your childhood better?
We eat brownies
Watching Full metal jacket while cleaning your glock brand glocks of course
Remove Watermelons
I can't do that user. I am slow.
But mail call was amazing. especially the shotgun episode.
We should save this for his birthday. We shouldn't be celebrating his life on the day on his death. March 24th.
Nobody gives a fuck, and Lock n' Load was mediocre my bix nood. The first thought that came to my mind when I heard the gunny was dead was, "Well, that doesn't surpise me." He has like three good movies, and one decent show.
>bet you don't remember him as the pilot in Apocalypse Now
if you can't do a 1.5 mile run you need to correct yourself.
That's..not a bad idea, but I figured we'd honor a warror when they fell, not when they were born.
Clearly people give a fuck.
Also I remember him from FMJ.
He will forever live on in my teen years giving me gun boners
I can do a 1.5 run, but not in five fucking minutes.
>I took this as 5 minutes
Shit my bad.
>Mandatory 1.5 mile run at 0500
>I can do a 1.5 run, but not in five fucking minutes.
i believe you misunderstand
Correction: Only dumb spergs care. Life ends, and you should feel about as much emotion as any other old celebrity you like dying.
>He doesnt know 24 hour time telling
Yeah I got that. 5 Am. again, my bad.
Look where you are. Why do you even come here.
good luck with that, qtddtot was supposed to become the gunny thread but no one gives a fuck. you're probably not going to get anywhere.