I need a gun for home defense but I am very limited due to California laws tell me my options
Home defense guns
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buy a shotgun load it with 00 buck and done
SKS unironically
don't get too fancy, If it truly is for home defense a shotgun is actually optimal for this
Pump shotgun
Double barrel shotgun, lever action rifle or a revolver. Limited option, but options none the less.
if i was in cali i'd prolly go with a 7 shot 357 mag revolver.
How correct is this?
Pump shotgun or sks
Preferably shotgun
This, OP. Youll sleep like a babby and wake up harder than diamonds and excited when you hear a 'bump' in the night
Pump shotgun is the answer.
The real "brown noise" is a 12 gauge shotgun racking in the darkness.
5 rounds of .30 cal + bayonet
If you're handy with stripper clips you can renovate your whole house in 5 minutes.
Theyre great don't get me wrong, but at the distances you're talking. Spread will not come into affect. You'll be hitting someone with the shot still in the cup, now obviously a mass of .32 cal balls is no laughing matter and deadly as shit, spread is not a variable in this situation and should not be taken into account.
>5 rounds
Are u canadian?
I'd suggest sleeping naked next to a bottle of lube, since you'll get fucked by lawyers and eventually niggers if you ever actually have to use a gun there.
It's 10 rounds you silly Canadian.
Mossberg 500, loaded with No. 4 buckshot.
I live in a free state, and that's what sleeps under my bed.
Ah I don't think about California at all I figured they pinned the sks there too. Good news boys, 10 rounds of thirdycal!
not very. an sks will run you 500 in california and they are fucklong. pretty much all semiautos are shit choices in a cali because they are neutered in someway or impractical. the exception being the mini 14.
in ca there are zero restrictions on pump shotguns. other than sbr ing it or making it hold 11 rounds.
now you could get a handgun but a stocked shotgun is so much easier to gain basic proficiency with than a pistol. 12g is more potent than any pistol round.
Bad advice for home defense. You don't want to be wielding around a clunky outdated rifle to blast a perp from across your bedroom. Get an SKS for defending your sheep on the ranch. Get a shotgun for home defense.
Don't listen to this moron
Get it with a wood stock and the jury will always be in your favor
>.30 cal is NOT deadly
>durr XD get a rifle
Sure if you enjoy permanently destroying the hearing of you and all your family members. Just get something a little lighter that still does the trick. Pistol caliber carbines are good choices. A beretta cx4 using 9mm with penetrate 3A armor, can have a huge capacity, its got a lighter report than a regular 9mm, you can fit it with a supressor, its as short as you can legally get etc... THAT is a good choice. You dont necessarily want incredibly high power. Enough to get the job done.
You're a fucking mook.
>Sure if you enjoy permanently destroying the hearing of you and all your family members
all guns will cause you hearing damage you stupid fuck.
Hey, can you send me the memo where a bullet loses lethality depending on the age of the gun that fires it? I must have missed it.
>Cuck AR
Probably the best functionally, but your dick will shrivel every time you touch it. Also, it's only a matter of time
Slightly more ban-safe and not as bad as its memed to be, but way too expensive for what it is.
>Pump action shotgun
Always a good choice and pretty ban safe. Ignore taticool memers and just store it cruiser ready.
>Black powder revolver
The only truly ban safe option, since even if they do ban it, how will they know you have it? Can also be cartridge converted to make it slightly more practical, but realistically it'd be cheaper and more effective to just have two of them in case six shots isn't enough.
The Beretta carbine is an "assault weapon" according to California law and illegal. Suppressors are also illegal, although there's a slim chance thag could change in the future. A Ruger PCC might be a nice choice though. I'm pretty sure those should be OK for CA.
I said it's clunky and outdated, not that it fails to operate because it's old. Making up shit misquotes doesn't make you sound smarter, it makes you sound dumber.
>clunky and outdated
>somehow impedes it's ability to send 10 (TEN) 7.62x39 bullets out at haste
Huh, the more you know.
funny he just keeps making excuses for one of the cheapest and best rifles for budget conscientious individuals
Well that's good you learned to count past five but you're still a moron.
Pray tell. Seems like you have all the answers as to why 10 rounds of x39 center mass won't kill someone. Care to share?
SKS. When you run out of ammo, you can bayonet them
Yes they will, but the difference in 10 to 15 decibels is actually fucking gigantic fir people in adjacent rooms, especially so for young children. The difference between a 12 gauge and a pistol carbine is guaranteed permanent hearing dmg vs MAYBE permanent hearing damage. And in my opinion a 9mm out of a 16 inch barrel is plenty strong enough to down any threats and you're gonna get far faster followups
>but the difference in 10 to 15 decibels is actually fucking gigantic fir people in adjacent rooms
Not really, only those near the shooter and the shooter himself will suffer hearing damage. Even "quieter" guns are capable of causing massive hearing damage even burst ear drums because of it. Pistols and pistol caliber rifles won't spare him even if it is 10-15db quieter as its still way too loud.
>maybe permanent damage vs guaranteed
no this is extremely variable as I described above. Sustained rapid fire from any firearm will cause hearing damage but only one from virtually any common firearm probably won't
Dont overlook a lever action in a pistol caliber
(Pic not mine)
Get the boar grip, pin the shoulder thing that goes up and weld a thread protector to the barre;l and you should be good.
Threads don't matter on rifles, tho. Just handguns. Unless that changed recently.
>Look, I made up another deliberately exaggerated misquote! Haha! That one got him!
Imagine having nothing better to do in your life than this.
I don't know if I agree with that. Anything over 140 decibels is pretty much accepted as the "permanent" damage threshold in most sources I've read. 160+ that youre gonna get with 00 buck self defense style rounds in shotguns etc are way over that. With the right rounds that Beretta carbine actually hovers pretty much around 140. So even if your senpai is really close the odds of damage are way down imo
Yeah, can't imagine why you do it bud.
It's not hard to make a "featureless" AR in California. It's retarded, but not difficult.
But if you don't have a ton of experience with firearms, a pump shotgun is a better option.
I live in a apartment is there any ammo you recommend that wont hurt someone else or go through the wall?
any ammo worth using will go through an American wall or person
hurting someone else is the whole fucking point of a gun.
if your not willing to kill you shouldnt have a gun
22lr hollow points and birdshot of any gauge.
Probably going to use bird shot
Ignoring the other tard, just get ammo that expands really well out of your gun, and avoid the meme hot loads that arent really necessary. Good velocity plus expansion is all you need for pretty much every home defense unless it's the gubbermint
I will use a shotgun cause i never fired a gun in my life and im not that strong
A shotgun with defensive loads has like 6 times the recoil of an AR15
birdshot is useless as a defensive load. .22lr is garbage as well.
Anything that is worth a shit at stopping someone will penetrate several walls. Period.
Video related. It's some random fat cunt taking a load of birdshot to the center of her chest and walking it off like nothing happened.
>not that strong
Not sure what you meant by this, as the recoil from a 12ga is much greater than the recoil from an AR, and probably the weight of the shotgun will be greater than the weight of an AR too, depending on model of shotgun.
However, you should still buy a shotgun.
Im pretty sure he means penetrating the BG AND going through walls. Not one or the other. Pretty sure almost everyone agrees that anything worth a shit goes thru most US walls. Plenty of good rounds will stop IN the bad guy or will exit with too little force to do too much damage in adjacent rooms
I think you've giving him too much credit.
A lightweight, high velocity, 5.56 self defense/hunting round from a box fed, semiautomatic rifle. (Something like 50gr Barnes TSX bullets loaded to reach ~3000fps from a 16.5" barrel.) A 5.56 (not .223) load like this is designed to catastrophically destabilize when it enters a medium, whether that be a person or drywall. This causes the bullet to either fragment or begin tumbling erratically, bleeding tons of energy rapidly. This does a lot of damage inside a person but serve to dissipate most of the bullet's energy if it happens after hitting an intermediate barrier. You're much less likely to kill someone on the other side of two layers of dry wall with 5.56 than say buckshot or 9mm hollowpoints due to the more complex terminal ballistics of such a 5.56 load. Buckshot is just a couple of metal balls moving fast that will continue to move fast straight through a wall. Pistol calibers function much the same way, even hollowpoints when they hit something soft yet brittle like drywall as it will not cause significant expansion. These lightweight, high velocity 5.56 loads depend on that high velocity to do their damage. Otherwise they'll just icepick. The lightweight only serve to mitigate recoil and overpenetration.
>B-but muh ears
Hearing is for faggots. Pistol AR.
Your ears are going to be bleeding no matter what, may as well run something small and handy.
Your most basic single action revolver in .38 spl or .357 mag will do just fine. What's needed, is a philosophy of engagement. Get closer. Within 10 ft, if possible. Even the lowly .22 lr will work quite well within ten feet. Then practice, practice, practice.
>single action revolver
Okay there cowboy
>people ITT unironically suggesting leverguns and single action revolvers
We New Vegas now.
He's not wrong.
This. It doesn't matter if one of them was raping your wife while trying to kill your dog. If you kill a black in CA for ANY REASON, you're a racist piece of shit and they'll pressure the courts to give you a life sentence.
Here’s how ir will probably go out
>be me
>hear a thump
>grab shotgun
> shoot the fucker
>next day go to court
>go to jail
>libs start protesting to make self defense illegal
>jerry Brown signs the paper
>get out of jail
>go to house robber’s family sued me for all my shit
>Shoots you center mass with single action
>Within 5 ft
>Hole in your brisket
>Tips cowboy hat, no second shot needed
>le epic meme
Fuck off. We have Castle Doctrine, SYG, and fleeing felon laws. ANYBODY comes into my house uninvited, they have a better than average chance of leaving on a gurney. Depends on how fast they can follow simple commands.
Rock salt.
Then grab your ankles and get ready for the legal assraping you’ve just earned by using less than lethal ammunition.
>tfw killing Jamal is bad,but hurting him is worse!
Leverguns and single-action revolvers are among some of the finest weapons ever made, but I would choose neither for home defense.
For home defense you want a 12ga shotgun or a 9mm/.45 auto pistol. All other answers are wrong.
Have a photo to share with you guys
>be me
>see post about anti gun protest
>troll and say to make self defense illegal
>the person liked my comment
>mfw they might actually want to do it
Pic related go and spam them with pro gun comments (im hackerman_420)
A. move to a less communist state
B. move to a less communist state
C. move to a less communist state
D. move to a less communist state
E. move to a less communist state
F. move to a less communist state
Shotgun: Beretta 1301 24" Comp
AR-15: Build an AR-15 from a stripped receiver, making one with a rifle buffer tube is easy.
Either use a FC mag latch and use Bear defense mag loaders...and you can have all the assault features since it's fixed mag, or build a Rifle Buffer lower and use a kydex wrap and a muzzle break on a 20" upper.
Why not 8 shot? The Ruger Redhawk 8 shot 357 mag just got approved for sale.
Get a SCR lower and you can have 10 round AR-15 with detachable box magazine.
This, with a Glock 26 and a dozen magazines.
>im hackerman_420
You know how I know you're 14?
Why not just a g26 instead?
Im 13 but what do you need to say
>God damn, he's really tough
smart, well-informed guy, ftw
Holy shit you can buy a watch from this based man
45 bucks well spent imo
OP you can buy just about any 3rd gen Glock, Beretta 92, Beretta PX4, Sig SP2022, 226, 229, 228, 220, S&W SD series, dozens of Colt 1911 variants and clones, just about any Ruger or S&W revolver and just about any off-roster handgun you happen to find for sale used. That's just handguns.
You can buy almost any non-NFA shotgun but really a standard Mossberg 500 will pretty much do everything you need an HD shotgun to do. If you want a really tacticool one a Kel-Tec KSG is perfectly legal too.
With rifles it gets a bit tricky but you still have options. A regular SKS, M1 Garand, M1 carbine, Ruger PC9 and Ruger Mini-14 are legal out of the box. Springfield M1As are sold with flash hiders substituted with muzzle brakes. AR15s, AKs, FALs and PTR-91s are sold with grip wraps.
CA gun laws suck dick but it's not Australia or Britbong tier. We are not limited to revolvers and lever actions, at least yet. You still have many options available.
>home defense
>M1 Garand
>have non cucked AR
>if you ever use it quickly change it's barrel to your cucked AR
>bolice will collect your legal one
i actually fell for this spam fuck
Point being they are legal to own, contrary to what other anons have implied earlier.
ok racist
you will be arrested and prosecuted in california for defending your life
imagine everything that will make a criminal and wrongful death suit hard to fight
an ar-15 in the court of california will be viewed as an inhumane way to kill and will open you up to wrongful death scenarios
use a wooden stock equipped shotgun
Actually I think the point was
>home defense
Can someone give me a pro/con rundown between a Rem 870 and a Mossberg 500
Ive seen used ones around town both around $250 and I live in a pretty shitty liberal college town
99% positive feedback on ebay boooooi
>Build featureless AR with a kydex fin
>Obtain 30 round magazines from the magic desert magazine mines
>If SHTF, remove fin
>You now have a normal AR and can enjoy your happening
>Reattach fin when happening is over
>Just build a normal AR from parts using an 80% lower and keep OPSEC like every other California gun owner.
Or just get a shotgun, I guess.
only difference is the safety chief
move somewhere else.
Read in East Euro Accent:
G26 is sub compact pistol, good for carrying person as back up*. Carbine allows two hands, which is better control accuracy. You can mount light and red dot sight on carbine. You can have sling on carbine so you do not need to drop weapon when need two hands for something else. Carbine intimidate intruder more than pistol.
Carbine uses same ammo and same magazine as pistol.
You are prepared for almost any situation now.
* good for CCW if you can get it in your county
>California is considering treating blocks of metal and pipes as though they were firearms
>still thinks it's not Happening in CA
Jow Forums is fucking weird when it comes to actually doing stuff. Like you guys will willingly organize fucking enormous events for each other with hundreds of members both in state and internationally, but when it comes to actually doing gun rights shit maybe 10% of Jow Forums actually cares.
This. I moved to Texas from Ca. I feared some animosity so I parked my cars in the garage until I had Texas plates/license and rented a car in the meantime. If people ask I tell them I'm from Montana because I know the area pretty well.
Mossberg 500
go with that one
only go with Remshit if it's 20 yo
>If people ask I tell them I'm from Montana
Wise choice.
What are good places in the Bay Area to buy inexpensive handgun ammo? It's probably cheaper and easier to buy it online, but I'm picking up my first gun soon and want to have some on hand before I start bulk ordering.
Sorry to tell you this but online ammo sales are dead in ca.
And what would you have us do? Most of the state could be against new gun laws, but LA and San Francisco have the rest of the state on a leash thanks to their fuckhuge populations. Unless we manage to get the Supreme Court to finally rule AWBs unconstitutional, there's not a whole lot you can do besides tactfully redpilling people you know and some good old-fashioned noncompliance.
>Hurr, just start shooting politicians
While I'm sure this would be immensely satisfying, I doubt it would do much to change public opinion in the major cities.
Nevada or Arizona. Look around for upcoming gun shows and make a trip out of it.
Sportsmans Warehouse in Rhonert Park. They have pretty close to what you could get ordering online, most of the time.