Do your own research to start, then come here for clarification. >No vague questions, like "What job is best?" >Discord >IRC Channel >implying anyone uses IRC #MEG on Freenode If you're on mobile look up AndroIRC for the app. Any questions, ask in the thread to get you set up. (embed) (embed) Guides to prepare for high-speed shit. (SEAL, Ranger etc.)
Resources: For Ranger info, obviously. SEAL/SWCC site with videos and fitness plans and a forum All around SOF website. Great info and run by former/active members of every SOF unit. Mentor program. Also has forums for international SOF.
If I forgot to mention some medical shit, will I still be good for a top secret?
Asher Cruz
What's your MOS?
Aaron Morris
If you didn't leave out any psych issues you have, then you'll be good.
Samuel Davis
what specifically?
Mason Hill
0203 0302
Blake Young
Mental hospitalization when I was a minor, no cops involved just overreacting parents
Eli Evans
>0203 I've read that this either gives you a scout sniper platoon or a staff bitch job, which were you? >0302 Are the memes about dealing with grunts all day true? The recruits I see them getting aren't the brightest generally
Connor Collins
Was it at all related to bipolar, schizophrenia, MPD, or attempted suicide?
If yes, then no clearance. If not, you should be ok.
Jordan Adams
I did staff work for awhile before getting into targeting work overseas. Trained and hung with snipers but I was never the platoon commander.
Grunts are just like most other people; it's a mixed bag. Some are smart, many are just 17 year olds who keep the high school mentality going for a few more years due to life in the bricks. It's the ones that refuse to grow up and continue to act like children that are the troublemakers.
Aiden Sanders
Is that an image for ants???
Nolan Perry
images shrink if you use them too much, just like cotton shirts
I've been interested in how officering works with snipers since an aussie posted a few months ago. How much free reign do 0317s have in mission design and whatnot? The aussie system makes a good deal of sense imo, enlisted sniper cells of six pairs that operate independently of the company/regiment and can tell their commander to get stuffed when he hands them an unreasonable/impossible task.
Henry Brown
It's collaborative between the officer managing the mission/collection requirements, the PltSgt managing logistics, and the shooters determining mission execution.
0317s are groomed for maturity, they know how to handle bad orders in a way that doesn't compromise men or mission.
>liking war But why anons? War has killed too many people for too long, we should all be good to each other
Noah James
I threatened suicide, no attempt
Evan Gonzalez
A strong military is the biggest deterrent to war
Bentley Baker
war's not going anywhere, might as well get in on the fun
Daniel Clark
Makes sense. How long have you been in? Planning to go recon/marsoc/some spoopy jtf type shit? Also would you reccomend NROTC, if you did that?
Parker Reed
Never mention it again. It will not be on you SF86 or be something likely to come up in a poly. Pretend it never happened.
Benjamin Perry
>I threatened suicide, no attempt regardless, women in the military is a bad idea.
Samuel Jackson
If you’re already in, it never happened. That’s an automatic DQ for enlistment now, so you could be fucked if they find out. Despite what some people may tell you, there’s no central medical database (unless your parents were military/had tricare, in which case they already know).
It honestly would be safer to just go for a job with a secret clearance, since the TS investigations are much more in depth in terms of what they’re willing to do for a background investigation.
Been in for awhile. I've worked with some great guys in the past and would like to do so in the future, but I'm not dead set on any unit.
As for NROTC, it can be a mixed bag. It really depends on your college and the staff. I had a decent staff, but there were some boner captains who took it out on us that they had fat wives or gay kids. If you keep good grades and avoid raising issues, you should be ok.
Alexander Phillips
11x op 40 here
how fuck am I?
Isaiah Morgan
“Already in” as in already been to meps? If so, yes I’m in. I signed the dep contract and stuff. Just haven’t pickdd a job
Blake Foster
You're not in. As I said, never mention it again.
Austin Jackson
How likely is it that someone will find out my power level in BCT? I'm awkward as hell hopefully they just write me off as autism
Isaac Brooks
Hope youre doing 80/80/80 right now, and can do pull ups.
Hudson Wright
Easy, cause ur gonna be the one that fucks up simple orders by overthinking shit
Joseph Scott
350f here, AMA
Leo Gray
Like anywhere else, you should be fine as long as you don’t mention (((them))). Being red pilled prior to going in should help, most whites tend to get red pilled during their time in the military and it takes a while for them to realize why certain things are the way they are.
Tyler Clark
Fuck why you gotta be so right Mostly just don't want to fuck up and say something autistic as hell, maybe if I'm doing pushups the whole time I won't have an opportunity I'm not pants on head Jow Forums tier, I'm more esoteric autism and I would be insightful and nuanced if I could express myself IRL. Not gonna talk about Jews or Israel if I can help it
David Lee
35M here shipping soon, any idea what Mike life is like If I do not make into a good/high speed unit? Is how intensive is MI AIT?
how are you doing man?
Christian Barnes
Its easy to stay quiet in bct, just keep it simple, yes and no answers, and keep details simple. If shit starts to get awkward, just change the topic to, watch any good shows lately.
I'm actually afraid of RASP, so I have to meet maximums or I'll feel inadequate
Robert Ward
Diff user, Nice, have you seen the surviving the cut episodes on rasp and ranger school? You following any of the prep programs in the OP? Have you seen them?
Elijah Wood
Standard 35m just works in an intel shop(office). Either helping their S2 do personnel security stuff like data entry or sorting files or doing access control for a scif(secure room). Pretty much the same stuff as a 35F. General intel or security work.
The training at ait is real good, teaches you ways to socialize with people. Like social engineering and human resources techniques.
Essentially what makes you different than a 35P or a 35F is that you interact with subjects and follow a task list of things you need to do, ask, and listen for, for your reports. Youre not gonna be doing interrogations, its gonna be interview type work if u ever do it at all, or personal assistant type work where you take down details for your supervisor. Actual interrogations are done by 351M, or other types. If you really wanna do what 35M says in the recruiting ad, then make your way to warrant officer. I will say its super tough as shit to go 351M, and that they all have a sales person type personality.
If youre not a highspeed person, and just stay a regular 35m, just make it your goal to get into blc, be the most knowledgeable soldier you can be. Learn your tasks, be able to pass your pt test without stressing too much, and train yourself to pass promotion boards. If you can do that, once you hit your 3.5 year mark you can reclass to 35L, and do some real useful shit.
As far as im doing, im doing a road trip with my family over in california. I actually went to DLI for a visit today, and its changed a bunch since i last visited in 2014. Barracks are all brand new, and air force is now all over while army has been pushed into a single location from what it looked like.
Andrew Bailey
I would say start learning meditation, and perfecting your recovery techniques so that you dont stress break anything.
Is it normal for a recruiter to ask for last 5 years of pharmacy records?
Leo Moore
Nope, not unless you said something stupid.
If it truly was a random question, just be like, i have no history.
Ethan Garcia
saving, thank you, one more if you dont mind.
I have a slot at DLI after AIT , Is getting offered/accepted into Ranger selection common towards the end of AIT? and if I go to selection and whether I pass or wash , does still going to DLI depend on my unit or is it gone for good since ive missed my reservation date? ( I understand if I wash out I will most likely have missed out on DLI )
Jordan Ross
Due to circumstances he found out i had childhood ashtma and excema. Its so fucking iritating having to wait for this shit, im ready to ship now
Nicholas Ward
>Due to circumstances ???
Evan Lewis
Ive heard it done both those ways. But honestly, at rasp selection they will be more clear. Worst case, just apply for rasp at DLI, they have tryouts once or twice a year, or....go great skills, but you didnt hear that from me.
I will add that i am biased against going to DLI without already having one of the following: >photographic memory >already know a language fluently >have great studying technique >have a natural talent for picking up languages
I had none of those when i first went to dli as a 35W(35P) for korean. It was a real fucking struggle for me to graduate the course. I did extra hours, outside studying, pen pal, and still failed the speaking portion for DLPT. Im not exactly a sperg, but i was a neet when i joined, and i just couldnt fake a korean accent or elaborate details in a tone without sounding like a fake high pitched robot. BCT turned my speech pattern from no speak to robot yes or no and simple answers with limited details. Now that im older and have more experience i have no issues giving speeches and shit, but i still cant fake an accent to save my life. I can never forget my korean teacher telling me my accent was too american. I wish i could go back in time and respond with a "hell ya."
Henry Thomas
CAF liked me enough for a direct assessment for an Image Tech position and I feel like I did pretty well in the written test and interview - they said best case scenario I'll know in a few months, anything I can do to improve my odds while I wait though?
Thinking about sending them an email in a few weeks featuring an updated resume and image portfolio.
Thoughts? Pretty much my dream job so anything I can do to help it along helps.
Luis Wright
Im scheduled for persian farsi, I've heard the rigors and washouts of DLI but if it's looking like Im going there for sure going to prep in my free time at AIT since selection will be off the table for now.
great skills?
Hudson Cruz
Cookfag back again; So I really started looking into the navy, and I think it sounds like an overall better deal than the army potentially. Here’s probably my final round of questions. 1. The shortest time you can enlist is 4 years, while the “first tour” on a ship is 48 months. So would this entire time be spent at sea? Like never touching down on land for literally years?
2. What level security clearance do I need? Because I see conflicting places saying anything from “none” to top secret?
3. Do you ever get to shoot weapons in navy boot, or afterwards?
Seen em, still scared. Just want to not get injured. Yeah, stretching, eating properly and sleeping right seems to work. Ironically, some advice on rucking has improved my body to the point where I think I could run a mile with an 85 lb at top speed without dying, so that's a good start.
Ethan Myers
Thank god you know your language ahead of time, when i went in, no one knew their language until they got their first orders at the end of bct, or were ng or reserves.
You got a good language. Less stressful course than the other big languages. My advice, if you have none of the attributes i listed previously, is learn a real good studying technique. After 35M ait, your speaking skills should be good, so you wont have any issues like i did. As far as learning techniques, the only thing that worked for me was flash card memorization for short term memory. I would look up every relevant word for the quiz or test right before i took the test. I have excellent short term memory, my long term is shit. So learning 50 words a day got easier once i found out what worked for me.
Fyi, while at ait, do the gafpb, also if they offer cls level 1 or combatives level 1 or any other type of training, do it. Pro tip, being qualified for shit usually gets you out of doing that shit. For example, combatives qualified guys did not have to participate in actual combatives training other than providing tips. Or if youre cls qualified and you have no medic, and there is a large formation, you just sit in the background while everyone stands for 4 hours at attention. Ya it sounds scumbag, but this shit becomes boring after a while.
Great skills is a program offered to E5+ language qualified folks. You may or may not be sent to live in another country as a civilian and write up reports on locals and provide support for special operations. Im not saying thats what it is, but its probably not that.
Kayden Phillips
>Seen em, still scared. Just want to not get injured. makes sense, learn to read though grunt you ignored my other question Also youre wasting your time rucking for training purposes
Owen Ortiz
Whats quality of life like for navy corpsman? Im really into fitness and the outdoors and I hope that the military wont hinder me from enjoying these things. I just want to operate and then come home to a kind of nice standard of living. >seriously just want a room to myself and not live in a shitty two person barracks
>unless your parents were military/had tricare, in which case they already know
Yes and no, the doctors at meps have no way of searching the database without doing a shit ton of paperwork. There's actually cases going through the system atm on whether the military has the right to pull internal paperwork for legal purposes of dependents who enlisted without going through HIPAA (the general feeling is no).
t. Judge Advocate
Kevin Gutierrez
You wont injure yourself if you prep everything beforehand. Make sure ruck is packed correctly to keep balance good. Cycle your socks and underwear. Soak your feet and hands in cold water after a long ruck. Conduct proper hygiene. Take care of your feet. Use lotion on your feet before going out and about. Trim nails to prevent injuries. Make sure your boots fit correctly, you have airborne school and pre rasp to get a new paor and break them in, i recommend garmont T8s. Make sure every movement you do is in proper form, im talking walking and foot positions.
Eli Adams
Yes they do. There may be a case, but that shits still in the system. Personal example is a PJ recruit who passed the selection phase went to medical to check knee, doctor pulled up old files from when he had knee injury when he was a teen at his dads army base, and they booted him from the air force.
Aiden Mitchell
Anyone with experience in the CCT pipeline? I'm largely interested in experiences presently, I plan to ask more in-depth questions when the semester ends and I have more time.
Ethan Moore
Ok but does this equate to operating and then coming home to a nice standard of living
Anthony Wright
dumb frogposter
Ryder Thomas
PJ's are an exception. Unlike most other specialties PJ's have to undergo a flight physicals, records ALWAYS get pulled. The fact he got booted is surprising.
William Hughes
Where’s the military commission general, fellas?
Levi King
Not him, but what does nice standard of living mean to you?
Nathan Brooks
Do you not know what fmf and sarc are friend?
Bentley Anderson
Ive never seen a CCT post here but at least 2 other anons are preparing for it.
Parker Reed
Try shadowspear forum, they are legit. Or just google CCT reddit, and find a good page. Just sift through the autism.
Jeremiah Ramirez
awesome, yes I might have to follow similar techniques for DLI but to be honest I have not put any study capabilities to the test since highschool but I was a bad student then and that will not be repeated so I dont know where I stand.
>do the gafpb, also if they offer cls level 1 or combatives level 1 or any other type of training
Wilco , I am already interested in these things so I will most likely will be proactive about extra training.
>great skills I searched it up while you were replying and I found very little but the gist was its some sort of training program for a government agency like you said.
>shitbag Ill aim to be a trained shitbag then one eating nachos when he's supposed to be in formation
Thank you for this advice man , I appreciate it. I hope you have a great time in California with your family. Im from the SoCal area and I recommend downtown long beach if you come down that far. and if you go farther San Diego is great aswell.
Im pretty tired right now but hopefully youre around more /meg/'s before I ship on may 14th
Thank you 350f bro.
Jace Campbell
FMF is greenside right? You work with marines as a combat medic instead of just the navy. SARC deploys with other special operations units and serves as combat medic for their various missions. If I went greenside would I have to live with a roommate in shitty marine barracks? Basically just having my own room that’s spacey enough for my knock knacks and PC. I’d enjoy living on the coast which is why I’m considering Navy.
Caleb Morales
I take back the last statement in my previous response. People only get booted for a prior condition if it is clearly still present AND prevents the soldier from being deployable. Just want the kids reading this who were dependents to know that if they were scripted zoloft or adderal that noone gives a shit and noone will know anyway.
Gavin Cruz
Everything you need to know about officers is there friend
Eli Lee
Just go coast guard dude, fits perfectly with what you want. Im not even joking.
Austin Parker
Ya dude look up studying techniques, dont go into it expecting the old "anyone can do it" mentality.
Regarding extra training, its super easy to get complacent about shit in the mil, mostly because you see peers and higher ups get away with not doing shit.
Great skills is just one of those things you wont find info on because you gotta sign an NDA to even be in the briefing. I only know about it cause i was sitting outside the room and the walls were thin. And they didnt even say shit about it. Just about what the reqs are and what to expect if you do decide to apply, its one of those volunteer gigs.
Hey dude, ill tell you what my dad told me, always be more comfortable than the guy next to you. On ruck marches i always brought a nice pillow to use when we were taking a break or doing an overnighter.
Im from socal too, thousand oaks area. Were doing a whole thing this week, SF, monterey, LA, SD.
Carter Price
Understood and saved, hope to see you in future /meg/s friend when I have more questions haha.
Isaac Cox
Ya, i check in every once in a while now that work is slow, and theres only so many places to trash talk about how the P64 is better than the makarov.
Gavin Sullivan
How reasonable is it switch your job in the Air Force? I mean you spend 4 months at Tech School learning shit, surely they won't want you to do that again?
Caleb Davis
Thats why you have to work a specified amount of years in that job before you can switch ; )
Landon Stewart
If I wanted to go into reserves after OTS do I have a legitimate chance at aviation in either AF or Army (preferred)?
I'm wrapping up my PhD and currently working part time and it's fucking killing me. The whole office environment just sucks, but I don't want to go full retard and go active in case it sucks even more.
Jose Bennett
With the Army excepting waivers for mental health issues again, would I still be DQed from getting a waiver if I admitted myself to a mental hospital for 5 days?
William Harris
Any books or methods to study for the AFOQT? Also about how much time should I study to get a good score?
>found some old pictures of my dad in the Navy back in the early 80s
Pretty cool
Charles Collins
What do I do? I'm a Freshman in College. 2 semesters in and I haven't passed a single class due to laziness and incompetence. I wanted to get into networking but I'm just so bad at it. I'm in relatively decent shape because I work as a package handler at UPS but every day I come home feeling empty and alone. I have one "friend" and we haven't done anything in a month. He didn't even tell me he was getting married. I'm too much of a coward to blow my brains out but every day I'm getting closer and closer to just walking off into the woods. Will the military give me purpose?
It's one of the best ways to make lasting friends as an adult. It also might make you less of a whiny fuck. But if you can't be bothered to pass classes it's unlikely you'll grok it at basic and beyond.
Julian Robinson
>LIEING ABOUT MEDICAL HISTORY = got shot at 17 with .22 lanced my diaphram no issues since, no recurring issues (big scar)
1. Sea-duty just means you're assigned to a ship. It's not always going to be at sea. Even when it does, it gets to pull into the occassional foreign port.
2. Generally cooks don't need a clearance unless assigned to a spook boat, i.e., subs.
3. You'll mainly just shoot a pistol in boot, and then you'll only have to requalify with it every 6 months if your ship requires it.
Camden Gomez
>Never been drunk in my life
Do people really drink that much whilst in?
Jacob Sanchez
>t. Brocklette
Tyler Ramirez
>Or just google CCT reddit >Just sift through the autism That's a tall order, user... the AF leaddit is bad enough. But I'll take that suggestion to heart.