Had my first minor home defense situation the other night.
>Own a house in West Detroit with my wife. Rent out rooms to 4 people.
>get package in mail addressed to our home with a different name. >next day neighbor knocks on door asking about package. Play dumb, figure this has got to be some kind of scam I want no part of, otherwise how would they know exactly where the package went. >Send package back in the mail like you're supposed to. >A couple days later another knock on the door. Roommate answers. >Two men asking if he knows anything about the package. He says he doesn't know what he's talking about. >Neighbor then flashes a 1911 at my roommate. >Roommate calmly says, "ok, one minute." then closes the door and locks it. >the two men on the porch see me through the window flying down the stairs with a loaded 590 in one hand, a loaded 500 in the other and a bandolier of buckshot across my chest. >Neighbors start walking away immediately as my wife screams she is calling the cops. >I set the 500 by the door and brandish the 590 through the window. >The two men walk a couple houses down, open the trunk to a car then get inside. Car slowly rolls down the street. >I hand my 590 and bandolier off to my roommate and run back upstairs. At this time my wife picks up the 500. >I come back down with my Vz2008 strapped to my chest loaded with two clipped together magazines. I'm wearing my SMIRSH rig, loaded down with eight full thirties. >I stand in the front bay window in full view as the neighbors roll back and forth down my street. >cops arrive and park in the ally across the street. >Neighbors go home, nothing else happens
sounds like that package was drugs bro, glad it didn't come down to shooting, that shit can turn really nasty really fast.
Logan Sullivan
It's a fucking nigger with one pistol not the alamo rambo.
Nicholas Richardson
Niggers with pistols kill more than anyone else with a gun.
Josiah Wright
confirmed for not living around niggers
Isaac Martin
Gee bill your mom let you have 2 shotguns?
Austin Hughes
Not quite HD but sorta >My dad is a 30 year military vet >One night around midnight >Hear some commotion outside my house/front yard >Me and my dad check what it is >Mfw literally 20 niggers fighting in the street/front lawn of my house >Dad tells me to grab the pistol on his desk >MP45 Fullsize >I get him his gun, we're still in the front doorway >He tells me grab the phone >He then goes outside with a flashlight and starts shining it on the mob >Tells everyone "HEY GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" >People stop fighting and slowly walk away >Most of the group dissipates not wanting anything to do with what was about to happen >Suddenly a group of about 5-8 nignogs approach my dad >They want to fight him for breaking up their fight >Hear a bottle smash right by my dads feet >He draws >I hear "Oh shit nigga got a gun!" >tfw all the niggers run except like 3 or 4 >Still trying to fight my dad >"Aye cuh you think im scared of yo punk ass gun?" >By now my dads pointing a .45 almost directly at a niggas head >Has a flash light in his other hand directly in his eyes >He told me call the police >As soon as niggers hear police they want nothing to do with it >Police come and take my dad's info including CPL license numbers all that shit >mfw my dad almost executed a nigger in front of my house
You have to be pretty autistic to wear a chest rig if you saw some nigger run away that was armed. One clip is enough unless your going full feinstein semiauto and not aiming.
Jack Walker
>relaxing around blacks I seriously hope you don't do this