Help Jow Forums

>be me 22 proud fun owner
>move to city with my gf for her college
>first week in town im at wallmart and i see a doggo fuckin half dead from the heat and i take licence plate and call cops
>cops show up and do everything they can to avoid charging dude (turns out hes retired town cop)
>bitch cops out for favoritism then they try to arrest me for printing (have cc permit so im good)
>ff 9 months
>cops have pulled me over 5 times always for dumb shit (snowy licence plate, shit like that)
>gf is now going on probation for getting pulled over with weed
>im losing one of the loves of my life and i cant decide witch one
>town cop knocked on my door last night trying to intimidate me
>thinking about just going full eric frein instead
what should i do Jow Forums

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Move out out town without the degen cunt.

Having a gf is your first mistake.

found the bootlicker

Well, with or without. She can probably transfer elsewhere.

Alternatively lawyer up and sue.
If they decide to keep harassing you it only makes your case stronger.

i know right i shouldnt be cheating on my rifu with my wifu

Ask yourself where you see yourself in a few years. Decide what to do based on that. Imo women will come and go, especially when you're younger.

>moving to city with my gf for her college

Did she just graduate high school, user?

Even if not, then it's always a bad idea to follow someone to a college unless you intend to marry them.

i see myself either dead or in prison when the semi auto rifle ban gets passed

Well, moving is number 1. Cops are total fags so they're getting all horny pushing you around.

If you are dumb and insist on staying in town, I would go all in and write an editorial and submit it to the local paper. Get on Topix and find out if there is some public sentiment to support you. I would do what I could to get it on public record that they are harassing you.

You goofed by getting tangled up with these community college drop out thugs. Always choose the path of least karma. I hope it was worth it.

Jerk off the next cop that harrases you. Works every time

Don't get caught in the hype man.

this is wrong id rather be dead than live in a world like this

>What should I do?

Document everything and either man up and call a Jew, or fuck off to somewhere else.

Hell, even if you do nail the department for harassment it'll just intensify anyway. I know because I've been in a decade long legal battle with my local post over returning a group of rifles that were stolen from my home in 2004 or so. At this point it's less about getting my property back (though I would like my grand dad's 70-.270 and the .306 back for sentimental reasons, the 10-22s I don't care about) and more about vindication. Moved for summary judgement yesterday, judge is probably going to side in my favor considering the of failed to have proper chain of custody and the rifles in question were found to be in the chief of police's private collection after IA got involved.

I'd say get a porch cam for your home and front and rear dashcams. If you ever decide to sue, having video evidence of multiple traffic stops or someone going to your house late at night is going to help your case.
Or just move to the next town over, maybe try to get a friend in the police on the new town.

i shouldnt need help to have rights

You ONLY have the rights that you are willing to stand up for.

>Or just move to the next town over
Why do retards think this is ever; an achievable or justifiable goal?

>itt: OP preps the next false flag
This shit ain't even weapons related.

im not recommending anything cuz i might get in trouble in bongland for saying anything that suggests you commit domestic terrorism or murder but i think that my favourite dog is a husky :^)

Nail those statist sons of bitches!

This. Gather evidence, document everything, and be methodical. Write a memo recording the 5 Was for interactions that you can't get evidence for (past shit, cameras went down, phone calls, etc) because a detailed anecdotal account may be more than what they have. Find a good lawyer with a hate-boner for cops.

i have no $
in make 1500 per month and spend 1375 on rent a month i shouldn't need $$ or legal help to have rights

Moved in with junkie gf (you're prolly a crack baby too). I would also keep an eye on you 24/7

Fuggin check'd

>smoked weed
please go on about how we shouldnt eat shellfish or wear mixed cloth father im super duper exited to be boring as fuck

>calling the police thinking they would help you
>being a retard with no foresight who doesn't know how to budget

I remember when I was young and stupid. Cut your losses op. Ditch the girl and that place while you can so you can make something of your self.

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>gf is now going on probation for getting pulled over with weed
Degenerate drug user

>i shouldn't need $$ or legal help to have rights

I shoulda told the guy at the gun shop that the rifle is my right and I shouldnt have to spend money to have rights

Oh fug

>just ignore injustice and when it happens to you, just move on and leave any females that dont conform too so that you can one day own a house and a truck and have 2.5 kids and a dog named jose
tell me how i know youre a bootlicker

Because he is alive?

>thinks purchasing an item is the same thing as having the right to bear said item

You need to be 18 to post here

So you need a drug to be interesting to your junkie friends, hippie.
Please go on how weed is good for you and how it should be legalized B.S supporter

i dont try to pass laws banning your stupid jew book why you gotta fuck with my plant?

>OP posts what sounds like a legit concern
>Gets offered actual advice on a board notorious for not giving actual advice
>Whines and acts like an emo bitch throughout the whole thread instead of actually discussing the advice being given.
>shit ain't even weapons related except for a single mention of having a CCW.

Honestly man at this point my only advice to you is to grow the fuck up. Yeah, cops can be shitheads. Welcome to the real world. You want to stop being harassed, stop making it entertaining for them to do so. From your posts here I would guarantee you that you are giving them some attitude that is feeding into this. Next time you have an interaction with them be nice, polite, stick to your "Yes sir" "No sir" type answers, and don't get angsty about your rights and it will no longer be fun for them to harass you.
>inB4 "B but, he DOES have rights.. BOOTLICKER!"
Yes I know you DO have rights and it IS important that you know that and exercise them. But if you want this to stop trust me, be cordial and polite and basically act like everyone else. That shit is boring AF. Think about it this way, if YOU were teasing one of your friends about something stupid and they reacted each time you would keep at it right? Once they stop reacting then the joke is gone too. This is the mentality of the cops, your indignation and righteous behavior doesn't hurt them, but it is amusing because it is unique to you. Be like everyone else and your no longer entertainment.

Also, for fuck's sake don't drive around with weed.

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This is the only answer you need

do it kill em all well tell your story

just push OPs murderous hard on agenda and support him

Thanks Gen-z for pointing out the rules

When you grow up, you might realize rights aren’t free

i have literally said sir every time i have interacted with them
also she is goin on probation i fail to see how moving is going to change shit (also moving is a cuck reply)
>what i see is a bunch of pussies trying to justify bootlicking so they can sleep with themselves at night
>the truth is any real man is dead or soon to be in this land of pussies
>ill see none of you in Valhalla
>reminder when you see me on the news that the cops started this

Rights only exist if you fight for them, OP.

So what do you propose, Mr. Rebel without a cause? Maybe he should start intimidating the police! Yeah I'm sure that will work out well.

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Sounds like you’re a bitch baby.

You have three options.

Grin and eat your shit.

Follow the legal process and lawyer up (believe it or not a lot of lawyers take their pay from settlements, not up front)

Or leave.

You’re just gonna get yourself killed and look like an idiot at the same time. Have fun being the next “active shooter” that they parade on the news and tell everyone is the reason we don’t need fully semi automatic baby killing assault rifles.

prt sc or its fake

dont worry i wont use a semi auto
>i need that long range accuracy you can only get from a bolt on my budget

You’re one of two things.

Painfully retarded or a troll.

You need to afford ammo too, might have to take the bolt gun back

Moving into a city was your first mistake,
Living in a commie state where you need a permit to cc is your second mistake.

Agent smith can hand you the transcribed text in person during your appointment in the next few days

Like JBT's don't browse this site already anyways.

You fucked up by calling the cops in the first place. Should have just let the dog die.

You are such a whiney bitch

For realz, he makes 15 times what a Venezuelan makes plus has food in the super market.

Maybe the cops pick on you cuz you’re a bitch?

its a commonwealth
(and supposed to be republican)

You need to be 18 to post here.

>a right is a privilege for the rich only get over yourself
dude thats just sad

Who are you quoting, Mr. Strawman?

Lawyer up. Cops form corrupt cabals. Cite the incidents. Go from there. Or move.

>I'm a self-righteous moralizing faggot who gets hard telling other people what to do
You must be a real hoot at parties

>getting involved with the cops ever
hope you learned your lesson user

gone through the entire thread, at this point im pretty convinced you are some fucking stupid ass "investigative journalist" or the like, trying to get someone to say "yah bra, go full rampage. wear plate armor and a mask just like whatever"

So Ignore my previous statement of lawyering up, and just go make some magic crystals from the formula on /b/

Look at this Marxist fuck here.

Rights aren’t free, you fight for your rights everyday.

>Gen-z babies think you get rights handed to you and don’t pay in some way shape or form because your daddy gave them to you

Make a formal complaint with DA's office.

Very likely the case. If so OP please at least have the decency to tell us who you work for or come back and post a link to whatever story you manage to scrape out of this.

the DA told us to get fucked
(already did this)

i wish i wrote for some jewish propaganda then the cops would love me

Wow, way to pander to us right wing nazis

>the DA told us to get fucked
No they didn't. Quit lying. Like some other user said above, you're just some piece of shit trying to make someone here something stupid.

This thread shouldn't be on Jow Forums and you should be banned. Mods, make it happen.

Then write your congressman and look for any ACLU lawyers that hate police

Careful not to cut yourself on all that edge

quit bumping shill threads. quit replying to trolls.

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shit, did I click on tumblr by accident

thank you
(first bit of real advise)
and they did DA and cops went to high school together

Poke around. If you gather enough evidence, you may very well be able to find a good lawyer who will take the case to build his cred, satisfy his boner for checking the government, and take his payment from whatever the case yields. However, to do this you should get as much real proud as you can. If you make the case juicy, they will come.
Ideally you can find other people who've been harassed by your local PD. Look for them and get them to gather evidence of they haven't already. If you can generate a class action suit, the ops are probably fucked.

Why don't you make your girlfriend some of these cool crystals

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Also, this is not weapons related, come on now.

Your first mistake was being a insecure faggot and following and paying for a house for a stupid hoe, you deserve all the times she sucks her colleagues for pure fun, you are dumb, that's just it.

Second, you tried to play the cool animal-loving superhero with no actual authority, instead of just calling 911 and leaving the trouble for them, you confrontated the ex-cop just because, you were an asshole for no real reason and are paying the price right now.

It's all wrong, you can barely afford housing, and what's left is probably destinated for your owners weed, and when she graduates she'll just find a new and better dick and leave you in this shithole town being harassed while working on a gas station, probably with no gun rights.

Grow up, lurk more, make actual weapons-related contennt.

Sincerely, user.

you sound like a dumb faggot and you deserve the misery you get

>trusting cops
Most may just be either retarded or a dickbag, but full of corruption regardless.

Can attest, those are pretty cool, you both should do it and gift to the town coppers.


Double Digit Dubs don’t lie.
>letting your bitch handle the greens
Your an idiot OP

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So far....
Your GF you moved to college with
I assume you didn't go to college or have graduated (flag1)
If not she'll probably cheat on you
If so you're a little too old man, and her friends and family probably hate you
She gets busted for weed (flag2)
Cops start harassing you (flag 3)
DA is rejecting you for a case that could help in the next election (flag 4)
You ask for advice somewhat hinting at murder(flag5)
Buddy if you are real, get your shit together
Don't murder the cops.
The DA sucks, write to some newspaper or something
Also find a new GF, once she thinks she's smarter than you with that degree she'll leave from the sounds of it.
If you do this, leave out that you own guns. They hate guns.
user, consider what has to say about the GF. How long have you been going out? I hope you aren't paying for her college

This would be a great pinecest thread, but I'm at work and don't want one of my underlings getting promoted.

Fuck dogs let'em roast. Cops doing thier job. OP/gf criminals in training. OP KYS or figure out what is important isnt.

There's probably a state ethics board and you can and should look into filing a complaint. Find and retain a good quality civil rights lawyer, document everything, and keep multiple copies. When they inevitably do something fucking stupid you will sue the balls off of them.

Do not mention ANYTHING about violence to anyone.

Also, I'd start loading your CC with these:

Make sure have quality bistol though, or bad times.