I just cleared my ENTIRE HOUSE with an unloaded shotgun, because my faggot ass state won't allow me to purchase ammo until I turn 21. Thanks Rick Scott. You've saved the entire state of Florida.
Pic is unrelated.
I just cleared my ENTIRE HOUSE with an unloaded shotgun, because my faggot ass state won't allow me to purchase ammo until I turn 21. Thanks Rick Scott. You've saved the entire state of Florida.
Pic is unrelated.
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Btw, I thought there was an intruder. So, that's why I decided to clear my house.
So you cleared your house with a poor excuse for a baseball bat? Gerd jerb op
I don't have any ammo, my negro. I wasn't just going to clear my house with a butter knife.
I needed to atleast give the appearence of a threat, like an Opossum.
It's called the internet. Order ammo on it.
have you never got beer in your life dude, what the fuck the state of the youth nowadays.
My family has a history of substance abuse. So, no I've never bought any alcoholic beverages in my life.
Lel go take a trip to Georgia. In all seriousness, I feel sorry for you though.
So, no.* I fucked up that sentence.
Never trust a guy named Scott.
-t. Vermont
Get a fake ID. The Ohio is killer I hear.
OP, this.
Never understood underage ammo fags
ITT: OP bends to the will of his Jew Lord, denies his own inherent rights, refuses to help himself because Georgia is too far away and he clearly doesn't want to be the first guy to lie on the internet.
they'll let you buy a car and gas, and get a license valid in all 50 states at 16
Can you buy ammo out of state? Can you buy components and load your own?
And then blames someone else.
I could do that, or, I could convince my sister to buy me some ammo.
OP what the fuck are you talking about, do you only buy ammo from Walmart? 19yo Florida fag here, buy ammo online. Its better in every way except speed, and that can be fixed by throwing more money at it if you feel like it. Just bought 1500 rounds of 223 with no problem, didn't even have to lie about age. You only need to be 21 to buy a gun from an FFL, ammo is no big deal.
Tldr use the internet faggot, its there for reason.
>tfw I turned 21 literally months before scott signed off on this stupid bullshit
Why would I drive for 10+ hours to get a fuckin' box of 12 guage?
>it's OPs fault that skeletor signed away another inch of our rights
So you don't have to pretend to have it.
you can't commit a mass shooting with an assault car. :^)
I'm already on it. The only real reason I haven't done this before is that I hate to wait for stuff.
This is beyond stupid, wasting at least 50 bucks just to get ammo.
>user is a Grammar Nazi.
>he decides to use no form of punctuation.
Okay, faggot.
>OP isn't using legal loopholes to restore his rights but he should listen to some government nigger who probably won't even find out in the first place that said loopholes exist let alone be able to govern over private sales.
did I say he should listen to that nigger scott? no, but it's definitely scott's fault for his predicament.
Talk about a low IQ nigger. As stated in one of my previous posts, I'm already on it.
Am I the only fucking guy that just had their dad buy them their shit? Plus with the thousand other solutions everyone else is posting I think your are legitimately retarded.
why is "entire house" in capital letters? what is needed to be emphasized about those words?
you're obviously under 21, not living with your parents. is your house 8 bedrooms 13 baths?
why did you buy a shotgun, fully knowing you wouldn't buy ammo for at most several years? wouldn't you just not buy a shotgun or get ammo somewhere else? did you buy your shotgun at your local gander mountain or walmart? go to an actual gun store they will sell if you're over 18 easily.
why don't you go to to almost any other state to buy ammo? its shotgun ammo, not even rifle or pistol. I've been buying birdshot/slugs from my local stores since I was 13 when my dad got me my first gun.
Are you just posting here to rant about irrelevant problems that have a very easy solution?
You are a dumb fuck.
Buy ammo online. Or private purchase some.
I'm S-sorry. N-no bully pls
Just solicit adults outside of gas stations to buy you a pack. Just make sure you pay them and try not to act too sketchy.
When I was nineteen I bought my 223 off bulkammo.com. You have to be 21 but that's just their blanket company to cover their ass. You can buy ammo designed for any long gun at 18 since you can buy long guns at 18. You could buy 9mm and claim its for a 9mm AR, but that's up to you. But buying shotgun ammo at 18 is not illegal at all the worst an online ammo dealer can do is deny your business which they most likely wont because they are a company and want your business.
Ill bully ur mom
Are you sure that you are in fact not underage larping faggot?
Good on u m8
Pls no
Fine I'll bully ur waifu fgt
[spoiler]with my dick[spoiler]
>be me
>turned 18 in december
>missouri dweller
>mfw everyone's all wacked out about their state raising ages while all I have to tolerate is a ban from wallyworld until I'm 21
the fuck is wallyworld
walmart. old people call it wallyworld for some reason.
You have crossed the line. Only I can bully my waifu. Get ready for pain nigger.
dumb frogposter
Same. Good call.
How the fuck do you get banned from wallyworld m8
O lawd
Road trip to Georgia and buy your ammo.
816 here, wya?
Now the bullied has become the bulli all according to keikaku (plan)
>only cowards carry
How is the UK there bud? Enjoying the daily assraping from mudslimes?
>OP cannot into driving to Georgia for ammo
florida anons are retarded?
Can we kill gun laws with fire?
we should kill any politicians that even consider them with boards with nails in them, to show them that everyday household objects can be used to kill with and that banning guns solves nothing
why did you just have your parents buy you ammo? it's legal to possess, right?
417 m8
They raised the age in all Wal-Mart's for buying ammo or guns
*why didn't you
I just ordered 1000 rounds of .223 online for $290 shipped. No where did they ask for my age.
"W-w-we're not like other b-b-boards guys!"
I'm u21 and bought ammo at wal mart 20 minuets before closing the day before they banned ammo to u21. I might be the last person in the country to buy ammo at Walmart under 21.
>cant buy ammo
>clear house with empty shotgun
>must be 18 to purchase shotgun shells
Underage detected
Find a "responsible adult" that will do it for you
1) Got to Georgia
2) Buy ammo
3) Go home
He also banned bumpstocks and binary triggers
Now he wants to run for Bill Nelson's senate seat
How long before he votes YAY on an AWB?
Move to texas
>tfw nonbinary trigger
Fuck you man
Bill Nelson has long pushed for an assault weapons ban, Im voting Scott.
You niggers dont understand how fucking long florida is
if you live in south florida its a loooooooooooong ass ride to ga, not just a little day trip sort of thing either
>implying he won't cuck again
RINOs are RINOs.
>wasting $50
>bulk ammo S&H at least $30
you're a fucking retard
Still not a reason to vote for Nelson
314 reporting in
God Bless the Show Me State!
is that a genuine insult towards a capslock joke reply? This thread is more underage than I thought.
>what is gas
no shit dumbass.
$50 in gas will get you ~750 miles with a moderate sized SUV, other stats typically are not that far away.
Import Cuban 12 gauge
I bought the shotgun a few months before the jewstorm. I left my ammunition in north Florida, since I had no idea that Rick Scott was going to fuck us over. My house is 2 stories,with 5 rooms, and 3 bathrooms. That's why I put an emphasis "entire house". I can't just "go to another state", because those "other states" are 9+ hours away. How am I the stupid one, exactly?
I came
Vote with your wallet and tax dollars by packing up and leaving that now cucked state OP instead of bitching online about it.
>go take a trip to Georgia
this advice is never correct
You could have duct taped the knife to the shotgun to make a makeshift bayonet
>saying stupid shit in all caps
>this user must be telling the truth
The day/k/are is real