>tfw your gf hates guns
Tfw your gf hates guns
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Just dump her
>tfw your girlfriend would never ever tell you not to own guns out of respect for you even if she didn't like them
and dont say its because guns....she might make some false accusations and get yours taken
she might do that anyway.
>and dont say its because guns....she might make some false accusations and get yours taken
>living in some gay state where cops can take your guns because of allegations
Wow lol
Girlfren is ok with guns, but doesn't like fully automatic ones.
Also is adamantly opposed to hunting. Big on animal rights and shit.
>tfw your gf
lemme just stop you right there
dumb frogposter
My GF adopted the fact that I like guns.
>tfw my gf doesn't give a fuck either way
>tfw I have no face
You mean any state?
Its up to the cops and judge if they believe her saying she raped you or you threatened her or youre suicidal.
Ive seen it happen and im in oklahoma one of the gunnest states.
>saying she raped you
lol mighta worded that wrong
remember kids if youre gonna day drink stick to beer or wine
>Big on animal rights
Is she vegan? And does she know the benefits of hunting?
>tfw gf doesn't hate or like guns, but is just completely and utterly indifferent about them
>no one to indulge my autism with
You okay pal?
>Tfw your wife hates you spending so much money on guns
Seriously OP if guns are important to you, rip that bad aid off now before she convinces you to sell them and you resent her or you start lying to each other trying to hide them
>You mean any state?
Uh, no? Only a few states have that stupid domestic violence shit where allegations can result in the seizure of firearms.
>Its up to the cops and judge if they believe her saying she raped you or you threatened her or youre suicidal.
Random unsubstantiated claims aren't going to get him convicted of rape or making terrorist threats.
You do not have to be convicted to have your shit taken.
WRONG. Unless you live in a shit state with a law that allows that, it's not legal for them to seize property based on allegations, it's not even legal to do it based on being truly charged with whatever crime she claims you've committed.
>having an intimate relationship with a female
OP here, I live in New Hamster
ok friend
Believe what you want, retard.
I will thank you
OK dipshit
ok buddy
K mongoloid.
kay Jow Forumsomrade
Do you live in Keene or Hopkinton? Leave.
My GF grew up in Massachusetts and had never touched a gun until she met me. She's still jumpy and loud gunfire makes her jump, but she loves guns now. She wants me to build her an AR and a 10/22 this summer.
The only downside is that she's not going to let me buy a 50 BMG until I get rid of my old Volvo.
:( I like my old volvo
And she says it smells like crayons on the inside
stop being a bitch and start MANHANDLING her. She has to adjust to your lifestyle, not the way around, fucking soycuck
Why would you even date someone like this?
tfw she wouldnt be my gf if she didn't like guns
tfw I wouldn't associate with people like her if she didn't like guns
Honestly, at the very least start converting her. My long term gf was your typical social media liberal, now she has no problem dropping the nigger bomb and wholly understands the concept of 'around blacks never relax,' woman are incredibly moldable, especially if they adore you. You just gotta be gradual.
Statistics and reality coupled with dick are a hell of a drug.
>Dan "Hold her tighter, She's a fighter" Schneider
he din du nuffin
>mfw my girlfriend likes guns and wants to learn to shoot
>mfw my girlfriend calls out her sister for being a fear monger about guns
Just dump her OP. The problems it will cause aren’t worth it. I dated a girl who hated guns for 4 years. Anytime guns were brought up ever, she was unbearable cunt.
Yeah I guess that's true. My wife was never against guns, just disinterested, but now she'll get upset if one of her coworkers starts talking about gun control.
>Not having hidden weapons that no one else knows about
Your pretty trusting there fella.
haha no i would never do that....what are you some kind of paranoid government hater?
>tfw my face doesn't give a fuck either way
>tfw I have no gf
>gf likes guns as much as I do
>she carries
If you think having a gun makes you feel safe imagine having a buddy with a gun.
>last night we watched The Pacific while wearing gear
>Dan "The Bareback Rider Who Can Barely Fit Inside Her" Schneider
>talking to gf, says her college is doing a gun violence walkout on 4/20 (anniversary of columbine)
>I respond with "that's interesting" because I'm not sure if she's gonna be one of those "it's for a memorial, not politics" people
>She says "yeah I think it's stupid"
I'm a lucky guy
you should hold her tight man and give her loving kisses while snuggling.
you are luckier than most
Tfw gf works at local fun store, gets me discounts, and goes shooting with me.
>Why do I still feel empty inside sometimes?
My girlfriend loves guns, but got mad at me because I left my PPQ out with a loaded mag inserted. Apparently she, being a dumbass, racked the slide and chambered a round. Then, being a dumbass, she couldn't figure out how to drop the mag on a paddle release. When I woke up, the gun was on the table out of battery.
I hate how women have zero aptitude for problem solving. "Oh, I'm in a situation where I don't know the answer. Let's let the men figure it out instead of taking responsibility and looking for answers."
Now I have to explain to her that she's the one at fault, and at no point should she be touching a gun that she doesn't know how to handle. I mean fuck, she's shot it before.
Well... yeah?
I hate how retards make sweeping generalizations about half the population.
Your girlfriend is just a retard.
my gf thinks AR15's are scary but doesn't care that I have one. we live in FL and when the last hurricane blew through and cut our power for a couple weeks, she actually checked to make sure that my guns were ready to rock in case some nigger tried to sneak in through an open window.
it helps that her parents are big-time Trump people. her mom actually owns her own 1911.
No shit Sherlockblue
>animal rights
>opposition to hunting
Sounds like the type that thinks PETA helps animals and thinks hunting with a bow hurts the animal less. Must have a good fuckhole
wrong. all she has to do, in any state or U.S. territory, is get a restraining order then tell the judge that you have a lot of guns and have threatened her with them.
>mfw embarrassingly small dick
>will never convince a woman of anything
Gf kinda pro gun. Gf's dad likes guns a lot. Gf doesn't like hunting, but she probably wouldn't try to stop me from hunting
I mean, you did leave a loaded gun on the table in the presence of a retard
Become the gf instead
>sweeping generalizations about half the populaton
You've never talked to a girl, have you?
I think it's an accurate statement about half the population, but I'm not sure it's about gender.
Getting a restraining order is a court thing. Making a police report is not.
This sounds like its 100% your fault for not teaching her how to handle it and making sure she understood everything. Also, good on her for realizing she didn't know what she was doing and putting it down rather than fiddling with it and NDing. And yeah, it's your gun so it's your responsibility. Weapons are a man's responsibility in general and her expectation is reasonable. You sound like a jerk and a dumbass.
Fuck Keene. that leftist shithole.
> tfw my gf says she wouldn't date me if I was antigun
>tfw no gf
why must you hurt me so
>being involved with an anti-gun woman
>being with a woman who's uppity about politics in the first place
To be honest any girl who isn't crazy is going to view gun ownership as a positive masculine trait.
Also I think most women who are "anti-gun" are just jumping on a shallow trend and would completely abandon those views if they started dating a masculine gun owner with strong ideals.
Women respect masculinity, women respect strong convictions. Never ever give up your guns, anons.
Anti nazi progressive board poster
Educate yourself.
>Mfw my girlfriend is from Queens and used to be afraid of guns but now understands the importance of gun ownership and knowing how to shoot, doesn’t say shit whenever I buy a gun because she knows I’m responsible with money, and actively argues with her retarded neolib mom whenever she tries to convince my girlfriend that guns should be banned
>thinks about his gf's opinions instead of changing them
in all seriousness neo-nazis are a huge fan of ir porn
Can confirm, KSC student. Its breddy bad here
it's a college town with college town values. live in one of the small surrounding towns and fuck college bitches. new hampster here as well
because they hate blacks and hate women desu, IR porn is inherently degrading because it's IR porn instead of porn that happens to have black people in it
Qt would bang in skip
You near keene nibba? Or just suggesting it to other user?
>if you hate x you actually like x
Piss poor logic from a piss poor brain
>Also is adamantly opposed to hunting. Big on animal rights and shit.
how the fuck does she reconcile animals hunting and eating each other in the wild
i went to keene state, i'm about an hour norf. but hanover, durham etc are all the same way, it's how college towns are
meh. if she eats meat, she's just trying to find her place in the world and trying out value systems. caring about things in the simplest way is natural to women, caring about things by rational principles is natural to men.
>tfw your gf loves guns and gave you her virginity and is now your dream Aryan blood-conscious wife
How are there so many of us in this one little town? Keene meetup when?
>giving a shit about what some roastie thinks
She's just shit testing you d00d
>implying a woman’s opinion has any merit whatsoever
19A was a mistake
Wtf I love crayon smell whats her fucking problem?
Some people just never change
is the pool hall way down the street run by those two friendly joose still there? i know mccues closed
I mean I'm frequently wearing a gorka 4 and a constantly angry scowl around campus, if you see a big guy (for you) with these characteristics come and say hi. I'll be eating lunch at 1:10 at the dc tomorrow if any Jow Forumsommandos want to join me
Here they come
Fuck if I know im new in town
I don't go to KSC but I usually take my lunch at 12 to spit on the protesters in central square
Fuck mate, usually I just avoid them. Well in any case, if you see a big guy in a gorka around town, say hi
>tfw no gf