Self defense in the UK

If i get cornered buy guy with a knife in the UK whats the deadliest legal item i can carry and use to defend myself?

Attached: uk police.jpg (607x884, 148K)

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None. You must die and become another statistic for knife crime.

You must also be careful not to offend your attacker

Quads don't lie, if you curse them, fucking Muslim etc, hate crime.

quads confirm.

Attached: 1523327695727.jpg (1000x781, 147K)

A flashlight. Seriously.

A bottle of KY jelly.

>allowing a child to attend an event dedicated to deviant sexual activity.
The West is lost. Your turn, Moslems

You can legally carry a foldable, non-locking blade that's under 3 inches like pic related, clip it to your belt so when you reach for your wallet you can grab it and stab his black ass.

Attached: index.jpg (300x300, 8K)

You should just move to a non moose-limb country honestly.

Are screw drivers illegal to carry? Would a bobby confiscate it and arrest me?

Attached: screwdriver.jpg (440x330, 10K)