No memes, which one was the best?
Best Waffen SS Division
Das Reich, it won the most knights crosses
Your mom lol
My gramps was in the LVF which got disbanded and formed into the SS Charlemagne. Vive la France.
>No memes, which one was the best?
They all were shit. They lost.
Unironically true.
Nice meme. Now answer the question seriously now
Totenkopf because they fought solely on the Eastern Front once it started and didn't have comfy R&R in France. Plus their unit insignia is a fucking skull laughing at death.
36th Waffen Grenadier Division, good ole Dirlewanger Brigade
Who cares? They're all dead.
13th mountain division
They all were shit. They lost.
>Be political regiment.
>Everyone gets crosses.
101st airborne dumbass
and the Soviet penal battalions were elite units, presumably?
They won, after all.
>muh highly decorated German units was just propaganda meme durr
>be you
>be faggot
Das Reich wasn’t a regiment and it wasn’t political btw, it didn’t bear hitlers name unlike 1st SS and still got more Knights Crosses
Nice meme. Now answer the question seriously now
Best how? The most elite were the 1st and 2nd easily. 12th was pretty wild with the whole ideologically-motivated soldiers trained since childhood thing. The 5th wasn't bad, it had some great alumni like Mengele. The 6th was never actually found to commit any war crimes and was generally cool around. The 9th and 10th meme'd all over the brits in Nijmegen. Outside of those units though, they were generally borderline-incompetent foreign "volunteers," literal police forces re-designated front-line combat units, or penal rape gangs.
1st SS was god tier
2cnd SS was elder god tier
wiking and the 12th SS are notable mentions
actual battle performance was meh compared to wiking and das reich
They are all shit, they lost
t.different poster
>"L-liars! Easy company and Lima company each got ten times as many kills per man on tank action anyways..."
I'm a fan of the SS Charlemagne desu.
>killing commies en masse
>as the tide of the war turns they are fighting because they have nothing left, if they go home they'll be killed on site
>the last defenders of berlin, fighting into the morning hours
Wiking, because Steiner, that's why
>essentially a penal unit consisting of all kinds of criminals & especially the worst sadists the SS had, commanded by an absolute degenerate by anyone's standards
The orphans aren't going to bayonet themselves, its a tough job but someone has to do it.
>all kills numbers can be divided by 10
lmao stupid germans can't even lie properly
>all kill numbers end perfectly in a zero and all end evenly at 50 or 00
They lost the war because their rules of engagement required them to avoid committing casualties in odd or prime numbers.
Nice thinly veiled Jow Forums thread faggot
>Most recipients are officers while so few are NCO.
It was pretty much "You stayed alive long enough" under the supreme command of Himmler because you Division CO is actually previous commander of SS-Verfügungstruppe before the Waffen-SS Divisions were created because you did not have direct command authority.
Was probably made off of estimations. Kinda hard to get exact estimates of who you killed so faggots can meme about it 80 years later.
Well, they got all the aryan pussy
All you can do is speculate, and considering the amount of times it was in combat, and the officer-centric nature of the German military, the receiving all those decorations is completely believable
m-m-mein fuhrer.... steiner.... steiner can't move
Did they? I’m pretty sure all the guys in penal battalions were all dead by 1944-45
Nice meme. Now answer the question seriously now
Probably because they didn’t have access to enemy loss reports ya know, so they rounded to the nearest ten based on the claims
Grossdeutschland was better than all the SS divisions.
But if I had to absolutely choose, I'd say Wiking, Nordland, or Totenkopf. Manstein supposedly claimed the Totenkopf was the unit he could trust most in an emergency situation.
The delta marines
They're estimations u russian tits
Finnisches Freiwilligen-Bataillon.
Mainly because Great-Grandpa fought the red filth in it. We don't know where he put any medals/memorabilia, though; he died in the early 80s and didn't speak of his time on the Eastern Front, besides that he regretted not killing more Mongols. (And that the locals were often friendly/hospitable; he had memories of a Russian Baptist church service he attended once in a forest somewhere.)
Oh look, kill claims that are mostly faked
FWIW, he immigrated from Finland to the US at the end of the war to attend seminary in Texas. Rumors abound in the family, but my Great-Aunt insists that he assisted the US Govt in finding Soviet spies in Finland. He married an Finnish-American widow of a man who died with the 81st Infantry in the Pacific.
She and the rest of the family were insistent that he was not pro-Nazi at all, and that he was foolish 17 year old volunteering to fight because of propaganda that misled him. Evidence that I have to the contrary is the existence of Mein Kampf and pic related in one of his boxes of personal belongings from his study, both well bought after the war, and a sheet that listed the names of living SS officers in the early 60s, including Léon Degrelle.
Do you have a sauce on that footage?
If we're talking about combat experience it would be a tie between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. If we'd like to limit the warcrimes committed as a criteria as well as experience then the 5th and 11th would be your best bet
Based great granddad
You forget the 11th with it's Battles at Narva, Tannenberg Line, The retreat to Berlin, and it's bitter last stand in Berlin. They fought hard and nearly to the last man
I'm glad I'm not the only one that mentioned the 11th.
Was your granda Lori Torni?
20th Waffen Grenadier Division
i'm going to twist your neck like my grandparents destroyed nazishits in stalingrad
Go ahead and come over, faggot. The thought of getting a few years having your disgusting slav ass plundered by Jamal in an American prison for killing a federal officer would make my death worth it.
No, he wasn't Lauri; Lauri died about 15 years earlier than my Great-Grandfather. I haven't found out if he met up, though; Great-Grandma doesn't/didn't (her memory is much less clear now at age 94) know if he met any former-SS/Wehrmacht in the States. He was a ham radio operator in the 60s and 70s, and traveled solo around the country for his business several times, so he may have been in contact with others and we didn't know. He kept it all very private.
12th SS Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend"
Hitler Youth. Caught in the closing days of the war sabotaging Allied supply lines on their trek West from advancing Communists. Most were turned over to the Russians and executed.
Now who were the bad guys again?
These children were heroes. May God protect their souls!
all the best german men died in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 12th SS divisions. something like 60,000 served in the 1st during the war with less than 1,000 left to surrender by the end. 12th SS went from 15,000 to less than 200 in 3 months.
Ah yes. It would be a short, yet fulfilling career. Drink as much as you can loot, loot as much as you can sell, kill what is unrapable, and then kill the raped -all with likeminded individuals such as yourself. Yup, war at its most base.
Even the NCO in the popular Warsaw uprising picture looks like he's coming off a bender.
>executing kids
Which was the one from Franco's Spain that were still war-hungry? They have any accomplishments worth noting?
anyone who killed gommies is a good man to me. Neat family history tho, my great grandparents and grandparents didn't really do anything interesting at all.
You're referring to the Blue Division, which was nominally part of the regular army. They were known to fight quite well, Hitler spoke well of them on multiple occasions. The SS connection didn't take place until much later when the last die hard Spaniards that refused to go home after Franco called back all his boys, were formed as a batallion (or regiment, but I don't think there were enough left to form a regiment) and attached to an unrelated SS division.
They were filthy Mongol communists. What did you expect?
Nah you'd probably get raped just like they did.
SS Division Wiking, because Sonderkommando Nord regiment had Lauri Allan Törni
You're mistaking my disgust and contempt for surprise.
>no one mentions S.S POHA
sorry for samefagging
got more pics
The One with the Luftwaffe
thats what happens when you task them with impossible fucking objectives. Almost as stupid as the Japanese belief that you could destroy a tank with no AT if you were a true warrior
Yeah. If mike tyson ever gets his shit kicked out of him by 10 drunk vatniks, a drunk vatnik is clearly a superior boxer to mike tyson
The quality of soldiers has much less to do with strategic victory than overstretched supply lines, an endemic lack of oil and being outnumbered, population wise, by an order of magnitude.
I knew about this one Finnish SS man who had a plank of wood in his fox hole so his mouse friend could use it to climb down to the hole during artillery barrage and then they ate some bread together.
I feel like this should be a skit in Monty Python
Don't kid yourself, Estoner. The 19th was the most awarded non-German division
Poland, 1940
> righto chaps, cleanse the village - remember, command will only allow us to kill in fifties or hundreds! It looks good in the newspapers and that sort of thing. Remember - only the ones with the big noses. Off you go!
> half an hour later
> BANG...48
> BANG...49
> BANG...5-
> Its alroight sir, ive got this one
> Right everybody, thanks to Jenkins over here we have to keep going...carry on!
> 20 minutes later
> sir, we only managed to find 21 more
> twenty one? Twenty-ONE?! Dear oh dear. Right, finish them off and on to the next village. At this rate we'll get done for genocide, not war crimes...
> 4 years later
BANG...five million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and forty nine..
BANG...and FINALLY, five million, nine hundred and ninety nine thousand, nine hundred and fif-
>came into this thread expecting it to be a dumpster fire
>decent historical discussion and user talks about his based great-grandfather
Pleasantly surprised
>"There you are, we had started wondering what took you so long"
>"Terribly sorry about that sir, we got held up because of Jenkins you see"
>"Figures, but where is Jenkins anyway?"
>"Jenkins is no more"
>"What do you mean he's no more"
>"Jenkins has expired, he has ceased to be, he has passed on!"
>"How what sir?"
>"How did it happen?"
>"How did what happen?"
>"How did Jenkins cease to be?"
>"Who's Jenkins?"
> well at any rate, youre just in time for the trial
> trial, sir?
> you see, while you were away the war took a rather turn for the worse, and the Allies are a tad miffed because it appears someone went gallavanting around murdering quite a few Jews...
> god damnit Jenkins..
> who?
> err...nobody sir...
the handing over of POW to the ruskies was sadly an all to common event.
Those of the ROA, the "russian ""liberation""army" that made it to the west where handed over to the soviet and executed.
The same fate befell nearly all ethnic units from the east.
The allies gave men up that they knew where not war criminals, where often forced into german service to certain death by the soviet execution squads and nobody cares because we da good guy we din do nuffin
My personal pick is the 27th
Mainly because me grand uncle served in it and died in it During the Narva campaign.
The objective claim I'd make for it being one of the better if not the best is because of a few factors.
a) it's one of the only foreign SS divisions too kept it's ranks filled throughout the war in the east. Which is a feat in and of it;s self if you consider the rather small Flemish recruitment pool.
b) It fought in several important battles such as setting up and maintaining the Siege of Leningrad. Vicious fighting in the Ukrane during the 1943 spring and summer at one point assaulting a town directly from the train carrying them as the town they where supposed to reinforce had already fallen and no one had bothered to tell them. And finally the Narva campaign.
c) it never got the glory it deserved. From the Germans because of an indecent involving Flemish nationalists refusing to take the oath of loyalty to Hitler. thus getting the formation branded as politically unreliable. The hard on that Hitler had for the competing formation of the Walloon legion of Degrelle.
And post war because no one bothered to write about them in any language other than Flemish Dutch so no one could read about them.
d) all the political leaders of the Flemish movement that pushed for forming the unit actually fought and most of them died in it. Barring those that where not fit for service due to age.
e) has a clean slate when it comes to war crimes
>at one point assaulting a town directly from the train carrying them as the town they where supposed to reinforce had already fallen and no one had bothered to tell them.
God damn!
What about the victors of Arnhem? No love for 9th and 10th?
Honestly I get why they did that. Releasing indoctrinated kids back into the general population just gives you a bunch of guerrilas that will have to be tracked down and killed anyway. Might as well nip the problem in the bud. Even though it offends boomer sensibilities.
>when you task them with impossible fucking objectives
There were no possible objectives after case blue failed to seize the caucasus oil fields other than holding on for the tiny chance of a miracle happening.
>No memes,
posts meme as thumb nail
Fukin Gamers KYS
>the greatest generation
Underated post
Alfons Rebane, Harald Nugiseks and Harald Riipalu having a Jow Forumsomfy conversation.