Jow Forums
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Weapons #380
I like the ksg
Gear Queer - /gq/
Please tell me this is not for /x/
Stanless or blued?
/EDC/ General
Any Jow Forums approved vidya?
The Abrams
QTDDTOT any question edition
Gun related youtube channels
All out war in Latin America who would win
/WA/ - Washington thread
Walk into gun store
Hello darkness, my old friend
Making a DIY silencer?
Why do snipers use bolt action rifles is it for any reasons why not use semi auto?
How to shoot well?
Do I have to heat up my parts every damn time I apply froglube...
How would Jow Forums school shooter proof a school without building a new school? armed guards in every school...
Trebuchet vs Catapult
Hey Jow Forums. Just took a job offer in NYC and packing up my guns to go into storage
Since there's a thread on uniting Anglo America, let's have a thread on separating it. How would it work Jow Forums?
Can we get a Local gun store thread? Any stories? Any cool finds?
Pre-Oder is up for semi AA-12
Tfw you will never have gunz
Hunters and innawoods wanderers; what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever found in the woods?
Well, the first Challenger wasn't that great, lets get a new tank entirely!
Henry Single Shot help
AR 15 general -/arg/
Boating Accidents
Is there any particular reason for why HK hasn't swollowed its pride and chambered the MP7 in 5.7mm already...
Whats your excuse
Obscure aircraft thread?
Guns soon banned in Switzerland
What's a good entry level 1911?
Any alternatives to ForgottenWeapons?
Why hasn't China shown interest in the SU-57?
Why does Jow Forums hate black people?
When did you realize that the SCAR is a gun for poor people?
Playing SWAT 4 Elite Force with three others
Why don't France or the UK have something similar?
5 car Stickers that Criminals use Against You!
Dear Jow Forums
Do you use a magazine loader? Or are they for basedboys
How to fight furries?
Holy fuck, TAOFLEDERMAUS got his hands on a Gyrojet carbine and pistol
Are most people bad people?
Reloading Brass/General Reloading
Whats are the weak points on China's new tank?
If you were in WW1, what would of been your main rifle and sidearm of choice?
Can someone explain the scar to me, I don't get it
What do you use for you EDC, hollow points or fmj?
Finland lost the Winter War
This guy is more operator than you
Get in here you dildos!
RAS-47 Needs a scope
Gadsden Thread
Kimber, 1911. Seven round capacity
Survival knife
Questionon 922r
Hello fine American friends! May the red banner of glorious China and our great leader Xi Jinping bring our nations to...
What are some cool abandoned areas of interest in the United States to explore/operate in?
You Leafs OK up there?
Give me truly alien infantry-portable weapons. Halo has made them too conventional
Old Lady guns
Literally I.O tier levels of quality control
I like the 92fs safety, prove me wrong
What made Japan think they could ever force America into peace talks during the second world war...
What is your heist gun?
Why can't we all not shit on other people's choice of weapon. If someone likes to carry a glock, that's fine with me...
Tell us about your boating accident
Man charged with 12 felonies in California for trying to register his weapon through the state...
Handgun General - /hg/ - #121
Arg gayrg tripfag shithole
Army and Air Force need New Food to prevent Recruits from Breaking Bones in Training
/akg/ AK General
This is James Yeager here with my wife's son and daughter
JF-17 Thunder any good?
Proposed Cannon Would Turn the B-1 Bomber into a Gunship
Gunmen dressed in ACUs twarted when guards recognized outdated uniforms in Afghanistan
Does the ATF really shoot that many dogs? How do I protect my dogs?
ITT: Calibers that have no use other than plinking
Birth Fapping Faggot
I don't know what is situation for Ukraine wars...
Glock Submission for Army's SMG Program
Ask someone that got dropped from week 6 of RASP for having cough drops anything
/wfg/ Writefag General- a fucking USAS12 edition
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Why don't you join your local Police force, user?
Canada General
Gun Horror Stories
Which commonly available surplus guns are most likely to have actually killed someone?
Guys I got a cat
Test your Knowledge
Wind River - Jow Forumsino or no?
"your only excuse is 'I want it' and that's not good enough"
AR 15 general -/arg/
Difference between lightning link and 2nd sear
Jow Forumsequesting the Jow Forums guide to the Baofeng UV5R. I know that there's a graphic out there with lots of info...
*replaces your A-10*
Abrams - why?
Ukraine war/slav war pics thread
England has their own revolution
Is it wrong to like a gun because it looks cool?
Repulsing a US invasion of Canada
US threatens India over S-400 purchase
What are you waiting for general
One Space Marine Scout armed with pic related vs 1 Spec Ops team of your choice
Gun won't feed round rounds at all
Any tankies have any stories
So the cops took some guns from me. traffic stop, they claim i was intoxicated i claim i was not...
Guns are horrible, and I don't care what any of you Jow Forums trolls have to say about it
User paints his ar
Jow Forums humour
B-1B Gunship
Rev up those chainsaws, Gov. Wheels is coming for our guns
Future soldier
Best 10/22 mods
What happened to men
What are some of the problems with this rifle other than the older models having thin barrels?
Surrender your assault weapons!
Is joining air force as a non pilot (excluding the green platoon or the PJ's) the easiest job in the military?
Jow Forums movie
I have An idea
What do you guys think about the Hakim?
How exactly do you fight a skinwalker?
Owning firearms in japan, is it possible?
Wallpaper Thread?
Who else enjoys leaving brass at the range for others to find and enjoy?
How does the S-400 compare to the other missile defense systems?
Be hiking in the woods
California, not even once
Gas powered rifle
Squad and platoon level tactics
Magazine grip thingies
Ok Jow Forums theres a spider behind my monitor and i need to kill it, but i cant get behind my monitor...
Faces of normalfags when you tell them you own a gun
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
That 25 year old at MEPS
Jow Forums vidya thread?
Russians wearing multicam
Could one defend their home effectively, from a single crowbar armed perpetrator, using only common fridge items...
Contamination Exposure
No gentle tank giantess to help you in battle
Double barrel and double trigger is apparently an Automatic weapon
Pacific war 2
How is RCS computed? Like the F-22 is supposed to have 0.00001m2 RCS...
Hex Mags Rock
Hello Jow Forums, help me answer a simple question that's been bothering me
Why is American failing the UAV war?
Waifu Raifu Knaifu thread #2
Ranged Homemade Weapons
Would the HEAT shootout be survivable today?
How is this not a thread already?
Tfw local gun range literally has a no singles policy
Jow Forums humor thread
Shotgun general /SGG/
PPK or Makarov?
A thoughtful post on how we were made
>the current state of Australia
"The Israeli military said more than 25 projectiles were fired on Tuesday...
Could I kill a tornado?
Is Den of Thieves Jow Forums approved?
The f35 is a piece of shit
Fucking idiots
Are there any form of communism/socialism that actually supports the ideal of the people being armed...
Why are gun owners so susceptible to shitty marketing?
You are transported back to the 15th century
How practical is a helmet that integrates ballistic protection, gas protection...
Outside of the USA how popular is .45acp?
What makes the m16 and the ar rifle family so great
Active Self Protection
What are some other good hobbies to pair with shooting?
Handgun General - /hg/ - #120
If americ*ns disappeared, this board would become 100x better
How do i kill myself with some .40 bullets and no gun?
When are they gonna release a stock for it that doesn't look like garbage?
Unpopular opinions
Canada General
Ukrainian APS to Protect Turkish Tanks in Syria
Post totally legal shit
Any tanks without guns avalible for civilians, Just something to live in in an apocalyptic scenarea
Spray down mosin with clp
Straight vs tapered cartridge?
"One Soldier's War" author and journalist, Arkady Babchenko, shot dead in Kiev
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Alright tell me what is the most brutal and robust weapon that you can legally use and own that can be shot with but...
Back in my day we used iron sights and we were grateful for it
Any anons here who have acquired a weapon illegally?
Bank robbing vets
Round of the Future
Vigilante loadout
These three men are going to break down your door. They have orders to kill you, not capture...
5.56 vs 7.62
Cop aesthetics #2
Aesthetic Handguns [Steel Frame Edition]
Recent acquisitions thread
Whats a good weapon to supplement my katana at long ranges?
What are the best foods, drinks, and drugs for increasing morale?
So barring some future revolutionary technology like caseless ammo, electronic ignition, or gaussguns...
Has this guy mastered the art of the SAW?
Can someone please explain the differences between RPG-7 warheads?
Cathar Genocide Edition
What do you guys think? Looks pretty cool
Is there even a reason to pick other branches over the Coast Guard
Not an AR
What is the best ak which is mid sized, reliable and moderately light weight?
Found this in the attic
What is the point of SMGs nowadays? What can they do what an converted assault rifle can't?
Sig p365
Is she /ourgirl/?
This can’t be legal
How effective are forests as deterrent against invasions?
BDU and US Woodland
If you woke up in the middle of the night and saw pic related going down in the corner of your room...
Why is it that despite everyone calling the Chinese unoriginal and all...
In a gunless America
Which Branch has the toughest Basic Training?
Burying Guns
Gun shop employees, what are some non-cash items I can barter with?
Is the Ruger SR1911 in 9mm any good?
Battle buddy bread
Is the army serious about buying an SMG? What should they get?
US military
Play Spintires Mudrunner
The British Army has completed its first successful firing trial of the Land Ceptor missile
Newfag to guns, liberal upbringing never really exposed me to them...
How to hero
Potato peeler for self defense?
Skinwalker Protection Thread
Multi tools?
What went so wrong
What nation's army has the most aesthetic uniforms?
Why do people deny the fact that lead is bad for your health? get to using lead-free ammo, Jow Forums
So why the fuck do you like this commie asswipe exactly?
Has there ever been a more absolute hatred than pic related on Jow Forums...
Can only carry 4x 550km range standoff missiles in internals
/akg/ AK General
Marine field artillery
Summer's here, unpopular opinions thread?
How much firepower would you need to take out Mexico's drug cartels?
American West fanboy here, looking to buy a some "cowboy" firearms...
Quality of Chinese soldiers and equipment is vastly inferior to Malaysia...
Question for Jow Forums
Fuck polymer
The FUCKING LEAFS actually published this poster and put it all over their military bases
Guys i think i found the best home defense setup
How the fuck can you beat a Reaper?
10/22 pointless?
Friendly reminder that Canaan is the most Jow Forums anime and everything else is wrong
Did anyone buy a gun that's just for suicide? It's nice knowing that you can end your life easily whenever you want...
Pa/k/ mememorial day meetup
You have just been given a 100 thousand dollar gift card for Norinco, what do you buy?
Best Handgun
What kind of super-weapons could exist as an alternative to nukes without the radioactive after effects?
Use folded (stamped) slides for ever to reduce costs
Anyone know anything about these guns? There's one for $300 bucks near me, and I've been itching to buy a new handgun
So this is a thread about SBRs. Post yours. I also have a question to anyone who has built one recently...
Ruins the aesthetic of every other aircraft
Would hitting a bullet with a hammer make it go off? Would it fuck up your fingers?
Giggle Switch
Waconigger hate thread
Out of all these stupid CC threads, why Is nobody carrying 44 magnums?
6 inch long muzzle brake
Why can't I find a magpul furniture mossberg 590a1 with an 18.5" barrel anywhere...
A moment of silence for all the Jow Forumsommandos that went to meet the Jow Forumsube
Ausfag feels
/ak/ thread
Scar 17
Why haven't we weaponized the human body yet?
Carry piece recommendations
Next purchase
Hey k, just had my first ND today. Went to pull the slide back on my sig to empty the chamber and the gun went off...
Arsenal/family photo/your weapons thread
Is SIG the new Remington?
Iron sights
Is there any more Jow Forums movie than Red Dawn? Pro tip; there isn't
Was it worth the it?
Well Jow Forums is it realistic
What gun did you overpay on and how bad did you get ripped off?
What gun/caliber would you use to hunt pic related, on his or her own turf?
P90 vs MP7
US Army is not ready for war
C96 or PO8
Why are we still using the MG-42? It's a nazi machine gun, it's so embarrassing to still use it...
"dude, I LOVE DA/SA" guns
Why would that be heavy?
So I just got the Boosteady cleaning kit and I just got my first gun so I dont know too much, but...
*replaces your 1911*
Jow Forums what do you think of this shot?
Which one is superior?
Truck guns
What is the difference between modern battle tanks like the western battle tanks like the Leo 2, Abrams...
Wtf i love the PSL now
Who would win in a gunfight...
I know normies mean well, but if one more wishes me a "Happy Memorial Day" I'm gunna snap...
/meg/ - military enlistment general
If I joined the military, what are the chances of cultivating a revolutionary group from within...
/bst/ Buy - Sell - Trade General
Alright fellas. Zombie apocalypse is happening. They're walkers, die to head-shots. Sometimes they sprint...
Dealing with aggression without getting sued
What are some good guns for this guy?
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back
People don't kill people, guns kill people
AR thread /arg/ tripfag containment
/MSG/ Military Surplus General
Gas mask thread
Favourite firearms content creator that isn't pic related?
PIMP gun thread
Is 17 WSM the future of rim fires?
Gear Queer - /gq/
Best gun for a down syndrome man?
When was the last time the US went up aginst an actual army...
ITT: Overrated kraut shit
Springfield XD Appreciation Thread
Where in the United States can I quietly handle firearms when I'm a noguns gook who is insecure about others'...
Thoughts on firearm owners United?
556 lethality
Hi, Jow Forums. I wanted to get a nice bolt action, and started looking at milsurp. However...
American POWs
Hazardous Materials
Filing them down is solution to soaring violent crime
Does anyone CC an AR pistol/draco/some other rifle pistol?
Is there any real practicality to 45/410 revolvers? Seems like they might be a decent innawoods gun
Memorial day not recognized
I come seeking your aid, Jow Forums
Waconiggers deserved the roasting
Spooky stories
Who else carries a big boi? No sub compacts
Hero of soviet union
Do officers who were prior enlisted make better officers?
There's an article in the Atlantic titled "Why the 'Citizen Militia' Theory Is the Worst Pro-Gun Argument Ever...
Is it possible to make an effective reasonably priced automatic revolver...
Hello Jow Forums, the front sight fell off my Walther and i cant get it stay on. any ideas of how to fix it?
Jow Forums goes time traveling
Cop aesthetics
Russian Firearms Thread
Tokarev poor accuracy
What are the gun(s) that you regret obtaining the most?
0311 crayon-fag here...
You're walking down the street. It's dark outside, about 10 to midnight. You have your edc with you...
Ruger GP100
Oi, have you got a licence for that gun?
Merkava is a good ta-
It's happening Jow Forums...
Dumb/useless guns that you still want
SHTF for a newfag
Does anyone have a link to the results of the 29 Palms Survey...
3rd World Encounters
Why do Americans fetishise guns...
Anti-air guns
Portal thread, but with a twist
Red pill me on the Yugo M57
Behold! The most perfect and awesome pistol ever
I'm Reloading
Handgun General - /hg/ - #119
What's the ultimate farm gun? that isn't the 10/22?
A couple dark youths really fucked up and killed a fair skinned female police officer...
Navy Air > Airforce
Talk me out of buying an ACOG
Help me Jow Forums
Is this the lowest an AR can go?
I know this is not the board but I trust you more than the other guys
Meet up pics thread
Ywn mop up the shattered remnants of NATO forces as you push into West Germany in your BTR-70
Range raid
What does Jow Forums recommend for non-CO2 pneumatic guns?
Do you clean your gun until it LOOKS clean? Or until it SMELLS clean?
Can cut
Hey Jow Forums I have a geese problem on my property i Live in Missouri and I hate the fuckers...
/akg/ AK General
Anyone else go to a gun show this weekend?
I know Jow Forums holds STALKER in high regards. But what of Africa Combat Simulator. Formally known as Farcry 2?
Patch Thread
Your favorite war story your uncle told you, I’ll start
I'm in an actual predicament that I need a couple questions for but here's some back story
My Schizobux finally come in this Friday and I plan on getting a Ruger LCR as my new CCW...
AR Thread/AR General//arg/
Good documentaries on the bush war?
Confess your sins
9mm Bolt-action
I need answers
Jow Forums approved anime
Are preppers retarded? I have never lived outside 10 minutes from a Costco. Everything near me is fully stocked...
Wait one fuckin second
ITT: shit thats Jow Forums as fuck from all era's
Help me name my child, Jow Forums
On the left is my tactical flashlight’s battery after ~300 shotgun slugs. I wonder...
Is it possible to use gun oil as anal lube?
Obesity and poor mental performance
Great War Generals
The Mathematics of Countering Tyranny
C96 Mauser
It's 1947
I think women do have a place in the military
Construct a 3800 ft long warship around a giant rail gun
Heavy Weapons Training
Question for you bullet casters out there
Im joining the marines
'Bout to go buy this in an hour tell me everything there is to know
1911 (RIA) vs 92FS for open carry
Hogg tries to extort Publix: hilarity ensues
Are carry handles outdated?
/KTG and /BG
WEW fucking next level
Getting better with that aiming Jow Forums?
Potts Slope Virginia Meet
US did not serialize parts like europeans
Is this the ultimate chad bolt action rifle?
Jow Forums vidya
Turkey's f-35 made it's first flight
Opinions on Glock?
You can't do a mass shooting with a bolt action rifle, you need a military surplus rifle for that
Memorial Day Sales thread
Battlefield 5 isnt totally historically inaccurate...
"Marines in Prospect Park encouraging children to handle assault weapons and dressing them up in combat gear...
Why didnt they call in a helicopter/armor or gave a rocket launcher to the police?
AR general thread /arg/
Aussie Love and Respect thread
What do you think of the Marine Corps' decision?
“Get your service weapon ready”
Should the military lower PT requirements?
Ok, this might be controversial
Aus general
Remington 1858 New Army
>Be US military
FPS Russia conspiracy:
Is there a weapon that shoots acid?
How would the second american civil war look like? what kinda weapons would be used?
How would you effectively fight the monsters in A Quiet Place Jow Forumsommando's? Even a silenced...
Gimme the quick rundown on the Condor plate carrier
How come no army has developed functioning exoskeletons yet...
Hey Grayman Fags!
Armed Robots???
Premium ammo is the biggest scam in the whole wide world. Just use regular fucking ammo from Blazer, Federal, Hornady...
Why are soliders prevented from killing civ's? They are the people of the enemy nation...
4-Wheel Scooter for Special Forces
Bushmaster ACR
I have fucking HAD IT with these croaking (bull?)frogs in my backyard all fucking spring and summer
Uniformed services appreciation thread
This is America
What is Jow Forums's opinion on razorfist? He honestly seems like a pretty based guy
How did american personel feel about there fellow veinamese soilders?
Military Vaporwave appreciation thread
Alright Jow Forums
3D Printers are awesome
What is with the fudd logic?
Ho-made aussie guns
Going to my first gun show tomorrow, anything I should: ask sellers, know beforehand, or look out for?
Post your budget/meme/homemade military hardware/guns here
Is joining the military a good way to get pussy?
Is it okay to show panhandlers that I'm armed when they approach my car or is this considered brandishing?
Here's a fun fact about the Vietnam War that will make you think
Is Jow Forums on Team Elias or Team Barnes?
Hey guys...
Mississippi as a naval waterway
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Was there anyone who understood war better than Patton? There is no greater military mind imo
Is door breaching as fun as it looks?
WTF Mossberg
Jow Forums webm & humor thread
Battlefield V
Beretta CX4 Storm carbine .40S&W
Would this work?
Give me the info on the RIA 1911s
STALKER 2: Cheeki Breeki Boogaloo
Innawoods thread?
Dang, imagine civil war break out in your country and it lasts for 4 fucking years
I'm designing a uniform for some female characters but I need inspiration. Rather than rely on Google...
Be in CT
How much damage can a .177 pellet gun do to a person?
Find a flaw
Clean your guns
There are literally hundreds of FPS shooters out there. Out of all of them...
Why don't we use these in war?
How do I get this guy’s job?
Are pistols bullpups? Think about it
Weekend testing is open lads
Why is the MI-8 so fat and ugly? It's bubbly af
Dallas Shooter Shootout
This is what an average Jow Forumsommando looks like
Best single shot .50 for the money
Meme Guns
Is airsoft good for training?
Who Wins?
Rage thread
Canada General
North Hollywood bank shootout
Hey Jow Forums, it turns out my great grandpa who was in world war two brought back this handgun from Germany...
Rushing a secured house
Alright anons, I need your help. Especially if you can read russian well (I can do it but I'm not too good at it)
Knife Fudds?
Your thoughts on Blackhawk Down?
Restauring my grampa's things 2: eletric bogaloo
Steve1989MRE thread
Sup Jow Forums
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
AMA - NY Gun Shop edition
Sharpening Thread
Is it okay to shoot child soldiers?
You are transported back to 5th century England, what would you bring and do?
Conceal carry in a place where it's illegal because Jow Forums told me to
Waifu Raifu Knaifu thread
Babysitting sister's newborn a while ago
The perfect service rifle
Will this kill a cat?
Jow Forums Draw Thread
Standard Issue
What's it like to be in the presence of explosions while on patrol?
Jow Forums Arts and Pics thread
Why must I have to wear armor plate fits me?
Having the "Gun" Conversation with your Man
So /k / I heard on the news tonight that 3 people had been shot to death firing squad style in my city tonight...
Buy $1,700 Benelli M4
Portal Thread
/akg/ AK General
I fucked up - 22
/msg/ Milsurp General
Do we have anyone here that has been in the armed forces?
Hello Jow Forumsommandos. I am looking for some tips on my pvc penobscot crossbow
That 30 year old in the military
What would Jow Forums recommend as the most effective weapon for culling feral horses in the Australian 'high country'...
Handgun General - /hg/ - #118
Reminder that the Colt 6920 is the best AR15 under $2000. If it’s not a Colt then it’s not milspec, it’s mallspec
So im going to build an ar this summer
Looking after Uncle's place while he's on vacation at the beach...
Fuck Marry Kill
Post your favorite gun and your Myers Briggs
Su-57 fighter launched an advanced cruise missiles in Syria
If I hold my gun angled, the sights are still aligned with the barrel. Will it affect POI?
Guns you own but have never fired
This is the most beautiful aircraft ever created
Armalite Rifle General /arg/ AR Thread Tripfag Containment
So really, what is the gun apologists plan to end school shootings
Help me out on restoring this gun, Jow Forumsonrades
Thinking of getting my first firearm
Post the most aesthetic machines of the jet age
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Guns are overrated, anyways
Babis 1st gunshow
Autistic Story Thread (with user participation)
ATF Alcohol Tobacco Firearms
Military greentext stories
Best .22 Handgun
Why has there been such a massive recruiting drive lately
Has Jow Forums ever played this before? What was your country and what was your tactics and strategies...
What are some of the most embarrassing defeats in history?
Who guards the President? How are they selected and what weapon do they carry?
AR thread/ARG/tripfag containment
Scalable Hand Grenade for Special Forces
Howard Leights are great budget ear pr-
Jow Forums movies
What's a good gun for a weak women who is afraid of loud noises?
What are some unpopular, but objectively true, Jow Forums-related opinions? I’ll start:
How are Norinco 1911's Jow Forums...
Using 9mm for self defence
We haven't had this thread for awhile
Do you think about just giving up and accepting it
You will never march into Germany to kill some krauts
Which person's guard would have the most effective fighting force in a conventional war? The Secret Service...
Patch Thread
With the restrictions on clip sizes coming into law, is it time for a resurgence in large capacity revolvers?
Nuggets now cost $300+
I want you to roast my collection
I bought myself this UTG rq2w3226 scope ring and it same some insert to protect your scope...
Reminder: If you don't own a Walther P99, you're a cuckold
Echo trigger
Picked up an Israeli vest. Can anybody translate this? Google translate is retarded
I know it's gay as fuck but I don't have any friends, am in college and shooting is one of my only hobbies...
For what purpose did Muhajadiins use these huge ass telescopes?
The virgin AR-15 or the Chad Mini-14, Jow Forums?
I'm pretty sure this is the best place to ask this
Whats the deal with DSA recievers for FALs being absolute ass?
Redpill me on .50 beowulf
Explaining why gun ownership is low in Europe
I was looking for some good smoke bombs recently and I came across these three selling for 12.99 each. Is it a good buy?
Aesthetically pleasing thread. Go
Hey Jow Forums
you will never drop onto an alien world via an LAAT
Abomination Thread
PVS-7 questions
Using your EDC weapon for self defense
Jow Forums approved novels?
What purpose the the wings of winged hussars serve?
Thermal vision
ATTACK aircraft thread
Oppenheimer around?
Jow Forums humour dump
Shotgun thread
Help a german fag
Turkey's new tank
What cartridge should children start with?
India... Russia... All of Europe
It just keeps happening (again)
Ok so, long story short, in my country I can only possess firearms of calibers smaller than 9mm so that leaves me with...
MIRV'ed Hypersonic Glide Weapon
Should soldiers be given lightweight close-combat weapons traditional to their region/culture?
Shoot indoor ranges much ?
So i have a question for the new york Jow Forumsommandos. Im going to fishkill/wallkill...
Can we discuss subversion as a weapon?
What makes Jow Forums feel?
Tukrey BTFO
How are chinese ar 15s in the current year?
Why is the world still so cucked on chemical weapons?
The Estonians are looking for a new service rifle to replace their Galils. Three options:
I'm going to make my own caseless ammo
Russian Made AR-15
Got some questions for Jow Forums. Recently became a hasguns
Goodnight siggy!! <3
CCW Sash
What is Jow Forums's opinion on airsoft
Turn your key sir!
What Rifle To Buy
Negligent Discharge
/ak/ Thread
Ill be leaving my girlfriend home alone for about a month in some ghetto apartments, so I need to get her a gun...
The MBDA Meteor is the pinnacle air-to-air missile technology. AIM-120s wish they could be this good
What is it?
I'm a skinny manlet twink and most things are hard for me to conceal. Just fingerbanged one of these at my lgs...
Ok so these assholes have overtaken my local fishing spot...
Alright tankers of Jow Forums, I just signed on as 19K and I leave in October. What an I in for?
ARG General
My grandfather just gave me a few guns. One of them is a Springfield armory model 1903...
Handgun General - /hg/ - #117
What's your general opinion on lever action rifles and revolvers? Or "cowboy guns"
Are .380 pistols worth it?
Glock vs CZ
Here we go again
Wooden wheelgun grips
Building a Fort Innawoods
Leave a man to die
You are a U.S soldier in 1942, for some reason they let you choose which theatre you get sent to...
Armalite Rifle General /arg/ AR Thread Tripfag Containment
How are 14.5" ARs?
Why do you like brown guns? They’re ugly and stupid. Any other finish looks better
ATF BTFO Connecticut Shop Owner
Should nukes and missile launchers be legal Jow Forums?
Russia quietly conducted the world's longest surface-to-air missile test
Name one bad firearm FN herstal made
I want to join a PMC and go overseas and kill and come back with a fat paycheck...
Why don't you have a gun, Jow Forums?
Who makes the nicest revolvers in the world?
There are people on Jow Forums who have never served in their countries armed forces but browse and post on this board...
Do white South Africans have a chance Jow Forums?
Military dudes please help
Welp, I ain’t no Wehraboo, but it sadly looks like I’ll be playing Wehrmacht only in the new BF game
Slam fire shot guns
Best handgun of all time prove me wrong
Tactical Dog Helmets
/bst/ thread
So besides weight and capacity, and the fact pretty much everyone else will have AR-15s or at least AKs...
Rod of God
Spc Ketchum
Sicario 2
Will there ever be a more "epic" war than WW2? It was like a fight of good versus evil...
Why is everyone crazy about these things?
/arg/ Armalite Rifle General 10/15/18/25
/egg/ Euro Gun General
Can Pakistan even survive a conflict with Pajeet?
Repro lugers?
Missouri Meet This Weekend
Battlefield Vagina
Lets have another Jow Forums humour thread, not seen one in a while
What's the deal with American AKs?
I want to get a Ruger Blackhawk. What caliber should I get it in?
ATF Measuring OAL With Brace Folded?
Turn in your guns
Report confirms: russia destroyed MH17
Glock 17 vs Beretta APX vs M&P 2.0 vs Sig P320
Gear Queer - /gq/
The year is 2281, you have become a warlord armed with historical knowledge and an army of cronies, who do you larp as?
Is it useful?
Improvised weapons
Sexy gun girls thread
/msg/ Military Surplus General
This got extracted from a protester in the nicaraguan uprising. Just what is the government shooting them with...
Get tracer round
Am I the only yid that uses Jow Forums, specifically Jow Forums?
What country has the loosest gun laws? Third world countries included
Jow Forums, education and G.I Bill
It had such a cool concept, why did the Zumwalt end up an abject failure?
Is Tim from Military Arms Channel a Jow Forumsommando?
How do you support your hobby, Jow Forums
Gas mask collectors
What the fuck justified paying 2000$+ on an ar15?
How do you deal with an urban sniper? Someone who can accurate range out to 700 yards in a concrete jungle...
Is light infantry outdated?
Possible new gun
Well Jow Forums...
Why don't guns carry the same gravitas and symbolism potential as swords did?
Rate my collection and post yours
OK Jow Forums Bad News. The apocalypse is here, and it doesn't have any guns in it. Rapid combustion, electricity...
So, Jow Forums. As most of you might know...
You have immediate control of the NYPD
Morale check
What do you think of deagles?
/arg/ AR15 Rifle General
Jow Forums designs a field ration
Is Jow Forums pride on my ccw to much?
Was talking with a friend tonight and he brought up pic related...
Unpopular Opinions
What is minimum stockpile of bioweapons in current year?
/wfg/ Writefag General- going for walkies edition
Has Japan ever officially apologized for the war after WW2 was over or have they never said sorry ever...
Is this Polymer 80 build as untraceable as it gets?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Does anyone else just sometimes... hold a gun in their hands, or maybe a bullet, and just...contemplate it...
Damn you Sweaty Ben !!!!!
Ruger Redhawk 5.5”
Canada General
America finally disinvites China to RIMPAC. Fucking commies, never should have been there in the first place...
/akg/ AK General
When will Jow Forums be able to admit it?
Is there any reason to get a Mauser 98 when I can get a Kar98k?
Has there ever been any historic accounts of women with prosthetic limbs serving in WW2?
Antifa are coming to steal and destroy your guns
Just won a s&w model 10 for $270. How'd I do lads
What would happen if a bunch of Jow Forumsomandos got access to a rail cannon?
Can Palmetto Shit Armory get anything right?
Post those gun related memes
With obesity rates on a historic high, are round like 9mm suitable against fat people or is something like...
It's official Jow Forums. You get to start your own PMC. You've got 100 men at your command...
Road rage and driving thread
You are minding your own business when suddenly you are transported back in time to the time...
Yoshitomo Imura
DICE dev here
What would it take for the United States to go to war against Japan...
Which special forces element would you be most or least afraid to fight?
Looking to buy a inexpensive pump shotgun tomorrow just to Target shoot with...
Can we have a Japan military hate thread going? Also fuck Japan and Japanese in general
Unusual Livery
Best Waffen SS Division
What would it take for Japan to have pissed United States off so much that it would make the United States go and drop...
Jew Gun Thread
AR-10 FTE issues
This is a stickup pal! give me all of your military aesthetics
Daily reminder that the British army of WW2 was just cucks and Muslims
This man jumps out and throws 1,000 angry bees at you
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship