Which special forces element would you be most or least afraid to fight?
For me, my least preferred to go up against is pic related.
Which special forces element would you be most or least afraid to fight?
For me, my least preferred to go up against is pic related.
Least afraid? S.A.T or anything Italian.
Most afraid? Probably equally split between S.A.S and Delta.
Shayetet 13, because they can just swim from continent to continent.
I don't think the Gurkas count as Special Forces. Aren't they on par with French Foreign Legion or Royal Marines?
I'm going to say anything Eastern European/Russian. What they lack in training or lack of funding they make up with indifference to the value of human life.
Simultaneously least and most afraid. Most afraid because I'd be embarrassed to be killed by pic related
Hey, we got a few.
>Special Forces
They are exceptionally well trained, motivated and aggressive but they aren't Special Forces, like said, they are basically small Asian Royal Marines. They have their own selection process and their training is tough. I've never met a Gurhka I didn't like, they are brilliant.
They are also all fucking crazy, remember those stories of beheading taliban with Kukri's and beating people to death with tripods, that shits all true.
Consider the following
FOOLS! INDONESIAN KOPPASUS IS THE GREATEST SPECIAL FORCES IN THE WORLD!! INDONESIA KOPPASUS wins EVERY TIME they entering every world commando challenge. They fought with such bravery even the Israeli Special Force scared and never ever set their jew feet on INDONESIAN soil. China afraid of INDONESIA KOPPASUS. Britain held them as their teacher. Even the American General admitted that ONE INDONESIA KOPPASUS operator is much better than whole squad of NAVY SEALs DEVGRU TEAM SIX.
Depends on what you consider special forces, shit, ISIS has...had a few former highly trained soldiers in its "ranks", but not considered a concrete element like some regimented or organized "official" combat element. If you were to consider that, I'd hate to fight pretty much any extremist muslim militant only because I know I wouldn't be satisfied only killing however many I got.
Otherwise, probably mossad guys because they'd treat themselves to my family regardless of whether they or their teammates killed me and mine.
none of them. they are just soldiers in different uniforms a child soldier would be as dangerous.
the murderers that are used for civilian hits by Russia best korea, britian, france, Israel, iran and the usa would loose me sleep though, they have access to chemicals, support networks, funding and methods that mean that you would have to live in the north pole to avoid being killed.
>none of them
>better than whole squad of NAVY SEALs
So, just mediocre then?
something from a brown country would make me least afraid but that's not fair at all
They are just soldiers user. They die like everybody else.
Ufc athletes are just fighters user they get knocked out like anyone else. Go on take a swing.
Least: Japanese special forces
Most: Russian special forces
I vote this. The Jews are the scariest because they infiltrate everyone. They can just make shit "disappear" with near total control of media and finance. So whatever special forces are merc'ing directly for Jews (they're all doing it indirectly ATM) are scariest.
>a bunch of tiny dumb gooks with "muh cuckri blade"
Surprised no one has mentioned the 75th yet. They are tough mofos and also a Ranger killed someone with an MRE spoon at Haditha Dam
English faggots have a massive hard on for them. It's kinda embarrassing but they're big cucks so makes sense.
>Ufc athletes are just fighters user they get knocked out like anyone else. Go on take a swing.
I'm not surprised you are into shit like ufc either.
I you think a unit patch is a magic shield from a bullet a blast you are deluded. They are people, they die like everyone else. A lot of the media about special forces in the last 30 years is a psyop of muh invincible. I suppose vidya games and Hollywood made you forget they are just people who can die like anyone else.
>>I don't go out with girls anymore,
>>I live a life of danger.
>>I stay in the woods an play with myself;
>>Wheeee, I'm a ranger..................
Forest ranger
Park ranger
Sanitation ranger
They're all the same.
Genuinely tougher than the 75th though, faggot.
Not even close retard. The 75th is an SMU and is the premier raiding force of the entire US Military
Context needed, are we fighting an operator 1 on 1 or is this a large scale engagement? Does either side have access to normal support?
If I fight the SAS, is it me against the whole regiment with potential CAS or if I choose chinks can they quantum impress my ass from orbit?
Least, for capable real special forces, Russian Propaganda aside they're historical performance even against durkas is not great.
Most, the Jews both for combat record, and global reach combined with penchant for global norm floating retribution strikes.
Finland, I'm not afraid and afraid at the same time.
Least afraid: SF, will take just about anyone, get BTFO by nigger militias, shit-tier bjj
Most Afraid: SEAL, chads, undefeated, will choke you out for good just for fun
> muh Rangers
Brainwashed jocks that couldn't make it in the SEALs
>Chad outsmarting Moshe
Don't like those odds .
>Inb4 Jews may have high IQs but are frail
They actually make up a higher than their proportion of the population share of professional athletes while Whites are underrepresented, Olympians too
Until the devs nerf them Jew is the way to go.
Why would someone in the Army try out for a Navy unit?
I fucking love the ghurka story with the tripod. I'd say they're my least preferred to face, not because of the likelihood of dying, but the degree of gruesomeness of my death. For a real special forces, then I guess Delta or DEVGRU?
Story link with exclusive footage of spoon ranger
Uh, nah. Raiders are the premier raiding force. The rangers are good at showing up afterwards and trying to claim cred lol
Most afraid? Alfa without a doubt
Least afraid? screamin gurgooks
lol Razvedki
although they'd probably use an office stapler and be just as messy
Listen here faggot they have a lot of practice doing a thing you've never done before so naturally they will be better at it than you. I didn't say they were invincible or they got super soldier serum. But the Vegas odds ain't in your favor pal.
fuck yeah, raiders
Those guys are fucking animals
I don't mean that in a fully complimentary way.
>special forces element
teh ghurkas are line infantry you fucking tool
>doing a thing you've never done before
stop talking about yourself. I've seen supposed elite troops turned into pink slime .
Those aren't gurkha in the classical sense, fucking tool. Those are RGR, which are selected from Nepalese "line infantry" by the UK and get much of the same training as SAS.
>will take just about anyone
Don't they kick out people who came in straight from boot camp just because they can?
I thought all SF were former Rangers of different flavors.
Who ever said anything about them being invincible? What point are you trying to prove. OP asked what would be the scariest specially trained group to go up against. A chance shot can kill anyone, and that's fucking obvious it says a lot about you needing to point it out.
Sitting at home in my compound. Perimeter alarm goes off. I get a phone call from a blocked number telling me Im about to be taken out by ____________. Here's how I react based on what _____________ is.
>poop myself
Shayetet 13
> accept I'm probably going to die
most others
>don't sweat it, they'll probably fuck it
Rangerfags, whatever the frenchies use, SAS (they can't even in to 80 degree weather.)
>They are exceptionally well trained,
they're not. they do a standared british infantry basic and that's it. they are the last of the colonial levies. nothing more, nothing less.
>They are basically small Asian Royal Marines.
there is nothing, absolutely nothing, in the training of ghurkas that in anyway compares to the royal marines six month basic and all arms commando course. not even the pt requirements. if there was anything that compared, it would be all arms commando course, because in order to train pers in commando role, the british military sends them to all arms commando course, which is the british training course to train pers in commando role. would you believe.
i wish you fucking idiots would do at least some basic research.
nope, you can get an 18x contract easy, they take anyone who can pass the course. rangers and SF have a low key rivalry.
>asked what would be the scariest specially trained group to go up against
And I answered. Don't really care, all the same to me. They'd just be the enemy. Makes not a shit of difference what patch they wear.
Not even remotely.
>you can get an 18x contract easy
Yeah but they kick you out when you reach Q course
>Those are RGR, which are selected from Nepalese "line infantry" by the UK and get much of the same training as SAS.
everything you say is so catastrophically wrong you must actually be retarded.
royal gurka rifles were formed from an amalgamtion of the gurka regiments, in the classical sense
royal ghurka rifles are recruited as civillians
royal gurka rifles only ever do a british infantry, maybe p company if they're still assigned to 16 aa
royal gurkas rifles are not, never have been, never will be, special forces in any way, shape or form.
just fuck, user, just. fuck.
they take anyone who can pass selection, mate. you're thinking of marine recon who kick out newbies just because they can.
>I read it on wikipedia
k man
The closest those glorified farmers get to SAS is asking one for an autograph.
>k man
please cite any source that states that the royal gurka regiment sits special forces selection and cycles, which is 'get much of the same training as SAS'. please cite for me any source that gurkas can even sit selection and cycles as they are neither british nor commonwealth citizens. please cite for me any source that states the rgr is anything other than a light role line infantry regiment in the standard british orbat, receiving anything more than the standard british army infantry basic like all other british army light role infantry. please back up any of your fucking claims at all.
there is nothing secret about the gurkas. everything they are and do is completely open source. i don't know why you've chosen this hill to die on. they train with their kukri, that is literally the only difference between them and your average squaddie.
Most afraid the S.A.S and Delta
Least afraid the Maroon Berets
>he thinks SEALs are somehow tougher than 75th
Did you read that in a book they wrote? Or did you pick it up from that one game where they leaked secrets? Or perhaps you watched their movie? Fag
You'd probably have more of a chance killing a SF than getting the first punch on a ufc guy
>marines claiming to be the best at anything
Keep being the propaganda branch. There’s a reason Rangers get picked to go to spooky units. There’s also another, more retarded, marine-related reason that raiders don’t even count as SOF LMAO
russian spec ops are better equipped and trained than western tho
Everyone in this thread namedropping DEVGRU, Delta, why do you think they are the most combat capable? Obviously they are the scariest units in terms of operational capability, their skills and training are unmatched. But those skills and training are likely not devoted to assault and combat operations. We don’t know what they’re trained to do, but I bet they’re not doing the most kinetic shit imaginable. Why do we assume they’re the best at making shit dead if we don’t even know if that’s what they’re good at?
>literally the most effective commando frogman unit in history is Italian
>hurrrrrr italian special forces are terrible
Really getting tired of this
top kek
You retarded crayon eaters drank too much koolaid
anzac sas
Sfod is primarily focused on hostage rescue and counter terrorism. That generally leads to lots of doors being kicked with armed hostile just on the other side.
>The entire Russo-Ukrainian war right now
Sure, kid
>remember muh bbc based minority stories
In what country are Jews over-represented as professional athletes?
You gotta give me a source or something, because that shit is frankly unbelievable.
>the entire russo ukrainian war
what about it? if I recall correctly ukrainians got themselves cauldron'd and SURRENDERED, only to "take it back" and continue a butthurt frozen conflict
otherwise ukraine got absolutely fucked and ceded land making Russia the country that ANNEXED a full region since when was the last time exactly? oh that's right, georgian conflict right before that which also involved some nato-larps and most definitely russian spec ops on the ground
ITT: A whole lotta larping. Like any of us would have a chance against someone who lives, eats, and breathes combat with a decade+ of wartime training and real automatic weapons. It gets even worse if it's not 1v1 and there's a squad in the mix. So it's them, me, and who? My paintball squad? Yeah, we'd get owned.
The only chance we'd realistically have is if it was some group of illiterate African "soldiers" who have their AK sights dialed up to 10 for maximum kill power. And even then, I'd still have my money on the Africans over the 4channers.
>Ukraine has lost territory
Daily reminder that ukraine captured several russian paratroopers and that russia has failed to take more territory than the absolute closest to its border. They got nearly nothing
daily reminder that ukraine was "capturing" random civilians and exchanging them as "russian paratroopers"
Op is a faggot
Cheeky one.
>most afraid to fight:
the ones having numbers, political will and hardware propping them up to continue fighting.
So, whatever US, French, Israeli and Russian special forces out there. Especially the US.
Kill enough of them, and they might pull out, but they'll take you with them. You lose, even if you win.
>least afraid to fight:
Germany, most of the smaller western European states. Too few in numbers, and a weak national unity, not willing to sustain casualties in the long run. Kill enough of them, and they'll pull out.
Dude, SEALs are killing machines with a beach body, Rangers are light infantry with good PR.
Don't believe the hype, SF is a placeholder for soldiers too old to go on kicking doors. It's a good old boy club, most of them couldn't pass the APFT or a piss test.
For the same reason that you'd shoot somebody before throwing them out of an airplane
Which is why they hemorrage so many men against vastly numerically inferior enemies.
Russia failed in its strategic goals in Ukraine and only got highly Russian areas on its border.
> Georgia
Not part of NATO
Short conflict where Russia invaded with twice the forces Georgia had
169 to 186 dead. Wow. Of course Georgia lost strategically but that will happen when a country far far larger surprise attacks during the Olympics
Again, hard to say because Russia lies about casualties constantly, but conservative estimates say they lost twice as many men as the US did in Iraq and Afghanistan combined, with far shorter supply lines, fighting a far far far less well armed enemy, an enemy about 10% the size, using ROE far loser than anything the US would allow.
Russia has not covered itself in glory. It has some decent area denial tech and nukes, that's the competitive advantage.
As long as I'm not up against Vietnamese rice farmers.
>Jews have high iq
Look at the IQ of Israel. Only Ashkenazi jews have high iqs and it's because of European admixture
Lmao go fuck yourself, pathetic lying jidf scum. jews are the weakest race there is, without your cunning and deviousness you faggots would be long gone.
Mizrahim have average 100 IQ, higher than Middle East average. Ashkenazi have shown a robust trend in multiple studies has having an IQ gap above Whites slightly larger than that between Blacks and Whites.
As to the Israel study, they included Israeli Arabs (30% of the population) and Palestinians, who are both Arabs not Jews and live in horrid apartheid conditions. No shocker they did poorly.
IDF has still pound for pound outperformed basically every military that has fought in the Middle East or After/Pak including Soviets and the USA...
You have that so backwards, I can’t tell if you’re trolling, or retarded.
The only thing NSW did during the GWOT was get rescued by Rangers and/or Marine/Army line infantry, and write books.
There isn’t a single white side SEAL Team/platoon that has more deployments than any Ranger Batt/platoon. JSOC/USASOC have both publicly acknowledged that the 75th has conducted more raids than any other SOF unit, and has more kill/captures than any other unit.
Put down the Kool-Aid my dude.
The Ashkenazi-white IQ difference is greatly overstated. Ashkenazim have about a 5 point lead on whites. AltHype has some videos on the topic.
Also, didn't IDF get raped by the goatfuckers in Hezbollah?
Durkas are gay af.
Literal 100 calorie size manlets with a big knife.
Them or some Asian sf force probably.
Most scared to fight would probably be Delta or SAS. Raiders and SEALS a close second.
Probably the brits.
Right, the gap bounces around in papers from 5-15 points. That based sources cherry pick is not surprising.
The 2006 war you are referring to was limited in scope. IDF lost 121 compared to 500-800 Hezbollah and Iranian loses. By comparison to wars before and since it was good for Hezbollah. They managed to destroy 5 tanks.
Still, casualties were disproportionately on the Hezbollah side, Israel took the area it wanted, Hezbollah accepted a ceasefire without their demands being met.
Basically it showed the IDF the peril of going in very light as the US had done semi-successfully in Iraq (good on the invasion, bad later on). The IDF course corrected and began stomping them later on, making them accept terms. Given that Hezbollah had been hardening its position and the entire plan was to bait Israel into the south where they had planned to trap them, and that they hid behind civilians and still lost 8:1, it's not like they stomped the IDF. Arabs also claim they won in 1973 when the Syrian army was destroyed, the IDF in Damascus, the Egyptian army encircled, and the IDF ready to take Cairo if terms were turned down.
IDF losses were comparably half that of the US losses in the second Fallujah, but I wouldn't say the insurgents "stomped" the US and UK given they took disproportionate casualties and lost their goals. Same thing here.
Notably, since then in the Gaza wars when Hezbollah has jumped in they've been stomped.
IDF getting raped by Hezbollah despite Hezbollah accepting race with none of their demands met, despite baiting Israel into attacking entrenched forces in a battlefield of their choosing, while the IDF losses were comparatively better than many major US battles in Iraq though shows how Propaganda can turn victory into defeat.
Sort of how the Chechnya disaster is now a show of Russia's brutal resolve and gloves off approach, instead of being an embarrassment when compared with US performance at the same period.
They are good.
But the real reason every limey blows their trumpet, is that retired Gurkha is going back to Nepal.
No pension. No veteran's treatment. A cheap, expendable commando. Ideal tool for British fuckery.
>No pension
Yea they do.
Unit 777
the reason they are so keen to become ghurkas in the first place is because the pension back home in nepal allows them to live like kings. It is a means of social mobility you absolute brainlet burger.
Ey, beat me to it.
>Not Unit 731
>Never see enemy
>Suddenly have inhalation anthrax, bubonic plague, and small pox
>If you actually get captured they vivisect your alive
>Guy #2
oWo that bulge
ah yes these famous recent beslan and nord ost
now take a look at gign during france attacks