

Attached: 950.png (1250x826, 823K)

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neva bin dun befo!

Seriously what will Bubba come up with next. Also at least it was just 2 870s, shit was junk to start with.

Offer him a half and half for it.

Looks like duct tape around the stocks, heated up with a heat gun. Charming.

how does the one on the left eject shells

It's a left handed reciever.

They make left eject 870s but I'd like to think that he cut a hole on the left side of the right shotgun so the shells would have come out of the same port.

You don't understand how guns work, noguns.


>Seller is 20 minutes from my house
I'll be back, lads

Attached: tumblr_nojvdrq9Sl1twpbhjo1_1280.jpg (900x735, 80K)

You don't understand fudds newfag.

>100% legal to own because it has 2 sepeate triggers

Attached: desc.png (642x334, 60K)

God speed Captain Uwont

>Remington 1740
holy shit

jesus, I bet he didn't even slave the slides together

>remington 1740
This guy knows what's up.

Best I can do is a scuba tank and some motor oil


>remington 1740
holy shit lmao

Attached: 1464853855471.png (1000x967, 2.29M)

I wonder if he would take an outboard motor or a drum set?


Goodbye my sides

>Trades: tell me what you got
I got some fill dirt and some molly hatchet tapes

how does the left one eject?


>remington 1740

I'm fucking done boys

Attached: 1526923351516.jpg (498x341, 41K)


This idea is at least 10 years old.

It takes a lot of time to be an innovator. I wouldn’t expect a lame like you to understand the concept of formulating a solid plan, and certainly not following it through

Are those fucking zip ties?

Attached: 73D63E00-253B-4577-8BA3-0B35253A09C9.jpg (750x894, 319K)

this has to be a troll post

Do it!

the look like magazine tube clamps

Attached: 13e.png (540x718, 287K)

>tell me what you got
This is something user put up as a gag and Jow Forums is falling for it like usual.

The listing is gone. Somebody better post this.

Attached: boogiedown.gif (200x190, 1.96M)


>remington 1740
top fucking kek

>Remington 1740
TOP Jow Forumsek


Attached: THINKINGEMOJI.gif (504x504, 765K)

1. LMAO that's actually funny
2. God that'd suck to shoot for more than like, a minute