Is it the ideal .44 magnum for general innawoods and target shooting? Thinking of picking one up this summer. Anyone have a cool .44 they’d like to share?
Revolver thread!
Is it the ideal .44 magnum for general innawoods and target shooting? Thinking of picking one up this summer. Anyone have a cool .44 they’d like to share?
Revolver thread!
IDK dude I don't like Ruger triggers. Once you shoot a NICE S&W there's nothing that really comes close.
If you were gonna hunt and shoot targets (bullseye) I'd say get a super blackhawk with a 7.5 inch barrel.
If you felt like spending money I'd go find an old S&W.
They're decent guns if you spend a little time tuning them. Built like a brick shithouse. The internals on ruger have been burred to hell for the past couple years, so be prepared to spend some time sanding the edges to remove the gritty feeling. All said and done, I carried mine in a shoulder rig for a while and it was decent, but I recently got a pc 629 and haven't looked back. Smith is my go to since the trigger is so much nicer out of the box and the weight is about the same for 2 more inches of barrel.
I love revolvers
Ihave a 4" for my work outside and an uppity moose is up in my grill needs.
great guns and they can take super hot loads.
only thing is i'm trying to figure out how to mount a light to mine
Nah. It's pretty damn good though. There are lighter .44 magnums for innawoodz and better trigger'd .44 magnums for target shooting. What's great about the Ruger is that they can be loaded hot without fear of damage that would occur with a Smith. .44 Russian/Special/Magnum is always expensive, so if you're trying to plink reload or look elsewhere.
I have a 5.5 inch Redhawk, love it. The double action trigger is heavy as fuck though, hard to go smooth DA without shaking. It is what it is.
Stronger than its Smith equivalent, but worse trigger
If you want to shoot lots of hot 44 Mag loads, the Redhawk is your gun
If you want to shoot a lot of .44 Special with the occasional magnum while yelling AESTHETICS, get a Smith
Since this is now a wheelgun thread, what's the best .38/357 a man can get? While I appreciate .44, my wallet prefers .38, as do my wrists after 200 rounds.
GP100 is the best all-around, unless you're a die-hard S&W guy.
cool, fag
Manurhin MR73 or Korth Combat. Dan Wesson model 15 if you want the best .357 that's easily obtainable. Rugers aren't really tough except compared certain S&Ws and Colts and their fit and finish leaves a lot to be desired.
You can shoot as much magnum ammo through a Smith & Wesson as you want, so long as it's within SAAMI spec. Certain Underwood ammo is loaded above this. Also you'll want to avoid lighter bullets in magnum cartridges since this rapes forcing cones. Thats in general, not just for S&Ws either.
For the most part a .357 is way *more* than sufficient for any practical purposes. It's liable to be plenty for self-defense and can easily take down large game in one shot if you were anywhere near the vitals.
.44 is overkill for almost everything but moose, caribou, elk, or grizzly. Unless if you live in the far north or pacific northwest a .357 makes more sense.
Also .44 can be unpleasant to shoot for any length of time because it jolts the wrists significantly and it can be super loud. Not to mention expensive. .357 and .38 are usually a joy to shoot. .38 for plinking and .357 for regular carry.
I'm also strongly in favor of Smith revolvers (get one used in goodshape, armslist or gunbroker are fine). Get one from the pre Hillary hole era. I favor a Model 19, due to the smaller frame, that should handle any regular .357 round fine. For the most part, Ruger is autistically overbuilt to handle crazily overpressured loads. Also fit and finish and general aesthetics are way better on a Smith. The trigger is leagues better, particularly on pre Hillary hole models.
Get yourself a Smith model 19 or a 586. Fuck Ruger. I mean, Ruger makes a nice revolver and all, they're aren't fucking Taurus, but Smith's are way better quality, in my opinion Smith and Wesson is the king of revolver, even better than Colts (and my dad has a colt that I've fired regularly).
>used Smith>new Ruger
And likely to be a couple hundred cheaper if you wait until you see a good deal. Buy a pre-lock used Smith.
>Manurhin MR73 or Korth Combat. Dan Wesson model 15
If you like the 1980s boxy styles.... I'm sure mechanically, they're legit (they should be, they're top dollar and generally speaking, out of the blue collar pay grade), but the aesthetics leave a lot to be desired.
Taurus does do one thing better than Ruger, that being triggers
I love Ruger revolvers myself, but even I can admit that Ruger's fatal flaw with their revolvers (except for the LCR) is their triggers are generally mediocre to crap
They're easy to fix at least, but I wish they were better from the factory
I do actually live in the PNW, hence why I’m looking for a .44 mag. I’m planning to reload for this gun, so price of ammo is no worry. .44 spl can be reloaded for
I know it's not a 44 mang, but I carry a Ruger gp-100 357 mang, six inch barrel 158 grain SJHP
DWs can still be picked up on the cheap, triggers are surprisingly light in DA but have a weird stepping kinda reset that I've short stroked more than once.
>Nice S&W triggers
I've compared a 15-2 to a new production 15-10, they've really fallen.
Yeah? I know current production J-Frames have pretty awful triggers.
My 1990s model 66 is a little smoother than my 1968 model 15, but they are both amazing. New S&W shit is garbage.
"If you wanna spend money I'd go find an Old S&W"
True Chads get the 7.7"
Bisley grip makes me moist
Sure it is, but since I'm a .45ACP 1911 guy I got the Red Hawk .45acp/.45lc in 4.2"
I love it, but I kinda wish there was longer barrel version at the time so I could pretend it's a WW2 revolver.
It's fine, just had a stroke for a brief minute when I posted it
I have a Ruger Blackhawk in .44 Mag that I adore. Would love to have the red.
Would you consider buying a uses revolver on gunbroker or is it too risky not being able to inspect it?