>Be me
>saved money specifically for a k31 swiss rifle
>been waiting for a year for classic to get them back in stock, because everywhere else is overpriced
>bought some gp11 just to go with the rifle if I score one
>I get random email that says K31 are back in stock on the website
>Go to classic firearms site
>k31 out of stock
>Fucked again by sweaty ben
Damn you Sweaty Ben !!!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn Sweaty Ben to Hell.
>mfw I bought mine like 4 years ago because I knew they would either all dry up or skyrocket in price if I waited
>mfw I was right
surplus is fucked my dudes. welcome to the age of endless ar15s.
das realness my friend
Oh well. It was bound to happen.
I'm pretty upset about it though. I never got the chance to collect surplus like I always wanted. Not a single rifle. I finally have money to spend and it's all dried up.
No worries. Theres probably a few more last shipments out there.
>order Yugo sks from them
>get email saying they are actually out of stock
>get refund but tell him to fix his shitty Christian jerk off site
>k31 swiss rifle
So good. Great gun for milspec target comps deserves a scope
I've worked backwards to the 81 I'm currently obsessed with .41 swiss bullets, chamber casting, .310 grain 44 mag cast bollit sized down to .429 and the into a cut down 8mm lebel sized with dies. Now hardmode, dealing with a bucket of ww2 vintage 8mm lebel and converting it to boxer by reaming, annealing it cutting it and shaping it.
Where you located? I'm trying to sell one. All matching, typical swiss condition. Non-matching bayonet, unfortunately.
Also not sure what classic sells them for.
Not op but I'm vaguely interested.
located in NC. Decided to get out of guns (mostly) and sell off my collection of milsurp.
Prefer to do FTF to not deal with hassle of shipping/buyer remorse, etc.
Why not go for a K11? I just checked and they still have some of those in.
Gay gun anyway. You have garbage taste.
They were like $500 anyway, not like you missed a great deal.
>tips fedora
theyll be back. that was just a trial run to test demand, now he knows he can raise the prices to $650 and sell no problem
i have a matching mosin from 1939 but the inside of the barrel is rusted a bunch and i think some faggot let it rust a bunch. it's basically smoothbore now.
i got that shit for 200 as my first rifle and i got jewed hard.
the days of surp are long dead, and we are here just to suffer.
I just started buying guns in late 2016, and managed to snag a few deals in the very final days of affordable 'surp. I got a Spanish Mauser, which was the last of the sub-$200 stuff through primary channels, then a WZ-48 (.22lr training Mosin) for $200 before Bud's ran out of them, a beautiful-condition MAS-36 for $300, and a pretty good Arisaka T99 for $325. I saw the Arisaka at an LGS for $300, and when I went back a week later to get it, the price had already risen the extra $25, so it was time to jump on it. I'd love more, but I'd still be pretty happy if that's what my collection stayed at.
This piece of shit literally just bought all of the TOZ 35Ms available online (worth about 300$ each) and is now selling them on his site for 500$ a pop.
These were in stock upon posting the only ones of the three postings I saw.
Its all dried up for now.
But alot of the surp market is in the hands of a lot of people who will be dead in the next 10-15 years. Expect a lot of shit to start turning up in estate sales
What all are you selling? Western NC btw
half of it's likely to be melted down
>But alot of the surp market is in the hands of a lot of people who will be dead in the next 10-15 years. Expect a lot of shit to start turning up in estate sales
The idea that milsurp will ever go down in price again is a fantasy. That train has sailed, and it's never coming back.
>everywhere else is overpriced
They were selling shit double what everyone else was. Now everyone matches Classic's fucking pricing.
>half of it's likely to be melted down
That's unlikely, too. If relatives turn them in to the police, the cops will resell them in lots at auction to FFLs. Nutn did a video a year ago where he stayed at Gunny's after closing and helped them look through a couple of lots of guns they'd bought like that.
Yeah it's no secret sweaty ben makes artificial shortages so he can keep raising prices each time he "restocks"
itll be back. thats what they said in the 70s. and 80s. and 90s. and early 2000s. and now. plenty of shit all around the world still and as long as we keep voting right along with the rest of the world capitalism will bring it to america where theres a market
>thats what they said in the 70s. and 80s. and 90s. and early 2000
No they didn’t.
Is that the last crate of mosin-nagants?
>70s: "aw man the days of $60 garands and $80 k98s are long over, all the ww2 surplus has dried up
>80s "aw man the days of $150 garands and $200 k98s are over they all dried up"
>90s " aw man the days of $300 garands and $400 k98s are over they all dried up"
>early '00s: "aw man the days of $425 garands and $500 k98s are over they all dried up
>current year 2018; "aw man the days of $600 garands and $800 k98s are over they all dried up"
The one and only gun I've ever bought from Classic was one of the last of that batch of Sino-Soviet SKS carbines from Albania. $270, clearance.
Everything else he's sold since has overpriced as fuck or completely impractical.
no kidding
>"well this thing cost equivalent of $1000 to make back in the day, so that's naturally the minimum these are selling for"
>"if it's not in a shit condition it's naturally more"
>"also if it's 'murican you can add another 1k because 'murica fuck yeah!"
just some examples of what I have heard people say in defense of the >1k price tags on various Garands posted here at some point or another.
>90s: "aw man k31s are so expensive they are like $350 now the days of $80 k31s are over they all dried up"
>early 00s: "every retailer has k31s for $80 again hooray!"
its just a cycle. eventually the guns will run out but many millions are yet to be imported. they get imported in batches. while the price is low, the owners in foreign countries dont want to sell them at the prices US importers want to buy them. then as their value increases, importers say "its worth it now, lets buy in bulk and bring 30,000 over from that warehouse". then the prices in america drop as the importer has to unload all its inventory. if you look at surplus rifle prices over time its the same pattern. yes they continually rise in prices over time gradually, but they also ebb and flow as they hit a pricepoint and the importers bring more in, dropping the prices for a few years until demand catches up again.
now its not 100% true for all guns, but definitely for the ones that were made in the hundreds and thousands of millions like mosins and garands and combloc shit. plenty of yugo SKSs and mausers still to come. if you want shit like jap guns, buy them now because unless we get surplus from north korea or some rusted shit from thailand nothing is coming back
I remember when he sold a bunch of 1903s for $1200 apiece.
you have to consider the fact you are competing in the same market as boomers with deep pockets who drive the prices up. plenty of fudds with dough to spend will buy their only and first garand priced $1800 at the local gun shop because they dont know any better and its not a lot of cash to them. also its arguably worth it i would say, intrinsically. so you arent going to find sub $800 garands anywhere on the open market so best get it from CMP
South American rifles are fairly inexpensive nowadays. Also Turk Mausers.
I mean Garand is cool and all, but come on, they made 5 millions of them, even if Uncle Sam handed them out like candy to their allies there's no way there'd be a such a shortage of them on the US market to excuse the ridiculous price people are asking for them in comparison to some far rarer guns from other countries.
>Falling victim to Sweaty Ben's ruses
I'm not saying k31s will be available forever, nor will they be reasonably priced, but come on.
>>k31 out of stock
This happened to me 3 times. Managed to get one this time.
I have a Vetterli M78 I'd sell you, either that or I'll slug my barrel and buy ammo from you.
I mean, prices will continue to rise due to inflation, increased demand, and a stagnant supply, but they aren't going to be impossible to find. There will, however, come a day where that will be the case. At least regarding "new surplus".
Check out Edelweiss Arms. Theyve got some stuff coming in.
s: "aw man k31s are so expensive they are like $350 now the days of $80 k31s are over they all dried up"
>>early 00s: "every retailer has k31s for $80 again hooray!"
No, really, people didn't say that, your picture is unrelated, and the days of cheap milsurp are over.
I really don't care for their "HEY GUISE THIS IS THE LAST SHIPMENT EVAA" tactics but between my brother and I have gotten three and probably soon to be four from them. Him and I both got M39's (pic related) the rifle is exactly what was expected. My brother also got a Star BM and looking it over was great as well. Gonna replace my P64 carry pistol with one here next paycheck. But yea I also hate their markups for fuck all reason.
Classic Firearms are fucking crooks charging $549 and $649 for K31's that is just fucking criminal!
Meanwhile on GunBroker....
I feel like when I'm an old man these milsurp rifles now, Enfields and Mosins are going to be like the price that Martini-Henry's and 1853 Enfields are now.