Does anyone else just sometimes... hold a gun in their hands, or maybe a bullet, and just...contemplate it? The power contained within, to equalize any and every man on the planet, with each other, and with any beast on Earth... an otherwise inert object that becomes a force of nature when applied with will and intent...
Anyone else?
>inb4 faggot
>inb4 underage
>inb4 r*ddit philosophical bs
I just like doing it, okay?
Does anyone else just sometimes... hold a gun in their hands, or maybe a bullet, and just...contemplate it...
No, but I do like holding and petting a gun on my lap when I watch Mongolian cartoons like some sort of cold, heavy cats.
We all do user, but we don't talk about it because discussing your feelings is unmasculine.
If by it you mean suicide, then yes. Daily. Sometimes twice daily. Sometimes I flip a coin to decide whether or not to do it. But I lose every time.
I've had discussions with my friend on how, when you think about it, guns are some magic voodoo bullshit, but I've never gotten that deep.
I do often grab one of my rifles and lay it in my lap while watching youtube or scouring the internet for gun parts.
I have slept with my FAL on multiple occasions, as well.
>tfw sometimes I get a stiffy from this sort of thinking
>tfw I like it
I'm doing it as we speak with mine in my hands.
Yup. Typically with my Colt Peacekeeper or KBAR. A weapon represents a hell of a concept.
a gun its not a guaranteed instant equalizer.
you have to have the skill, fortitude and the willpower to use it with effective accuracy and precision and timing appropriate to the immediate situation.
i know i dont like to think or hear this anymore than Jow Forums does, but i suspect that on the first real life encounter with a mortal threat, a large percentage of civilian gun owners would not be able to use a gun effectively, due to a myriad of reasons.
i believe this is the reason soldiers need to be trained to become effective combat warriors.
though i do conceed, im sure there are many civilian individuals who would be an exception to this rule.
Sort of. Once I started carrying, I realized I'm not alone in this. That license only let me do what someone with bad motives could be doing at any moment. I realized all the awful things I could do with a gun, and that all of those things, and then some, could be done to me as well. Having a gun doesn't make me bulletproof. If I really want to stay alive, I need to pay the fuck attention to what is going on around me, because at any moment, some other dude with a gun could just as easily kill me as he could greet me.
Not so much. I had that experience the first time I used a CNC mill, and especially a CNC lathe. The strength of the machines and how easily you can fuck up with them gave me pause. Guns are similar, but it's a little harder to fuck up catastrophically. Gun fatalities are also a little less dramatic than lathe fatalities.
making a conscious decision to carry a gun definitely forces you to confront a whole world of very grave and serious possible scenarios involving your potential use of that gun.
right after i got my cc permit, i started having serious thoughts about some serious shit.
could i really shoot someone if i was mortally threatened needed to defend myself?
would i be punished by the law?
would i fuck it up and hurt an innocent?
so many things could happen
Don't do it user...then you'll just become another "gun death" statistic thus assisting the liberal agenda
I had those thoughts too, which made me more motivated to train, and educate myself
I just got my CPL in the mail a few days ago, and this grave awareness of any and all people around my person is already getting to me. I honestly get nervous when people are behind me in lines because I feel like they are too close for comfort and I've never felt this way before. It's truly eye opening.
No. My penis isn't small. I just like to go hunting, so I'm into guns.
Sometimes I hold a gun in my hands and make pew pew sounds with my mouth.
>I just like to go hunting, so I'm into guns.
>I like animals
>I'm into furries
*ftfy user
You have too soft a sense of humor to be taken seriously as an adult.
When I hold one of mine I know it's effective enough I wouldn't want it turned on me. I really question if it's enough to stop an actual threat.
Something spiritual about sleeping with a gun by your side. I sleep with my ar pistol by my side, picture literally related, times are tough and a Jow Forumsommamdo sleeps on his sofa in a studio apartment, living room is bed room, quaint lifestyle for an over the road trucker, home time is rare so I keep it light. But when I am home I sleep comfy on my cushy sofa, TV, and my pistol beside me. Its a deep feeling to have it right there, knowing I have it so close.
well, that makes sense because i'm not a very serious adult. except when i'm feeling crabby
Yea but without all the gay shit and usually with expanded/fired rounds compared to non expanded or poorly expanded ones. Dat flowers impressive. One of the things that honestly got me away from .40/..45. At a distance and from the side the .45 looks much bigger, but when you look at both head on the difference really seems to shrink. If i press either one against my chest it seems pretty damn clear that either is enough to get the job done with adequate penetration and would result in a Bad Time.
The only thing that really gets me wondering these days are those newer lehigh bullets. Judging by the info i've dug up they DEFINITELY work with medium velocity(2000-2300) high energy projectiles on actual game, but whether they work with similar velocity lower energy or lower velocity and lower energy variants is up in the air. Those bullets in general have a sense of unsettled gypsy technomagic to them that gets the old noggin joggin as to the how/why/when of their efficacy,
Only the bullets I snipe high-value human targets with.
You type like a faggot.
yes, Glad I'm not alone.
I also think about killing myself, but not in a suicidal way. I'll stare at a gun and think how the biggest change in my entire existence is at the end of the barrel and how quickly I could do it. Its like the call of the void and is very humbling
you seem to be obsessed with homosexuality
I just like how it feels in my hand.
that's what ur mom says about muh benis
Are you me? I like to do this too, also because bullets are so small
Thats just how well you can respond to a real threatening situation and you'd be suprised what most people can do
OP can'r inb4, newfag
you're a fucking weirdo
would you like to go for a ride in my van?
its so cold inside and it tastes like chicken baby
Sometimes I like to load a live round and put the pistol to my head for several minutes at a time, occasionally putting light pressure on the trigger. Something about being able to peer right over the edge and stay there for a bit helps me keep myself composed.
i wouldnt be surprised if they couldnt perform either
Pull a bit harder for a big surprise
You really shouldn't own a gun
>the first thing that comes into my mind is your penis
Loading stripper clips while watching cute anime girls doing cute things is always a fun thing to do. Effect is even better when you wear full battle rattle.
same here but i prefer my mosin, shes comfy and the heft across my chest feels nice
It does the same shit arrows have done. You're like the first caveman to make a point stick. Yes, we can manipulate the environment around us to our desire. No, it hasn't always been done in ways that are entirely beneficial to humankind.
Guns were, by in large, a mistake.
>so unaware of her surroundings that she actually gets hit with the 45 lb plate
>friend immediately falls down out of sympathy rather than looking for whoever threw the weight
>gets hit again
gym thots are terrible, but at least most of them aren't this completely useless.
Might not be 45lbs. Could be a lighter bumper plate.
I know some study said soldiers often deliberately aim high or otherwise fail to effectively engage the enemy their first time in combat.
Nah, just think about doing that to only myself. Don't want gun grabbiing faggots to use my death for their statistics.l though.
I was drinking and I picked up my .357 & dry fired it pointing at my heart a few times
exactly. next time there's a war. we should sent the politicians and bureaucrats to the battle lines and let them fight and die with each other
the average man has no wish for war or killing of his fellow man. it politicians and bureaucrats drunk with power, outworn superstitions and paranoia that create reasons like false flags to make schemes of pointless wars for ulterior motives
please give full story this is just too good
i think it's staged. slow it down and notice how she falls. i don't know how heavy those weights are supposed to be for that size, but the first one atleast looks too bouncy to be real. i also think it would have hurt her arm more than her head since it landed right on it. further, i suspect the inertia of a real one would have sent her into the dumbbell rack.
It's a bumper plate. They're the size of the steel 45lb plates, but are made of rubber, and can be as low as 10lbs.
Only when it comes to myself. I've cleared my handgun and dry-fired it into the roof of my mouth a couple times before to see how it felt.
Every time I holder my pistol now...
>be driving around 9:15 to go see a friend at the park after school
>decide to stop at a corner store for a can of dip and a soda
> as I'm pulling up to the entrance I see a large guy in dark clothes pushing a bike and stumbling around slowly.
>think what the fuck is this shit.
>go up to the intersection and wait to turn left to enter the store from the other side. (only store I know of that has my favorite kind of dip)
>pull up and come to a stop put my car in park and rev the engine (I had a cracked exhaust manifold that would cause the RPMs to drop and stall the car)
>as I wait I get a bad feeling and checked my mirrors I checked the passengers side first and didn't see him so I checked the drivers and saw him riding up kinda fast on my drivers side.
>I drew my weapon (Ruger LC9) and placed in in my lap and looked straight forward. I had a bad feeling but I didn't want to run the red light because my cars acceleration was shit and didn't want to get T-boned.
>The guy stopped beside my car and yelled "DUMB MOVE MOTHER FUCKER SHOULDN'T HAVE STOPPED AT THIS RED LIGHT" and got off his bike.
>he charged up to my window (about 5 feet) and punched it hard as fuck.
>dude was pretty fucking big and I knew if he got into my car I was fucked.
>he also look really really pissed more pissed than I've ever seen anyone before. the level of crazy in this guy was insane.
>I stomped on the gas (forgot the car was in park) as he was pulling his fist back to punch again
>I looked from his face to his waste band and saw his left hand sweeping from his left him to his right. I couldn't see his waste band but could see his upper hand. it looked like he was sweeping to grab a weapon. (I've carried appendix before and I look just like he was doing a one handed draw.
>So I shot I fired one round hitting him in the chest he spun around and ran before I could fire a second.
Gun? No.
Bullets? Yes.
When I first started reloading and casting boolits, I realized how crazy it was that a fraction of a pound of lead can kill virtually anything on the planet.
Ever watched lathe accident videos on liveleak?
The worst I saw was some guy who was at the shop after hours on a friday and caught I think his shirt in the lathe. His mangled corpse was just spinning on the lathe until someone opened up shop on monday.
Doubt it's even a bumper plate. A 10 pound bumper plate thrown at you would still fuck you up.
It was probably made of foam.
It's fake dumbass, look at how that plate just bounces right off her.