What the fuck justified paying 2000$+ on an ar15?
Theyre cookie cutter rifles and expensive AR15s are the exact same shit as the basic bitch rifles for 700$. Theres literally nothing special about expensive ars except their pricetags.
What the fuck justified paying 2000$+ on an ar15?
Theyre cookie cutter rifles and expensive AR15s are the exact same shit as the basic bitch rifles for 700$. Theres literally nothing special about expensive ars except their pricetags.
>just as good
Whatever you say, poorfag. Enjoy your PSA shitting the bed
you're implicitly claiming expensive rifles enjoy better reliability.
can you source?
are you claiming that generally better quality products are less reliable than generally worse quality products ?
It's their fucking money, fuck you
There's nothing an expensive AR can do that a cheap one cannot.
At most you're only paying for someone to assemble it correctly and 1 or 2 gimmick parts.
Yeah 1 or 2 things like barrels with sub moa accuracy and finishes making them last longer. Gas blocks with better alloys or thicker in general so they don't fail like the cheap ones. Floating hand guards that make heat transfer not as much an issue and improves accuracy. Sights (if included) that are easier to zero and hold that zero when knocked around. Gas tubes that can handle higher rates of fire before failure. Upper and lower receivers made from the same billets.
Then you can get cosmetics like rail system/key lock/m lock. Triggers that aren't military spec garbage. Flared mag well. Grips that aren't standard slick plastic bs. Larger charging handles or side charges.
But yeah one or two things
except hold it's resale value.
Prove it faggot.
>inb4 he posts the psa full auto video where the gas tube blows off
Then change your gas tube you retarded faggot and get over your pile of BCM shit
Holy crap, this thing is gorgeous! What is it?
Got anymore pictures of this rifle?
Also if you're going to do any customizing on one no point in cheaping out on it and not going with one that may have better materials or quality control.
Why does anyone spend too much money on something impractical?
100% it’s to impress people to compensate for a little dick. Prove me wrong: protip you can’t.
>Prove me wrong:
The only thing that's been proven here is that you dislike little dicks but not big ones, fag.
Sounds like someone is poor!
buddy, I've been sellin these 'gun fashion' idiots whatever ridiculously marked up bs they want for 20 years now and will continue to do so until they stop buying these paperweights.
No, he is quite clearly claiming that less expensive rifles are just as reliable. You are debating "quality". which is completely arbitrary in this context; he is debating price, which is very clear, vs functionality, which is also very clear.
>stronger springs
>better magazines
>lighter weight
>stronger finish
>better fitment
>better quality control
>more consistent lockup
>smoother action
>better customer service
>better optics
>better ergonomics
I don't think anyone has ever said "A $5000 AR15 will things that a $600 could never do", but you get a way fucking nicer rifle for your money.
An M&P AR and a Barrett AR will both shoot .308 Winchester, but the Barrett will by far be much better built, much nicer to shoot, and use much more durable and better made parts of better materials.
>its another "stop spending money on things I dont like" thread
Literally all of that shit is available on cheaper rollmark ARs dumbfuck. lmaoing @ you thinking gas block and finish failure are taking ARs out, or even happening outside of the most extreme circumstances.
>falling for the marketing jew this hard
Yeah, I bet you also think theirs a difference besides a rollmark between lowers.
>lighter weight
work out, pansy.
Go away satan
A $700 basic bitch ar15 is at the mostly functional level. I'd argue that the rifles start to plateau in quality around the $1200 mark not including sights.
I've seen entry ar15s fail and lemons come out, I haven't seen mid-tier and above have issues.
>CL CHF barrels
it will last longer than non CL CHF and won't come out of the rejected parts barrel that you bought from. Also, mine is exceptionally accurate for what it is.
>free floated, lighter and/or tougher handgaurd that locks in solid
>better tolerances and cuts
Again: not from the rejected parts bin= Reliability. Cuts and holes are exactly where they should be, if you ever assembled off an Anderson you know what I'm talking about.
>materials may be of higher grades depending on how cheap we are talking
Not just steel and aluminum but in the types of plastics they use
>more attention to fit
Gas blocks don't get mounted crooked very often on nicer rifles.
>match trigger is normally around $200
You should post two specific models against each another and argue that your $700 Is just as good as a more expensive model and I can better explain why you're wrong.
Said no one who actually uses their rifle.
>I have never carried a rifle beyond from my car to the range bench.
>i have never competed in any form of regulated shooting competition
>I have never taken a female shooting who could barely hold up an 8 pound rifle
We all know that you are just here for the summer fag.
You're right, fuck finesse or smart design, every gun should just be a Hi-Point.
I love the M1 rifle, and I would by no means call it obsolete, but do you have any idea what a monumental step up an aluminum receiver rifle with plastic furniture and magazines is? Not even going to get into 'muh battlerifu', even a rifle like that in a comparable caliber like .308
A lighter weapon lets you spend less strength on carrying, or lets you carry more ammunition for the same weight as a heavier weapon.
I have a $500 PSA (Anderson lower) that I just built. I certainly don't expect it to be as durable over time as a Daniel Defense or that its parts will be flawless. I do hope that it will work better than an I/O AK, though.
I spent $500 and got a decent gun for that price; spend twice that, and I'd expect to get one substantially better in quality. It's just out of my budget at this time.
Wish I could have been on the ground floor of that business. Could have made a killing. At least I'm not retarded.
Maybe, but for about $1000 bucks in aftermarket I can have an M&P10 that outperforms the Barrett and still come out ahead monetarily.
Arguably, but for a bit more you could build an AR10 from scratch, rather than rebuilding an entire S&W rifle.
Granted, but that's the baseline semantic argument. You can always build cheaper after an initial investment. The problem is the consumer base.
>retards with no sense or money buy cheap ARs
>retards with no sense but have money buy overpriced Gucci guns
>retards with sense and no money build baseline ARs
>and the .01% with sense and money invest in equipment and produce good ARs that outperform even the top of the market guns
My only point is that if you insist on buying a gun, a mid range AR like the M&P twins and slowly upgrading it is more logical than blowing thousands on a Gucci gun. Especially when, for 3, 4, or 5 thousand dollars you could get a specialized firearm like the SCAR, SR25, or what have you.
To me, buying something like an XCR-M is on the same level as buying a fancy AR10, for the effort and materials put in, they're both going to be pretty good rifles.
I would much rather buy a fancy AR than a SCAR, for the same price.
Pricetag =/= quality
Another point to be made is not whether a $5000 AR is better than a $600 one, but whether the $5k AR is really 833.00% better.
>better magazines
>better optics
>better customer service