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Am I the only yid that uses Jow Forums, specifically Jow Forums?
Juan Sanders
Joseph Reed
>am I a special snowflake?!
You're definitely special.
Robert Thomas
Maybe i should join the special forces.
Aiden Miller
Don't you have some economies to destabilize or some degenerate message to push across all media outlets?
Xavier Cook
Brody Diaz
Andrew Perez
Maybe not every one of them does that. But they sure as shit condone it.
Charles Thompson
not me or my family or any jew i know or anyone in my jewish community
Juan Sanchez
how's 5.56 work on palestinian children
Colton Gonzalez
well according to my dad 20mm autocannons work well but i have no experience with 5.56
Matthew Adams
>Am I the only person a from decently populated country to use this website accessible by anyone in the world with an internet connection?
Of course not, fag. That being said, show us all your kike guns.
Anthony Martinez
Hey Tim! How's the family? I hope that IWI money is treating you well.
Aaron Johnson
ITT op takes a break from shitposting on pol to shitpost on k
Mason Lopez
You could ho back to your own European country you came from live well and unmolested but nope you gotta go to some middle Eastern country yo make three lives hell
Gabriel Cook
You honestly think anyone believes a group that's known for lying and backstabbing?
Caleb Morales
John Peterson
Jow Forums is literally filled with Israel posters.
Jow Forums wise, I'm a jew but I don't go around telling everyone.
Tyler Allen
Convert to Christ, there is still time to save yourself from eternal hellfire.
Matthew Morgan
>You could ho back to your own European country you came from live well and unmolested
Please, no.
T. Poland
Kayden Hernandez
Nah. Most just don't announce it. You don't wanna trigger the Jow Forumstards, do you? They're pretty much right wing Tumblr now. And you're invading their safe spaces. In fact, I'll probably be called a kike as well. When shown a differing opinion, they tend to get mad and start up with their baseless ad hominem attacks.
Jackson Ward
GB2 leftypol
Liam Cox
This. We used to have 'IDF here, ask me anything' threads all the time before 2014 but they kind of leveled off. I miss the FFL/actual military fag threads.
Now you can't go two mm without stubbing your toe on shitposting Jow Forums.
Hunter Kelly
Aaron Long
I know there's at least one in the ar15 generals and he seems alright
Jayden Perez
Ryder Gutierrez
Get this shit off my board. This isnt your blog.
James Moore
Shouldn’t you be shooting brown fags in the dick for daring to leave there open air prison?
Gabriel Butler
>if you're not a ravenous antisemite like me you must be leftypol!
Wyatt Howard
I hope you get killed by a shit tier Palestinian rocket.
Jaxson Thomas
Schlomo "Kike Nasty" shekelbergstien
I don't know, ask who the new is in the /arg/ thread that's up. I think it's "what grip what stock"
Bentley White
Nicholas Roberts
Half Jewish but really hardly think about it aside from all the Jow Forums spew.
American anyhow.
It gets tiresome when you're constantly accused of destroying western civilization by basement dwellers who gap to loli anime while being married, having native American kids, and having spent you entire career in defense and public service. Oh well.
Thomas Cruz
>implying this is bad
Brody Morris
Everyone is a anti-Semite. The only people who don’t hate the jews are people who haven’t spent any time around gods chosen people.
Red pill you’re self
Isaac Perez
Would you like extra mustard with your anne frank? Perhaps try our Zyklon Buns.
Zachary Rogers
Man I've seen some begging for attention but this takes it
Have a (you)
Josiah Perry
Welcome to Guilt by Association
Nathaniel Stewart
Why do you have to proclaim your Jude status though
Michael Brown
Then tell me, Schlomo. Why does Rabbi Dovid Bendory of the JPFO state that gun control has an overwhelmingly Jewish influence? Why is the guy basically BEGGING for Jews and their families to protest people like Feinstein and Bloomberg? Why do Jews not protest these attacks on individual liberty as a community, but instead condone it via the ADL, Rabbi's Organizations and other "charities" related to the Jewish faith?
Adam Anderson
Dylan Ortiz
Does it annoy you? Oh shame.
>Full Jew here, laughing at you :^)
>Stay mad pudding tummy
Logan Lee
well hes a fag. based on my understanding of jewish halacha (~law) a jewish king cannot restrict the people from fighting for or against the king with is understood as basically a jewish second amendment
Jason Long
Easton Reyes
Hey fuck off Shlohmo makes dank music
Jace Smith
Slap my hand.
Sebastian Watson
I normally don't?
Not really at all in public unless ancestors comes up, but when random threads in/k/ and /his/ regularly become defacto "kike hate threads" it becomes hard to ignore.
The only Jewish thing I do is use the JCC for the gym because it's a block away from my house and we had a bomb threat letter slipped in the door which is also hard to ignore. Also hard to blame a physical note on the Israeli kid.
Colton Ramirez
Nathan Cooper
*slaps fellow jew's hand*
Nathan Thompson
>he actually thinks this
טוב אחי
Camden Morales
what is a yid? also cool flag mate, did you know that israel won eurovision this year? catchy song but weird woman.
Connor Hill
OP, besides trying to bait us want to post your other guns? Remember this is a weapons board not Jow Forums.
Also how does your country feel about guns? What about foreigners entering? What's the popular cartridge there?
Henry Campbell
yeh that shit was fucking wierd bro and israel isnt even part of europe
Jackson Young
Israel filed a complaint again eurovision, LOL fucking whiny babies.
Samuel Smith
Pretty much. NEETSocs have nothing better to do. They're in the same anti-freedom boat as /leftypol/ as far as I'm concerned.
>inb4 muh horseshoe
Carson Jackson
It drives me up a fucking wall man. My best friend is Jewish, and he's never mentioned the holocaust or social justice. If NatSocs really wanted to stop the supposed white genocide, they should just breed like rabbits and make more children. But they won't because they're too afraid to approach a woman.
Jonathan Carter
Probably not but I wouldn't worry about it with all the ex-military shabbos goys floating around here so you should feel at home.
Henry Torres
eurovision are the real babies for even considering the complaint
I don't hate israel, but it makes no sense.
America should complain that there's no spot for them in the contest because we used to be a british colony so technically we are european.
Dylan Bell
Of course not you narcissistic dumb fuck.
Juan Nelson
>they're too afraid to approach a woman.
you be too if you had to deal with the shit that white women spew out their ass these days.
>t. ugandan immigrant
Tyler Myers
>math is racist
Connor White
not even moba games can escape
Tyler Jones
Are you just here to shill for this overpriced proprietary abomination of a rifle?
Chase Lee
Lincoln Howard
>correct spelling is racist
Benjamin Sanchez
das rite mane
spellin? das a soshell construkt
ya aint tells me how ta speal
Jason Richardson
>I know I'm God's Chosen, but He's not talking to me so someone please tell me I'm special
Jackson Cox
There are too many muslims on Jow Forums
Brody Morales
Jackson Clark
requesting the "i wonder who's behind this post"
Xavier Bennett
back to your refugee camp ahmed
Asher Foster
Mason Torres
no ahi, you're not the only one...
Jonathan Howard
by the way, tar-21 sucks, get an x95 or a micro version.
Charles Hughes
Revelation 2:9 & 3:9
Jeremiah Myers
>lol hey goy... i-i mean fellow white people look at the Muslims! Focus on the Muslim posters.
Not this time jew.
William King
>you have to be muslim to hate kikes
Here we fucking go
Lincoln Sullivan
You realize that with your repulsive Likudnik regime, Israel is becoming more and more isolated in the world.
Your last and only support is the US, and when we boot out Trump in 2 years, you're fucking toast.
Jeremiah James
There are conservative jews
Ryan Bell
I constantly see NatSocs post this picture, but it never really bothered me. Of course Jews are going to be hated for money lending when it's banned in the bible. Of course Jews are going to be hated for denying the european orthodox faith. This dumb nonsense that "Jews deserved it" becomes hilarious with a cursory understanding of history
Cooper Hernandez
>not calling it jew-jitsu
still pretty funny though
Anthony Edwards
>ofcourse jew's are going to be hated for subverting and destroying every single community they inhabit
gee golly would you look at that
Leo Walker
>jew's are going to be hated for subverting and destroying every single community they inhabit
Jews don't subvert or destroy communities any more than any other race does. The confirmation bias you guys have is insane.
Isaac James
Your country's military does have literal retards in it so youre good to go!
Sebastian Richardson
no, JIDF uses 4chin all the time
Carter Brooks
>Am I the only yid that uses Jow Forums, specifically Jow Forums?
Aiden Phillips
It's a huge fallacy too. They count the same decree of expulsion multiple times. For instance the same decree given in Prague also counted for Munich but they count it twice
Parker Green
how's the wifi in the refugee center though? It must be good
Ryan Powell
I've never seen anyone butthurt about Israel that wasn't a neckbeard, SJW, or muslim
Easton Adams
Cool. Too bad you fucks have a history of lying and deceit.
>we're similar goyi- I mean friends! We both lean right!
Nolan Flores
What kind of autistic fucks talk like this in real life?
Lincoln Lee
go step on a landmine mahmoud
Colton Peterson
This kind
Alexander Nelson
Tar is better
x95 was made to reduce the need for retraining for conscripts who kept fucking up drills after moving away from M16s.
the micro-tavor is just dumb.
should have just stuck with UZI for that purpose, since they didn't even switch to a short-barrel optimized caliber.
Asher Thomas
>all these posts crying about muh poor innocent muslims and how they need your help!!!
rly makes me think. The MIDF is real
Henry Sullivan
>a yid
The question is, are you a kike?
If not, provide evidence. What non-kike things have you done?
Ethan Hall
wow. It's almost as people are tribal and religious zealotry leads to conflict and division.
Jews have a homeland now. If they don't want conflict, they should just stick to it.
That goes the same for every other group.
Muslims to mecca
Jews to Jerusalem
Roman catholics to Rome
You want to go somewhere else and act tribal, but demand your neighbors drop their customs and preferences? OK then, you first. Renounce your customs and then I'll dump mine.
fucking hypocrisy at it's finest.
Wyatt Stewart
>Disregard questions and go straight to attacks
I'm not even surprised at this point, Chaim. Just very disappointed.
Connor Thompson
Gtfo out of Latin America Jew rat reeeeeeeeeee
Jayden Stewart
they must be doing fucked up shit if theyre getting kicked out some third world shithole.
Jeremiah Campbell
Same shit they've been doing since the dawn of time. Except shouting anti semitic bastids at guatemalans doesn't do anything