The year is 2281, you have become a warlord armed with historical knowledge and an army of cronies, who do you larp as?
The year is 2281, you have become a warlord armed with historical knowledge and an army of cronies, who do you larp as?
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Incan Tribal warriors armed with Uzis and 40mm grenade launchers
Trained in airborne tactics
japanese schoolgirls armed with tommyguns, m1903's and revolvers. and THICC italian accents.
late 1800s Chile with simple black powder cartridge rifles and revolvers
Black Jews.
Mounted mongolian horse gunners, armed with M79s, M16s, and RPGs. The steppe is mine.
>Not dirt bike
I'd LARP as Vikings, arm everyone with tec9 and hachets, put everybody on fan boats and blast Immigrant Song 24/7
Starship Troopers.
The only good answer
The Trigonian Alliance of 2147-2161.
Esoteric space Nazis armed with HK G11s and P7s. We will expand the glory of the Reich across the galaxy
>we iz transcendent 'n shiet
Winged hussars but with jet packs
this or the original irish republican army plz
>japanese schoolgirls
Arm everyone with HK products and use blitzkrieg on other faggot factions like the NCR.
Basically, enclave without advanced technology
Do you even realize how much of a dated meme these Gamer Threads are?
You don't even Jerry Pournelle!
The Janissaries series of military and political-based science fiction novels are set in an interstellar confederation of races, in which humans are a slave race entrusted with military affairs and law enforcement. They were written by Jerry Pournelle, with Roland J. Green co-authoring the second two books.
relive the noho siege ( the event in my childhood that got me interested in firearms)
LARP as IDF with Galils while screaming "DAS RIGHT!" after every round.
Accuse any remaining real Jews and all Whites of being Edomites
Early 90's ghetto niggers
Redcoats with L85s and other modern British weapons
Liberian war lords. Watch the Vice documentary if you don't know what I'm talking about.
There's something just fuckin glorious about those guys. They get insanely fucking high on drugs, then dress up (or down) as psychotic looking as they can to battle- and then they don't even fuckin aim! Just fuckin spray in a pure psychopathic rage. I don't actually envy them on any logical level, but something primal deep inside me kinda thinks they're awesome.
+1 ATK against mechanized infantry.
dirtbike cataphracts
>establish myself as king
>collect all weapons only nobles can carry actual guns/knight swords and ride horses
>peasants are allowed melee other than swords
>wear arming sword, colt saa and rule over my ancap kingdom
Dirtbike Mongols. I know it's already been said.
>Being a gun grabbing cunt in your own fantasy world
Git and stay git.
>in a free world
we all have a right to self defense
and our constitution says SHALL
>im king
hahahahah fuck the peasants someone get this man a horse
1st legion of America uniforms.
>boys in blue with top hats
>Carrying FALs and M249s
>Also M320s cause 40mikemike is fun
so proto imperial guard then
Like he'll if I don't choose to be a Celtic warleader in Roman occupied Britain, leading hordes of dudes throwing severed heads and javelin from the bushes while the rest charge in covered in clay, lime, copper paint and screaming
Did they really have to include the middle guy's pubes?
What, don't enjoy some artistic pubation?
looks like compression artifact to me
Confederates with modern weapons.
The tenth and final crusade, flamethrowers and bio-weapons
Vietcong armed with rice and digging tools.
>shit tier revolver
>faggot antigun
>wants to be a lame ass King not the cool hero dude
Vikings didn't need armor during the Pubic Wars.
Winner winner chicken dinner
gimps armed with machetes, PKMs and flamethrowers
just imagine, would *YOU* fight a bunch of weirdos in gimp suits wielding machetes and flamethrowers?
>not being an absolute madman Pict