Can Pakistan even survive a conflict with Pajeet?
Can Pakistan even survive a conflict with Pajeet?
Considering the US loves their terror supporting, rights trampling asses, yes.
They have nuclear warheads.
If there's a real fight, everyone is getting turbofucked.
>2900 tanks Paki
>6400 tanks Pajeet
>50 Attack Helicopters Paki
>20 Attack Helicopters Pajeet
Aren't these way too few helicopters on both sides?
You have to think it's easier for the retards to keep tanks operational
They can’t figure out how to make them, Indian domestic helicopters have a problem of falling out of the sky
How bad is the pakistani military actually?
I know the indian military is drowning in comical levels of corruption and sheer dysfunctionality, but what about the other site?
Typical muslim country so pretty fucking bad
India would likely come up on top but the cost would be too great for both countries they both have nukes in the 100's and even if they can only use half of them both countries would be wrecked. The only people that would win would be China. Even in a limited conflict neither side would win. Although it would be like watching a tard fight sense both ground forces are not top notch
Pakistani martial race will curb stomp the filthy Hindu
Survive? Yes, unfortunately they are under the U.S. umbrella and like Saudi Arabia deserves to be nuked into oblivion.
If you look up every time the poo's and mud's fought, the poo's beat the ever living shit out mud's.
Probably bribing someone in India, horrible corruption at almost all levels
The only number on that infographic that matters is the nukes, and it only matters that the number on both sides is non-zero.
this. pakis won't survive, but pajeets won't either.
>Whoever wins
>everybody else also wins
That didn't work so well for them the previous three times.
Xi will save the Pakis
>a billion less pajeets
>those of any worth are already abroad anyway
i'm thinking that's a good timeline.
I would have thought that India would outnumber Pakistan in every category.. not lag behind in nukes & helicopters.
So the "Pakistani martial race" is... the Han?
This. Mumbai and Delhi have a combined population of 45 million. Karachi is close to 22 million. Any kind of nuclear exchange would completely devastate both countries and set them back to the stone age. Even a convential war would permanently cripple them.
Just imagine what a logistical nightmare trying to get any amount of military equipment across the Himalayas would be though
>Even a convential war would permanently cripple them.
They weren't crippled the last several times.
Indian equipment is all over the place in terms of combat-readiness and maintenance. Almost all their modern Arjun tanks are currently out of service due to parts shortages. The Indian air force also crashes aircraft with unusual regularity (again, due to maintenance and training problems).
Go read that one US officer's account of an exchange on the Indian flagship and multiply that by the entire military.
Pajeets are to busy with the genocide of the Sikhs who are the only competent part of their population. Also theres more language and religious barriers in India then Pakistan. I'd even argue that the landscape and training is in favor of Pakis
God help them if they captured by Pajeet.
Given the terrible state of both country's military and infrastructure, as well as readiness rates, it's a tossup. If one side decided to shoot first, I seriously question whether the other could even get the orders out before getting nuked.
An all hands on deck full scale conventional war à la Iran-Iraq, not some border skirmish
>conventional war à la Iran-Iraq,
I was just about this before I went to grab some water.
But the chinks and Pakistan share a land border in kashmir and xinjiang and there are plans to build a railway and highways across it.
>and set them back to the stone age.
Both would definitly survive the war, but it would be a pyrrhic stalemate, killing tens of millions on both sites and as you already said would devastate the countries for decades.
Third Indo Pakistani war when?
The truth is they both want it
Please tell us when the last time someone has won a war against Arab Muslims?
India has a secret biological weapons program: Operation Shitwave. The first wave of Pakis won't know what hit them.
They also have plenty of Shitmines lining the streets. When the Paki's coming, they would surely step in it.
Hopefully they annihilate each other. But if I were to prefer a victor, in a much more limited population way, it would be Pakis. I need the IT guys. Don't need the dothead streetshitting call centers
Pakistan has Access to shorter logistics line and a more reliable supplier of military hardware (China), who has successfully set up production plants for their weapons in Pakistan proper, including tech transfer that was fully absorbed.
India, on the other hand, only gets scammed by Russia and is literally too incompetent to produce even a screw on their own.
Limited nuclear exchange irradiating the Indus and Ganges when?
How much more can it get irradiated?
>he doesn't think vatniks will end up selling to both sides ala Iran Iraq war.
The poojeets have built up a resistance to drinking shitwater, we need to go further.
basically because Pakistan only has atomic bombs, while india has nuclear bombs (that "warhead" count is deceptive, even once you factor in how fuck huge india is compared to pakistan) Pakistan is the only nation that has an explicit first strike policy - everyone has the rule that they won't launch nukes unless someone first launches at them, but pakistan has the rule that they'll launch if they see too much military buildup on the kashmir border.
Makes india's security work near the border a clusterfuck – causes them to delay deploying counter-terror police in response to some terrorist incidents.
>Mumbai and Delhi have a combined population of 45 million.
>Any kind of nuclear exchange would completely devastate both countries and set them back to the stone age. Even a convential war would permanently cripple them.
Good. I have family over there. Fuck them and that literal shithole country. Good riddance.
What did Pakistan mean by this? Sounds like 80s new wave music
>send them BACK to the stone age...
Take a looong look at their agricultural sectors, then realise that the majority of both populations are still rural.
Pretty cool that during the Indo Pakistani wars both India and Pakistan used English Electric Canberra bombers
Wouldn't China have to worry about the fallout though? I though the wind tended to blow in their direction and I would imagine pooinloo nukes would be pretty dirty.
They should give it a try, there's more than enough Pakis and Pajeets already.
That's because it is 80's new wave music. Literally. Sidenote, the military in Pakistan is probably the biggest financier of media initiatives in the country
I think the poos and the chinks will get at it in a few years.
For every 100 young women in China, there's 115 young men. These men have no future. In India, it's 112 for every 100 young women. Both countries have a vast excess of disenfranchised young men, and nowhere to really throw them. So far, India's been coasting on Arab oil, sending their young men over there to slave on their construction sites. But the oil is running out, and then they have nowhere to send their slaves. But they have a border dispute with China. And China have a nationalist dictator that is obviously willing to throw people in a war China is destined to win.
I just hope we get to see some nukes go off, it's going to be glorious from the safety of the west.
Yeah rip their Facebook notifications
They are already polluted a little more would not matter
It will be like two retards having a slap fight w/their eyes closed
from what I hear its semi-decent nothing incredible but compliant also you really shouldn't underplay India they may incomitant street shitters but they got size and they got money on their size
Can you imagine the fallout mixing with poo, creating a storm of irradiated poo particles that sweeps across Asia and Europe?
Paki women are hot
Historically India has trounced both Pakistan and China.
It's so that you can understand that they're real human beings.
would you Jow Forums
Um user
They can inflict enough damage for Poos to only consider a conflict an absolute last resort, which is what truly matters
Send Bobs and Vaganea
Pakistans modernized T55s are cute though
My god. My job would be so much easier.
Nobody would ever ask me to “do the needful” again.
Are none of you fucks aware that both countries are full of street shitting subhumans, one is just India on Islam while the other is just the OG street shitting dank God?
The Subhuman thing is correct but Pakistan only has a population of 200 Million of 12% are street shutter while India has a population 1.3 population of which 40% percent are streetshitter also there are more Muslims in India then there are in Pakistan
>that indian hate
Come on guys that aint nice
Any images of JingleArjuns?
>India gets nuked
>Cleanest it's ever been in history
>Despite radiation, fecal-related illnesses disappear overnight
>No more hogs killing children
>India is actually improved
for real though as bad as Indians are they are a good ally and a partnership with them is for the best
Pakistan on the other hand is Just a mad dog used to fight the Soviets but after the enemy was gone they have tuned on us and now train terrorists and give them the skills to commit attack, If Saudi's are the brains of Islamic terrorism then Pakistan is the Muscle
With FGFA dead and Pakistan eyeing the Su35 and T90s for a while you think the Russians might sell it?
what the Hell is that
Al-Zarrar a cute!
>thinks atomic weapons aren't nuclear
>glorious from the safety of the west.
You're retarded if you don't think the UN (((((the US)))))) will have to get involved in a war between the two largest countries in the world.
Also, this entire post is gay and retarded.
While the Pakis are probably bad compared to the West, being much smaller than India probably means they actually fear enough to get their military into shape.
Those were basically glorified skirmishes, we're talking full on war. Both sides are going to get turbo fucked but it's because they all have nukes and would probably lob them all at the other guy in seconds. There was an account from a US naval officer who spent 5 days on an Indian ship, it wasn't pretty. Which honestly makes me even more scared that they have access to nuclear weapons.
Any more recent examples of Battles like this
well they have before maybe third time India could actually do it
That is a good point.
I know India has the money considering her sheer size, but how much is effectively spent and not wasted, misappropriated or disappears into some dark channels?
Also this >it's a tossup. If one side decided to shoot first, I seriously question whether the other could even get the orders out before getting nuked.
That is a VERY GOOD point.
The mountains are what will protect Pakistan from India. Pakistan would eventually win on it's homeland.
Isreal 1967, 1973, 2006 US vs. Iraq 2003 Saddam regime outed Saddam captured
What you need to remember is that both India and Pakistan are countries that just barely function. If there was a conventional conflict with no nukes it would just devolve into a stalemate because neither country can sustain force projection reliably.
Pakistan will just nuke the poos
>Metro 2033 will happen within our lifetimes but not in Russia, but in India
>basically because Pakistan only has atomic bombs, while india has nuclear bombs
And they survive in the unused sewage infrastructure.
poos rekt pakis three times in a row
here's your answer
the chinese thing is complete bullshit because it turns out families just weren't registering their girls in order to bypass the 1 child policy