sad magyar edition
want to get guns?
sad magyar edition
want to get guns?
Other urls found in this thread:
black market
dumb frogposter
good idea for a non-shitskin in europe
dont be a shitskin and its solved
Sad to see that OP's thread isn't taking off, /egg/ is a good idea
there sadly just don't seem to be enough Euros on Jow Forums to keep the thread alive
Should I bother and go get a pic of my gun to get this thread started?
Don't stop dreaming eurocuckbros
Maybe because it's a weeknights
My new stock just hasn't arrived yet
did already. Also this part of eu should be sleeping by now, so it'll be quiet
It's only 10pm in western europe
11 here. But the thing is that most are working so they are asleep.
so op, where is yours?
Yeah it seems that these threads tend to work better on weekends. I'll give OP a bump with my rifle
how's the laws there? I thought they were strict here but after all they are probably one of the best in eu, thanks to our reserve army. It was easier to get a semi auto than I thought, and I got two. You always have to have a reason for each firearm.
Örülök, hogy magyarokkal találkozok ott is. Ugyanúgy te voltál az OP az improvised weapons thread-ben?
Ireland has pretty shit laws. Imagine Finland but actually strict, and getting a handgun (must be 22lr) or a non-rimfire semi is extremely difficult
the fuck I just read
Alright then, let's just hope it doesn't get worse. It will get worse here in fall, glad I got my shit before any idiotic bans. EU is enforcing so we have to comply, usually we have been able to find a way around but not this time. Time will tell what laws actually get applied here, we do not know that yet
The glorious Magyar language
Szerintem OP magyar. És egy user megörült ennek az alkalmának, hogy magyarokkal találkozhat Jow Forums-ban is. Én is örülök.
Bulgarian milled receiver?
Yup. Arsenal sar-m1
Have cops coming into my home on Saturday to see if i'm worthy of loicence.
Shit shall be so cash.
>cops at door
>mom opens door for them
>"oh you came to see my son? He's in his room with his friends, here"
>"good day user, we came here for that interv-"
W-we are doing...isis cosplay for twitch!! Yes thats right! We are live on twich right now, for lulz, that all.
Itt a harmadik magyar a fonákban, de elég ernyának tartom a fonák minőségét.
southern california reporting in
Itt a negyedik, és nem tudok (meg nem is merek) ellentmondani a duplákoknak. De legalább magyarokat látok Jow Forums-n, szóval annyira nem vészes.
Amúgymeg, csekkolva.