Well, Jow Forums, here's a reality check about "special forces" and "heroism": The Army's own report confirms that American special forces left their own men behind to be slaughtered, repeatedly, and ran away to save their own lives when they were engaged with machine gun fire.
>muh brothers >muh die for my friends >muh never leave a man behind Actually, none of that is true. When it comes down to it, your "Tier 1 Operators" ran away from literal African savages, got shot in the back, and died screaming for their mommies after recording goodbye messages on their personal devices.
The video is priceless. The Americans and Nigerians had absolutely no strategy, no plan, and were utterly dominated by the drugged-out African terrorist gang members.
This is why you never, ever, believe the American military propaganda. There is no code. There is real life biology, and these "heroes" of yours abandoned their brothers to die at the first sign of real mortal danger. Never join a Jew-Owned military fighting for a Zionist World Government.
>This is why you never, ever, believe the propaganda ftfy
Liam Butler
>Sign up for the best of the best. >Heroic American (((operators))) literally drive away, leaving you behind >Get abandoned to be killed by niggers in the desert.
Jonathan Price
Also note that the military won't even let the public see the truth, because it is so fucking pathetic and humiliating to our incompetent and mediocre soldiers.
Turns out, Jewish war propaganda actually doesn't make Americans better at war. We just have all the equipment, so we think we are somehow better at fighting.
Aaron Myers
America BTFO
I really want to hear those super-elite NAVY SEAL TEAM SIXTY NINE screaming like little girls when their carriers get sunk by Chinese hypersonics and they are stuck in a room that is slowly filling with water.
Landon Thompson
The American military is a joke. All I learned from being in was that you can't trust anybody and even your platoon mates will try to fuck your wife and then get their asses covered by the platoon sergeant because they run good PFTs. Fuck being in the military.
Juan Long
Is this a new ambush or still about that old one?
Jayden Bailey
>and ran away to save their own lives when they were engaged with machine gun fire. Isn't that what you're supposed to do when caught in an ambush?
Kayden Flores
yes but don't let Jow Forums hear that
Jaxson Barnes
At the end you can see this guy's "Operator Oakleys" get blown off his face and shredded in half. Special Ops with the finest gear and weapons getting their asses handed to them by a bunch of retard IQ-level niggers wearing dusty rags and using 60 year old rifles.
Wait-why are American soliders in Niger? Are we at war in Niger?
Michael Carter
lol post pics of cheating wife
Owen Richardson
They didn't looked very dark, like african blacks. They looked like middle eastern/Lybian.
Nathaniel Gonzalez
I keep wondering why’d they stop in the first place during the first ambush?
Luis James
Only thing I can think off is because they underestimated the enemy force.
Jacob Howard
bullets still kill you whether it was fired from a gucci battle rifle or a shitty moist nugget
especially when out numbered you fucking sperg
Christopher Lee
Shhh quiet, you’re making too much sense. Jow Forums is still having its little autism fit about the black dude.
Hudson Sullivan
They were probably excited to finally get to shoot people so they went full retard and forgot basic shit like don't stop in the middle of the ambush kill zone
Colton Powell
Must have been a badass before getting killed for the enemy to retaliate by pumping more bullets on an obviously dead body outbif spite.
Kayden Peterson
It's a pretty common theme for American SOF to buy into their own badass image and ignore the rules.
From instagram pages like oafnation to actual historical events like Operation Red Wings, there's just a culture of being to cool for school. The shitty thing is that attitude usually works out because America always has overwhelming fire superiority. Then the bias that the American operator is nigh-invincible is reinforced.
Maybe they underestimated the enemy force, but I think it's more likely they said fuck it, we're still gonna send it.
Camden Kelly
Nope, that's just a standard double tap as you assault across your objective. Can't be too careful.
Bentley Cruz
I was about to say, the first thing you learn in Iraq was to push past an ambush site no matter what.
Christian Cooper
>be you >be useless fuck, fat, dumb and a kissless and friendless faggot >could it be my own fault that nobody likes me? >be depressed over the fact that it probably is >find Jow Forums >learn all about how the jews control the entire world and are brainwashing everyone >Ha-Ha! its the jews ofcourse >believe this delusion because its the only way you can live without being confronted again about your true self
Jeremiah Martin
>Nigerians are ambushing themselves Oh fuck we screwed up Africa even worse than I thought
Jaxson Clark
Adrian Wilson
>anti-Semitism Back to
Dominic Carter
Jeeze we get it already. You hate jews and blacks. Thats fine, until you scream it at the top of your lungs at your workplace (if you work). Maybe you should find an echo chamber more in line with your beliefs and tastes. Theres a great big internet out there. Im sure someone as intelligent as yourself can find somewhere more suitable for this than an Indonesian shadow puppet forum.
Leo Butler
Big mad. A Sunni cocksucker? Probably
Jaxon Martinez
Leo Hernandez
You do realize that there are a lot of different kinds if subsaharan Africans right?
>go into ambush without cover (obviously not realizing it's an ambush) >die
Yeah, that sounds about right, no matter who you are.
Yes. Staying in an ambush is fucking suicide.
I didn't realize bullets got weaker over time. And if you are running a successful insurgency, I wouldn't call them "retard-tier". The guys who dig the hole for the bomb are retard tier. The guys who plan the bombing and build it are far from retard tier. This is true in iraq, afghanistan, vietnam, wherever.
We advise many nations and help train their counter terror forces. Sometimes this means doing it ourselves to show them how we do things, since many nations don't actually have the benefit of billions of dollars in infrastructure or strong officer traditions.
1- they probably didn't anticipate the size of the enemy force. It isn't uncommon to get pinged at by just a few dudes who then rapidly fold. This was long and sustained, and involved a lot more combatants than they probably expected. Hence why they left later, when they realized "oh shit it's been a while and we're really getting outmaneuvered, shouldn't they have dispersed???" 2- The worst part of being in an ambush is that by fleeing you may be going deeper into the ambush. Your enemy knows you'll try to flee. What guarantee do you have that fleeing won't trigger phase 2? It's shit. you should try to push past, ideally, but it's always in the back of the mind that you are going further into the spider's nest, especially given the environment (lots of brush = infinite concealment, while the vehicle is easily seen above it and offers only some cover). The insurgents picked a good kill field.
that's not double. That's like saying you should be emptying half the can of raid on a spider just on the off chance it will spontaneously heal.
This. Outnumbered + Ambush + no cover + volume of fire = death. Doesn't matter how old the guns are.
Christian Kelly
frankly the only thing that surprises me about how this went down is how long it took the insurgent force to actually kill them. It was a long, long fight, but the lack of cover means that the african force just sucked donkey dick at the actual fighting part. It should have been pretty straight forward (since again, if you know where the vehicle is, you know where they are, whereas US forces have to pick out where you are in the brush). Machine gun fire, perhaps an RPG or GPMGs, and flanking should have really sped this along. That may be the biggest testament to US skill compared to the opposition--not that they survived but that it took them that bloody long to die.
Dylan Adams
>outnumbered I bet you believe the DOD when they say 21 enemies were killed Americans without constant airpower equal sitting ducks
Michael King
And what country is across Niger's northern border? What does that say about how people may look in northern Niger?
Jordan Carter
This is what happens when you spend the past 17 years doing nothing but bombing goat farmers from the atmosphere and pumping up the SF community full of literal /arg/ /gq/ Jow Forums 18X kids that can't even lrn2 FM 7-8 properly.
It really says something about the transparency in the US when you can not only openly criticize the military on everything, but also report on their operational failures. I have doubts that Russia, or China would allow that.
Ryan Roberts
Killed? maybe not. But you're a special type of retard if you launch an ambush with numerical parity or fewer than the opfor. The entire point of an ambush is that you, within reason, get to pick the When, Where, What, and How of combat. You chose the field, what to bring, how many, and when to start the killing. If you have the numerical superiority (and in these cases, usually the insurgents do, because they plan the bloody thing) you use it. I am willing to believe the insurgents were intelligent enough to understand that more people = more power = more likelihood of success. The main scene of the ambush were the 3 americans separated from the others, who died. I guarantee the local insurgency could muster more than 3 people to attack each part of this convoy scenario. Which is, by definition, outnumbering them.
Sebastian Flores
If it serves political purpose to do so, they likely would. "Oh look, poor Russian soldiers bullied by American artillery :( why pick on poor Russia... they were going to the Eastern Orthodox Church and getting their life together" that sorta thing.
China? I very much doubt it unless it's so big they can't ignore it (in which case, expect their version of events) or the operational """failure""" is really more a minor setback that is still falling forward in some other sense, or makes America look like some foreign aggressor intruding on their rightful Chinese artificial island clay and the Japanese mainland which once had a Chinese cup from the Ming dynasty that therefore is also Chinese clay blah blah
Jason Martinez
Something something that time a guy who got left for dead who spent hours fighting off hoards of sandniggers waiting for an evac that never came, all recorded on satalite, but everyone refused to give him any medals because they refuse to let anyone know they left a man behind, even though it's on fucking video.
That man was a fucking hero and deserves all the medals in the world. Those who try to cover up mistakes deserve dishonourable discharge.
Wyatt Watson
In the actual ISIS video, there are at least four trucks full of allah ackbars with all of the slavshit alla ackbaring their way to shoot American ass off.
>We advise many nations and help train their counter terror forces. Sometimes this means doing it ourselves to show them how we do things, since many nations don't actually have the benefit of billions of dollars in infrastructure or strong officer traditions.
You're an idiot if you actually believe this. FID and JCET missions are nothing more than a cover for intelligence collection. We don't show or give these people anything of significant worth. We "help" them barely figure out how to maybe kind of feel like they might have an idea how to fight the other brown people they disagree with.
As far as current year SF is concerned host nation forces are more of a burden than an asset.
He was still breathing when the Operator Oakleys got ruined. He might have died a lonely and insignificant death in some random African Hell hole no one cares about but at least he looked good doing it.
Ethan Cox
making people feel like they can do it is part of the job. I'm not saying we make them tier-1 operators, but on rare occasion it is nice to have a presence, learn a few names to rub elbows with (hey, isn't it great we once gave you M4s and showed you stuff that any modern nation teaches you in basic??). Intel collection is a given priority whenever Spec Ops get deployed anywhere for any reason.
Sometimes you just gotta make your presence felt so they don't start reaching out to people you don't like. Everyone knows of Green-on-Blue attacks, or people selling you out, whatever. But part of the job, ostensibly, is training local military forces so that we don't have another Afghanistan on our hands, where the Taliban just sorta shrug as Al-Qaeda sets up as guests in the country. Anarchy like that doesn't fit into the New World, at least if there's a chance it will spill over into the developed world. Ya know, the whole saying about shit in the toilet versus shit in the kitchen.
Austin Reyes
>I didn't realize bullets got weaker over time They don't - which is why you can ignore the "if a civil war were to break out in the US you would have to attack convoys and rear echelon troops" posts you see on here. Disregard. All you need is a group of untrained rednecks with deer rifles and more bodies in the field and you can take out American special ops troops as long as they don't have some nerd in California behind a joystick launching Hellfires from a drone or a carrier group anywhere in the vicinity.
Isaac Nguyen
>there's always the same people logged onto Jow Forums, therefore, you should have a record of every topic discussed so you don't repeat it.
Owen Walker
>carrier group or, ya know, an air force base or air national guard base, or helicopter station at a national guard depot, or by then I imagine that actual ground combat drones are going to be used. But that's a whole other discussion.
Oliver Hernandez
>be you >Jew with a superiority complex >think you're untouchable because your great-uncle twice removed saw a picture of Auschwitz and everyone has to feel bad for you >suddenly edgy memers start making jokes about Jews around the internet >Jews keep proving them right at every turn, censoring and defaming >edgy memers start to feel targeted >they realize that Jews are disproportionately represented in almost all Western institutions >edgy memers get political >you find Jow Forums one day >some Jow Forums fag starts spouting off about Jews >>lmao dumb virgin faggot go get laid >altright instantly implodes >Mission Accomplished
Jeremiah Perez
and do you realize that the poster I was replying to said it was all niggers? I replied that they didn't seem that dark to me. I do realize there are a lot of people in Africa and that they cover the full brown to black spectrum.
Colton Ramirez
look at this pentagon shill.
Jacob Brooks
>Isn't that what you're supposed to do when caught in an ambush?
let me ask you, do you think an ambush on 3 guys when you have overwhelming fire superiority and numeric superiority when they are completely pinned with marginal cover should take 15+ minutes? Especially if they aren't the Hollywood Special Ops but instead the very mortal green berets of truth? This is lack of coordination at best, and incompetence at worst on the fault of the Insurgents, who couldn't adequately encircle and kill a vulnerable target (almost immediately dropped to 2 dudes too) for quite some time.
Tyler Bailey
LOL, did you miss the "3000 Russian Spetsnaz killed by AC-130" shitshow a few months ago? Dozens of Russian anti-Putin media were saying there were thousands of dead Russians and that morgues and hospitals all over Russia were receiving wounded and bodies.
The thing is, the operators recorded it, the terrorists got their cameras and filmed their dead bodies and you can easily recognized each of them, so there is no way to hide it anymore.
Robert Gray
this, the terrorists got the footage so there's nothing the military could do, except paint a prettier picture of what happened.
Jonathan Parker
>ITT; keyboard warriors
Ethan Reyes
>Sometimes you just gotta make your presence felt so they..... Can handle their own business in their own way. All of these places we go have a couple thousand years of history and culture and our "presence" is mostly antagonistic. We're not doing shit for the people as a whole and sure as shit not winning any hearts and minds.
>Everyone knows of Green-on-Blue attacks I'd be green'n on blue too if I was them.
>so that we don't have another Afghanistan on our hands Y'know, we could've just left the Afghani's alone to fucking start with. The USSR was on a downward spiral in those mountains anyway. Then Bin Laden would've have had shit to be mad at us about.
But nope, we gotta De Oppresso Liber the shit out of all the people whether they want it or not.
I'm not sure why people here aren't surprised at what happened. Outnumbered and outgunned is always going to end badly. America is successful generally because of the overwhelming amount of firepower we can bring to the fight. We can pour enough firepower into a few square acres to kill every single man sized target. Without that advantage we are nothing but another 3rd world military.
Joshua Howard
You should join ISIS. Really rich culture
Lincoln Carter
The footage being uploaded to the internet is exactly what started the fire about this whole thing. I remember back when it happened there wasn't much reaction about it, it was only after the video came out months later that a real reaction started appearing and apparently this will become Operation Red Wings 2.0, might even get a movie produced about it sooner or later.
When people hear or read about soldiers getting killed there isn't much of a reaction, but when there is actual footage with bodies, blood and screaming (fake sound or not) the public just gets shocked, specially for the ones whose free time consists of social media and netflix series.
Joshua Smith
Bin Laden wasn't mad that we were in Afghanistan, because BL was fucking Arab and not Talib. Very, very, very different thing. In fact, the pashtuns weren't exactly fond of the Arabs, but they were guests. What BL was NOT happy with was the fact that we were 1- degenerate westerners 2- in the ME in general, specifically in Muslim holy lands
The whole "we were in afghanistan" thing was largely tertiary, especially since we ran most of the weapons through Pakistan intelligence service rather than the CIA personally showing up with Stinger missiles like a weapons version of Dominos delivery.
And in Africa, we'd rather keep an eye on what they are doing seeing as they will likely be the next hot zone, since Africa is attracting a lot of attention from China, Saudis, etc. And the fact that they CAN'T handle their business is a problem--they literally can't do it on their own without imploding into some Rwandan genocide-tier miasma of misery of slaughter that inevitably just leads to instability, which leads to refugees, which leads to all that fun stuff in Europe. We'd rather they be somewhat developed countries on the path to stability.
As far as "thousands of years of history and culture", most of these African places had their culture and history so btfo by the british and french colonists that there is no cohesive dominant culture or people, it's a blender of peoples under weird straight-line borders. In Nigeria at least things are coming together. This isn't the 90s anarchy Africa, many nations have at least a reasonably modern capital precisely because they send their best to get western educated, and they often come back to their homeland to run things. It's not a bad deal to train their people and throw some foreign aide at them and educate a few and hope they turn into a modern economy we can trade with
Nolan King
A certain US President of African ancestry made "humanitarian interventions" in Africa a priority.
Brayden Nguyen
>a modern economy we can trade with >made of africans good luck with that
Owen Harris
Someone has to mine that coltan. memeing aside, Nigeria (not Niger where the ambush happened, but still an African nation) is almost about to tip G20 status, at 21 strongest economy in the world. A lot of these places are making big gains in quality of life compared to the utter hell that was 50s-2000s.
Parker Gutierrez
>better equipment
That's usually how wars are won...
Brayden Hall
Like how the better equipped US won in Vietnam right?
Isaac Russell
Like how the better equipped Germans won in Russia right?
Brody Ward
Like how the Better equipped Russians won in Afghanistan right?
Jack Miller
Russians unironically won Afghanistan. They killed 20% of country, and the communist dictatorship lasted longer than SU.
Aaron Perez
>Muh k/d doesn't count >Russians won Afghanistan This is what I expect from Jow Forums anymore.
Gavin Green
If America had collapsed before south Vietnam I would honesty say that we won Vietnam too. But lost the bigger geopolitical game.
As it stands, Vietnam reunited but Ho Chi Minh lost the war because he fucking died and also his ideas died and Vietnam became neo merchantalists who made nikes for the next Gen of American basketball Americans
Gavin Cox
They are tuareg, not tyrones.
Angel Flores
>Dozens of Russian anti-Putin media were saying there were thousands of dead Russians
Incorrect. The US military spokespeople were consistent with their esitimates of total kia knowing russian citizens were at least some portion of it. They even called the Russian de-escalation hotline they have open for Syria to tell them openly they were about to engage Russians.
It was the PRO-Russian sources that were releasing varied and inflated numbers, in an effort to flood the news cycle with misinformation so they can sit back and discredit the accurate numbers along with the Sea of bullshit they themselves spouted. It's not even hard to believe because this known SOP for the Russian government.
>>"What is William S. Lind's 4th Generational Warfare?"
Isaiah Miller
>They even called the Russian de-escalation hotline they have open for Syria to tell them openly they were about to engage Russians.
Dude, there is no technology on earth that can detect the nationality of people on the battlefield. They thought they were attacking Syrians and most of the guys killed were in fact Syrians.
Parker Flores
The NVA had direct support of the USSR and PRC. Comparing the tech gap to the tech gap between US and niger rebels or US-ISIS is ridiculous.
Aaron Brooks
Russian bots pls go
Luke Gray
Well when shit's fucked and the cavalry ain't coming.
Of course, SOP when ambushed is to push through if possible or book it. Whether you're ignorant to that or purposely ignoring it doesn't really matter I guess.
Brayden Anderson
Isn't this the op that got shitily rigged together during the last week's of Obama's presidency?
Xavier Hughes
thinking bin laden was still alive before elictric boogaloo 2 iraq/afgahn started. poor bastard died of kidney failure. bush jr. let his family go to Saudi Arabia via private jet to say the last goodbyes before the war started. the "guy" obama sent seals in to neutralize, yeah, he was someone who controlled the heroin trade. there's a reason the usa invaded afghanistan. and it weren't no terrorist/freedom reason billy bob. the international drug trade makes an exceptionally large amount of money, and if YOU are not controling the source, someone else is. US troops were told explicitly to leave the opium farmers alone.
Joseph Collins
source? i've never heard that. man, what do you even believe in this day and age...
Robert Wright
I read a Chinese article on this. They are definitely not as harsh. The article said the US forces demonstrated high combat effectiveness and willingness for sacrifice. If only I can still find the magazine. Basically the US forces made a huge mistake by going in without informing their superior and securing air support.
Wyatt Price
kikes itt
Lucas Smith
Heт /к/ жe oтхyeнный
Dylan Gray
The guys held aganst dudes who outnumbered and outgunned them and had cover and concealment for 15 MINUTES.
If U.S. soldiers "sucked" they would have died in less than 5 minutes, yet they held their ground untill their position became untenable. Red Wings was a fuck up due to the SEALS literally trying to fast rope right on top of the Taliban. >it was only two farmers with 12ga shotguns No, and fuck no.
Dominic Kelly
In earlier revisions of the story they told us that the other team canceled their op because intel told the targets were not there anymore and this now ambushed other team was send in instead just to gather intel. Now they are tellign the first team was turned back by weather?
David Turner
86 posts, 55 ips
Nice bait thread, newfag.
Jordan Smith
>no technology on earth they could hear them speaking Russian on comms.
Levi Stewart
all deaths are lonely because we as ourselves are fundamentally alone while existing as a singular being and not as the pleroma or logos
Logan Wilson
They recorded goodbyes? Source?
Hudson Cooper
you're a fucking basement dwelling retard i get it now
Easton Scott
People are having a discussion is a bait thread now?
Zachary Allen
>when you took high school psych
Brandon Morgan
The entire video smells like made up bullshit, not to mention, even if it was really how it happened, then it just makes it worse. They were running around like fucking headless chickens, instead of just driving off. They were (((special forces))), thats for sure.
Gabriel Campbell
>literal African savages someone's triggered keep crying white boys