the ar15 platform is fucking retarded. It does nothing but ice pick, the "made to wound" meme is true, and countless people in combat bitch about it being severely ineffective. >go buy m855a1 which isnt available! >go buy a longer barrel and shoot whatever you need to shoot from 10 feet away! 200 yard pen doesnt matter, nor does barrier penetration >go buy black hills shit that costs 1$+ per round, completely defeating the only thing that made this retarded platform remotely interesting in the first place
All of NATO btfo if only they listened to a 16 year old on Jow Forums
Ryan Brooks
Anything worth shooting once is worth shooting twice.
Lincoln Morgan
It sounds like you're a dumb poorfag, go buy a used WASR and some Tula and cry bitter tears about your sour grapes.
Connor Foster
>does nothing but icepick Yeah, if you shoot the wrong ammo out of the wrong barrel, retard.
Ryan Jackson
Honestly for a carbine, 7.62x39 was a better idea than 5.56. An intermediate clambering, or assault rifle, exists between pistol and rifle calibers. Obviously, there's a lot of room between 9mm and .308
Americans were more focused on the rifle aspect, while Soviets were focused on the assault aspect. True to form, as a rifle, the M16 can reach out to 500 yards with regularity, while the AKM begins to experience a lot of drop outside 300. Although 7.62x39 has considerably more energy, it is lower velocity and typically twice as heavy as 5.56. This also means 5.56 is lighter, with less recoil, a flatter trajectory, and better performance against armor
Considering a carbine really is designed more for distances between a subgun and a rifle, I think in some ways it makes more sense to utilIze a heavier round (of course, heavy-for-caliber 5.56 is known to have good performance at longer distances, too). A heavy round like 7.62x39 is less likely to be deflected by concealment, or foliage, as well as more effective at destroying cover. It is also less dependant upon barrel length for performance and reliability
If you need a rifle, the M16 is the better rifle. If you need a carbine, the AKM is the better carbine. Going from a 20" barrel to a 14.5" or 10" can make the AR15 much less effective as a rifle
>less recoil, a flatter trajectory This. "Wounding" an enemy is better than missing entirely. A 20" AR is pretty accurate.
Matthew Richardson
>if only the whole NATO listened to the Brit with the superior ammo .280 british would have a word with you
Hunter Gutierrez
ARs are the poorfag rifle of choice.
Brayden Carter
>people who have never shot at anything other than paper complaining about the lethality of a cartridge that has literally killed thousands upon thousands of people
Holy shit you're a fucking retard, kill yourself via non-firearm means so you don't add to anti-gun statistics
Jayden Bailey
Try m193 out of a 20 inch barrel and a 1-12 twist. That'll wreck somebody's shit.
Hunter Johnson
He isn't going to try anything because he can barely afford ammo let alone another gun and his targets are made of paper. AKfags have calmed down for a long time now and normally own both an ar15 and an AK enjoying both. I'd assume OP is baiting for fun before anything but if he believes himself he probably owns and worships a knock off g3
>Honestly for a carbine, 7.62x39 was a better idea than 5.56. Weird how the country that invented 7.62x39 switched to their own near-beer clone of 5.56 as soon as they got some captured examples of it to test. You'd almost think that literally every small arms designer on both sides of the Berlin Wall deciding that something was a good idea had more weight than some user on a Burmese finger puppet website who disagreed.
John Mitchell
I'm putting that on a t-shirt.
Xavier Foster
I don't think 5.45x39 was designed to wound/fragment and ricochet like 5.56x45 NATO was, 5.45 offers much better penetration on soft tissue
Was reading the book 'Black Hawk Down', one of the soldiers interviewed for the book repeatedly observed that they would shoot someone & see them drop, only for them to get back up & run off! Very frustrating! But they had one guy who carried a Vietnam era M14 (irc) that they used to hassle because it was an old fashioned, heavy gun.
He noted that EVERY time that guy shot someone, that body stayed down & never moved again. He stuck close to the M14 guy & vowed that if he survived he would never again give him a hard time for it. heh..
I believe other soldiers in the conflict also voiced their frustration of getting in multiple hits only to see the enemy combatant move off. Maybe it was the khat?
Anyways, I thought it was an interesting note. Food for thought.
Kayden Mitchell
M855 out of short barrels (like the 14.5" used in Somalia) is known to have very inconsistent fleet yaw characteristics and therefore very inconsistent terminal effects.
Also, soldier accounts can be a bit dubious. They'll shoot 8 rounds at an enemy combatant, hit him once in the shoulder, he runs away, then the soldier will proclaim, "I hit him like four times and he wouldn't go down." You can look at any YouTube Iraq War video to see what their marksman ship is like. They'll wave the ACOG somewhere near the vicinity of their face while just ripping the trigger as fast as they can.