Best handgun of all time prove me wrong
Best handgun of all time prove me wrong
>prove me wrong
It's not a HK or Glock, so there's that.
that’s not my problem solvuh
last time I checked all the time isn't done yet. Also boat anchor
Remove the decocker and make the mag release ambi and you might sway little owl. Might.
It doesn't fit my hands well so I'm not a fan.
I don't like this little owl. It's smug aura mocks me.
broken frame rails
>I don't like this little owl. It's smug aura mocks me.
Sorry user :/ How are you?
>rust issues since the original release
>now subject to nu-sig's qc
>aesthetics now ruined due to rail
I mean its aight....not any better than a USP or Beretta 92 or a Glock or a M&P or a VP9 or a dozen other pistols
Oh, it's cute now. I've been better, how you doin?
>Not a P220
Close, OP, close.
It's to fucking bad their qc is shit. Bought a p226 as my first firearm. They left a bur in the slide that wore through the anodizing within the first 200 rounds and is now wearing away the exposed aluminum. Contracting sig tomorrow, hope the honor their warranty and don't try to give me the "normal wear" bullshit
You opinion is subjective. I win.
>Contracting sig tomorrow, hope the honor their warranty and don't try to give me the "normal wear" bullshit
>CEO is named Cohen
>prove me wrong
Newgunz here who continually gets confused by Sig's naming schemes, what's the difference?
The Slovenian version is better.
no thanks.
You're talking about the company that tries to pass off the safety recalls that all of their new products seem to have as "voluntary upgrades."
P220 is a single-stack offered in .45acp and 10mm. P226 is a double-stack offered in 9mm and .40smith.
No real scheme, kinda like glock. All the p22xs are based off the p220 which replaced the p210 so they just picked a third number as the model number.
>limp wrists
Boy, just wait until you get to figure out S&W steel frames.
that’s not a 1911
Saying its the best implies we don't need better handguns.
Its good, its solid, not the best.
I did'nt want create a new thread to make a simple question.
someone knows what gun is this?
I prefer CZ 75's, and Oh Look! They are half the price of a comparable SIG...
Limp wrists aside, since when has a high bore axis been desirable?
H&K USP Match.
That doesn't look like an HK.
And not even a quarter of the quality!
HK's are overrated.
It's poopy black
P226>everything else.
What is your standard for best?
Accuracy? Durability? Reliability? Quality? Aesthetics?
I'm quite content with how well beretta manages to achieve all of those targets and do it at an unthinkable quality level for the price.
SP2022 is best HK
P220 is best 1911
P226 is best Glock 17
P229 is best Glock 19
P239 is love
All other SIGs suck.
>sp2022 best anything that isn't trash
Sig a shit
t. Triggered HKfag
this one exists
Boringist handgun of poorfaggotry
>triggered HKfag
>implying patricians care for plebs
Whatever you say Tyrone.
cz75 or glock 19 are easily the best handguns of all time and you're just a dick rider if you think otherwise
Shut your whore mouth.
The new P365 looks swell
Nice nigger.
It looks like fucking shit
This is blasphemous
As someone who bought a 226 and spent just as much on dank upgrades for it, I just can't fully embrace it because of dat
>Glock 19
>greatest handgun of all time
Literally the Nissan Altima of the gun world.
That gun is larger than a Desert Eagle
Unfortunately, nothing better has yet been made.
Glock is patent number named. IE glock 19 is the 19th patent.
That's not a 92fs
I haven't seen you in a while. I was hoping you died.
Nah Croats make the best handgats
>he actually believes this
I too hate having the option to mount a light/laser on my pistols