For those who don't know a slam fire is basically 2 pieces of pipe with a pin attached to a cap plug. Fairly simple firearm, I would like to improve on this concept but im having trouble coming up with a workable extractor/ejector system instead of constantly pulling out the shell and reloading it by hand. Can anyone help me out with some ideas? Any gunsmiths on here?
Slam fire shot guns
How about a spring locked in around the pin, behind little faux-extractors to pull it out of the front piece
Trying too
Then youve got a shell stuck in the reciver. Fastest way is just flip the barrel. Either the spent shell flys out during the flip or you get a free bonus projectile.
Hmm I was thinking about something similar but with the spring on the out side towards the back. my Issue is the extractor itself, when slammed forward during firing not having the extractor getting caught on barrel end.
Bevels, or have the sides of the barrel be cut shortened so there’s no contact at all between extractors and barrel.
>shell stuck
Not if your spring works, but I also think you should be able to just snap/whip the barrel to pop out the shell
I thought of some kind compression spring to hold the catch down as it moves forward and it springs up to catch the spent shell
if anyone has any pics that could help too.
The point of the gun is exactly to keep it a simple firearm. Once you start to add extractors and such, it loses its purpose. I mean, go ahead, but you might as well make a break action or something a little more practical at that point, Perhaps the slamfire-trigger operated shotgun AK custom designed or something.
But I guess cutting a notch at the bottom of your 3/4" barrel and attaching a hook that catches the shell at the end of the stock in which the 1" barrel is located. The hook can be pushed towards this notch by a spring or rubber band, I guess.
But I'm not gunsmith, so don't blow your hands off because of some random dude on the 4chinz.
Alright, I'm going to help you user. Here is a shitty paint drawing of what you need to do. Basically, keep it simple. You don't need an ejection system... What you need is more barrels.
Get 3 barrels connected at the center by a "Y" Wrap whole thing so it stays together and you can rotate with a foregrip/slampiece. Connect a rod or something through center of piece sign and make stops on it so that you don't pull all the way out.
Idea is like a sort of revolver. Slam, pull forward enough to rotate. Rotate to next barrel. Slam again.
what keeps the shells from flying out the other barrels when slammed?
Maybe this drawing is more clear.
Just rig up a simple disc or something that gets turned with the handle. If that barrel isn't up, disc is closed.
If you want an even lower tech solution, you could use wrap the shells with duct tape or something to make it a snug fit in the barrel so they don't just fall out with the slam. They become less convenient to pull out, true. On the upshot, you have a 3 round retard proof shotgun that is basically impossible to have a mechanical failure with.
good ideas all around, thanks Jow Forums Keep em coming..Lots good stuff here. I like the tri-barrel idea. I think could definitely ad that. The other thing I was thinking was the spring mechanism to the 2 barrels could prevent having enough slam pressure to strike the primer properly.
I'll be honest with you, unless you're super attached to the idea of slamfiring, there are better options to make a mechanically simple repeating shotgun.
If it were me, I'd make a revolver. As in, you'd have a ratcheted cylinder involved to switch between rounds. Except instead of dicking with a trigger assembly or timing at all I'd just make the back half a zip gun bolt and manually turn the cylinder between shots.
Sounds a lot more complicated than would be. Guarantee you any retard with a half ass shop to work in could crank out a working one in an afternoon.
>You don't need an ejection system... What you need is more barrels.
Jow Forums at its finest
Trust me you dont want a tri barrel. Its way to heavy. Anons have already said good rate of fire comes from the barrel flip technique.
Other user said notch the barrel to get something under the shell. I did that on mine. Used a carriage nut wedged in the 3/4 stock piece with a nut bolted in for a solid breach face. Nail, jb welded in a hole firing pin. A hole goes through both the 1' and 3/4, a chunk of pipe over a long bolt makes the handle and keeps it all tight. The step notches cut at the front of the 1' line up with the collar on the barrel. That way it can be held on the safety step, and twisted off with a pull snap. More stable shot than a trombone style. Still need to make a flipping barrel with a spinning ring welded in the middle for quick flip reloads.
Posting this because I saw it years ago on Jow Forums and haven't found any details about it.
Take the concept of a over under, make it one pipe instead of 2, have the pipe slide somewhat freely and there ya go, not just a shitty slamfire shotgun
theres no way this would work.
If I were designing it, I'd probably put the magwell further forward and put the ejection port behind it, with an extractor/ejector leaf spring above the ejection port. Trickiest thing I see is beveling the chamber mouth just right so it can grab a shell without jamming on the one beneath it.
This kid built a hopper-fed slamfire that he claims works.
love royal nonesuch
>quoting word for word that kids youtube video
Hello Mr. ATF have you come to kill my dog?
Y'all are thinking to much if you want something like this abandoned the entire "homemade " idea.
If you want something that will make the ATF go nock nock then all you need to do is put springs in a bumpstock and boom you have a runaway or depending on the spring a 3-5-8-10 round burster before it bounces back.
For your slam fire add a zipgun to the back of it and add a port in the pipe that's going over it and a magic this way you can have a semi-auto or a full because the gas will push back the spring and the pipe opening the port for another round.
Also you could just put three in a pipe and fire all three at the same time.
Not illegal
>instead of constantly pulling out the shell and reloading it by hand.
dumb face, you are supposed to put the new shell in the barrel and then spin it around, no need to extract.
Luv rn, but that slam fire feeding mechanism is extremely finicky, his plan slam fire could fire probably fire 5 shell to his 2