I mean assuming the government doesn't use the military to avoid getting Serbia'd, how do the millions of whites living there defend themselves? With what kind of armaments and preparations should they get and set up while still being able to lead normal lives?
Do you think there's an end game? I doubt they'll emigrate, those still there are very tied to the land and are too large in number to just go the way of the Rhodesians. They're thinly spread across SA but I'd imagine them consolidating and carving out a state, but they'd need arms and financial sponsers.
I've been invited to one of those camps, they are free to attend are set up by veterans and hunters. It's kind of a very serious matter, no one is making jokes, like people are really seeing the writing on the wall of what's coming on August 30th. You can bet nobody worth a damn is giving the corrupt government any of their land willingly.
I've got myself a Mossberg 500 and level III body armour. Also working on getting a FAL. SA's gun licensing is kind of funny, you're not allowed automatic weapons unless you shoot for sport, so everyone who bothers to get guns are excellent shots.
Many people don't really know what to do, but you dare not suggest they emigrate to some cuck liberal place like London, or pretty much anywhere else. Siener van Rensburg predicted this, God is on our side, and I'll gladly fight, I won't be hunkered up in some bunker somewhere.
I understand you don't really know what will happen but do you at least have a coherent plan? Do you have a lot of buds thinking the same about getting organised in case things get hairy? How many blacks are actually that militant?
Luke Ramirez
Is there any talk of allowing and facilitating foreign volunteers? I have 2 deployments/16 months of combat experience as a grunt muhreen and would be more than willing to come and help fight if the hostilities progress
Jace Lopez
Some licencing, competency tests, proper storage, a few months to process this with local police (since admin is abhorrent here) but mostly manageable. The government made it this strict and banned commandos since they claimed they're paramilitary (meanwhile it's literally what kept our crime rate low before it got this bad). Again the sporting requirement actually encourages a level of competence, but then we have ammunition restrictions. My neighbour got busted with a surprise police raid on his farm for being like 10% above the ammunition limit and possessing an unlicensed firearm (this being his late father's hunting rifle). He's now seeing likely jailtime.
I've always been the type to think things would blow over, as with all things there are good blacks, problem is they're either swamped by the others in terms of numbers or even threatened to conform. Coloureds and Indians are in the same boat as us so will likely also resist. A friend of mine and I have been doing regular excisrises and training in our spare time and have been coaching others our age to do the same with a lot of positive results. He's getting us some proper multicam from the UK in about a month and we're stocking up on MRE.
Shit will be crazy but hoping that governments step in.
Lincoln Ramirez
Listen though if any of you fags plan to do anything you better keep it to yourselves or talk about it anonymously. There are so many groups that would love to put "racists" on show trials for "terrorism" here.
I very much appreciate the offer but don't do anything drastic wait until things are reasonably chaotic and then arrive here on your own, do not contact anyone claiming to be from an organised group to avoid getting vanned.
Other than that I do actually predict a fuck ton of volunteers coming here Spanish Civil War style. I also think this will be the most polarising war in decades since the sides here are so clear, are you anti white or not? I expect a lot of journalists, politicians and organisations to suddenly show their true colours.
>you're not allowed automatic weapons unless you shoot for sport, so everyone who bothers to get guns are excellent shots.
no, you're dead wrong, there's 5 different categories of licensing and both the pro hunter and sport license allow for semi automatics
Aaron Wilson
MREs were made for people in combat. If you’re in for the long haul I’d suggest stocking up on canned and dried staple foods. Also a source of water, can’t rely on tap water being available.
Aiden Phillips
Yeah that's right.
Sebastian Nelson
Yeah that's more specific. But it's definitely not as loose like in burgerland.
Carson Peterson
Yeah but I don't plan to hunker up really, a lot of folks live up in the North East, so I'd imagine there being some type of evacuation going on or people fighting over there, I'll be there in a heart beat.
Jacob Richardson
How hard is it to learn Afrikaans?
Aaron Anderson
Plenty of ex-pats here in the USA and we hate kaffirs too. Most of us non reeees are glad to let white people immigrate here.
Jackson Turner
I can assure you that 99% of whites here can in fact speak English, 35% of whom speak it as a first language. However Afrikaans is regarded as a "level I language" in terms of difficulty for an English speaker to learn it (so it's easier to learn than German, which is level ii). Plus it doesn't have that annoying feature of every object having a gender.
At least this time the USA may back you, praise god emperor Trump.
Justin Wood
Good luck moving 4.5 million people off of the southern tip of Africa anywhere in a very short amount of time. It's equivalent to evacuating the entire population of Ireland.
Zachary Roberts
Trump gave billions in aid money to the ANC recently.
I'm not even white(asian) but what will happen if these animals drive the white people out? it's because of them things aren't in total chaos over there. getting rid of them, the farmers, and where will the food come from? how stupid
Kayden Gray
As much as it is a meme here, this all happened before with Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. I recommend looking into that.
Landon Ramirez
Nope. Take your ass back there, don't speak for us native Americans. Piece of shit.
Appearently it is for them and they're willing to fight for it. Get fucked retard.
Robert James
>Appearently it is for them they're deluded idiots
>they're willing to fight for it fighting for something that isn't theirs in order to take it from the rightful owners
>Get fucked retard. get machete'd imperialist cunt
Juan Mitchell
From your faggot LARP in Shit Africa, bitch.
Zachary Cox
t. man who lives in a country where he isn't at risk for being genocided.
Jason Martinez
There's also no actual South African genocide It's just a bunch of angry thugs breaking into random homes and torturing people, with little to no regard for skin color
Eli Moore
Read the fucking thread before posting. Dipshit.
Ian Miller
Stay safe user, you sound like a decent guy who just had terrible luck being born next to feral niggers. Remember its yours and your ancestors land don't give them a damn inch or dime.
Because humans aren't feral, and these aren't fucking communists. Europeans were the ones who invaded the country and enforced apartheid. Either agree to make amends with the indigenous peoples or fucking leave.
I'm with you Boer bro. There are many people from all ethnic backgrounds willing to fight along side your people. Know that there are many of us non whites who know that whites are a force for good in the world and ready to fight to keep it that way.
Daniel Kelly
Yes, you're retarded. The minute Europeans got ahold of guns advanced enough, like the Maxim gun, they invaded Africa and conquered it in a brutal fashion. Africans didn't just walk up to a visiting European and fucking ask to be treated like second-class citizens in their own land.
Chase Bennett
South Africa was almost completely uninhabited when whites arrived and settled it in the 1600s. learn history nigger.
Evan Peterson
Whites bought slaves from africans who enslaved africans
Leo Powell
Bay of pigs two electric bugaloo?
Nathaniel Hill
>People wanting to take private property (agricultural and urban) without compensation isn't communistic or at the very least socialist in nature WTF is going on. As Pol as one can go South Africa is a different case all togeather. A Massive and I mean Massive tl;dr of it all is that untill the 1600s the cape was mostly unihabited with the only natives to the cape were the bantus even then they were incredibly dispersed and little in overall population, this trade outpost that was created by the dutch was taken over by the british, to which the dutch went further inward and created their oranje frei staat to which the british went to war over as well as going to war with zulu and other tribes these people lost their land officially, it was not stolen, it was either sold, bought or fought for.
The current blacks are not even bantu they're a completely different tribe with absolutely no claim to the land. get fucked you actual nigger.
Adrian Brown
I'd like to do more reading on the topic as I'm guessing what I wrote isn't 100% accurate but I would love a afrikaaner to correct anything I got wrong.
Gabriel Perry
That doesn't fucking make it acceptable. Does not justify apartheid. Treating people like second-class citizens is wrong.
Nicholas Garcia
>That doesn't fucking make it acceptable. The point is whites weren't first to do it but were first to stop it. Israel or saudi-arabia still haven't
European chattel slavery is a whole different type of slavery compared to African slavery. In African slavery, you were treated reasonably well, and once you paid your debt you were free. In European chattel slavery, you were enslaved for life.
Adam Ross
There would be more violence if there wasn't apartheid user, just look at the crime post 1994, most if not all societies do not survive in a multiracial enviroment, I mean as much as it's shilled here look at Rhodesia, the blacks there had equal rights from the very beginning and yet they still bit the hand that fed them and created not one but two seperate black supremacists groups and destroyed the country. And in a sense I can sympathise if the chinese were to control Europe at somepoint and no matter how much we may propser under it there is something wrong about it. And that is how the blacks saw the whites. So in a case like south africa only one race will be left. Also this if anyone can find it (Can't remember if it's oxford or cambridge) History of Russia, as that has great descriptions of how incredibly oppressed and how long serfdom can be. African slavery other than the belgian congo you were treated well especially by the English.
Liam Edwards
My great great great grandparents were serfs, who will pay reparations?
Joshua Garcia
>you were treated well especially by the English. Top banter mate, the brits literally invented concentration camps
Levi Perez
The question is how we would go about going to SA with military gear and rifles. Flying is out of the question.
Joseph Young
That was against the dutch user. I mean it wasn't all bad it seems like the Germans liked them so much it took a lot of concentration to create such camps.
Samuel Walker
They'll proceed to starve, because in their thousands of years of existence sustainable farming has mostly eluded them, their nation will continue to implode and they'll flee to civilized countries and the process will repeat, thanks to based civic nationalists.
Jack Walker
good luck arriving on the continent by boat in any useful location without getting sunk by someones Navy
Jaxon Lopez
>not one but two seperate black supremacists groups and destroyed the country. Holy dumb fuck I need to go train right now
Haha holy shit you're literally wanting apartheid back Return to your containment board, we don't want your autism
Bentley Lopez
Is the Russian nvy qualified to do anything other than sink refugee boats?
Parker Hill
Go reanimate Nicholas II and find out.
Juan Sullivan
He's full of shit. He equated people fighting for equality, like Nelson Mandela, with fucking black supremacists. To a stormfag, even the slightest advocacy for egalitarianism is racial supremacism.
Kayden Russell
Nobody take this retard seriously please
Christian Carter
French, Swedish, and Russian land seizures, the fuck are they on about?
James Perry
>sink refugee boats? at least they're doing something actually good
Jonathan Jenkins
Best of luck to you. Remember never surrender because the niggers will torture you in the most inhumane ways possible. If you run out of bullets retreat. If you can’t retreat hide. If they find you draw your knife and fight to the death. You will wake up in Valhalla with the smiling faces of your ancestors. Finno alla Vitoria
I hope they kill every single person who tries to take their land away.
Gabriel Brooks
>make amends
He wants you to die OP. He wants you to lay your head on the block and be murdered. This is your average liberal.
Jaxon Gutierrez
Putting words in my mouth are you?
Austin Gonzalez
>Nelson Mandella You know the patron saint of car bombs you fucking nigger. >INB4 he a gud boi Nelson dindu nuffin IIRC domestically there were three groups being the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army which was the military branch of the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU). The Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army and the Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe which was a splinter of the two, all wanting to get rid of the white majority government. and then had foreign support from Angola, Mozambique, Zambia and South Africa via the ANC which was the party Nelson Mandella was about not only that but the same party wanting to appropriate lands without compensation right now (alongside the EFF).
I cannot express the Anger I feel knowing what could have been of that country if we actually supported them and didn't embargo them as their issue wasn't that they were black but communists and we went full retard and went >HURR DEY BE RAYCIST It gets my blood boiling user that we're seeing the same thing happening now only that instead of it being nationalist guerrillas it's now government doing it and you get niggers like this trying to go >It was all for equal rights! We swear we don't want to fuck over whitey!
James Carter
[Citation needed]
Owen Lee
Which part user?
Sebastian Rivera
They do. But what they need to do first is let the ANC ruin the country, once that happens they'll have no shortage of black volunteers to join them in the hunt against the communist bastards, just like in the days of the Apartheid. Right now the blacks of SA are enamored with the messianic and utopic promises of a bright future once the farming lands get confiscated, they need to starve to death by the hundreds of thousands for a few years before they wake up.
Henry Thompson
Theyll be dead by then. Don’t get me wrong, I’d want to fight then too, as I feel Africans should have at least one good country, but the whites will be dead, lost of their homeland
Hunter Myers
For the whole "we want to fuck over whitey!" Aggressive affirmative action to make everyone be able to live off the land isn't fucking you over. And sometimes terrorism is necessary in the pursuit of civil rights. You fucked over all the black people of South Africa, and now they want egalitarianism? And you think YOU'RE the victims? Cry me a river you faggot. Don't treat people like second-class citizens and then act like you're the victims when they do the same thing to you twenty years down the road.
Jackson Lewis
What happens when this turns out to be a giant nothing burger. And a vatnik plot to Stoke ethnic tensions on both sides.
Owen Carter
>What happens when this turns out to be a giant nothing burger Jow Forumslacks will start claiming it was false flag and find the smallest bit of anything to cling onto