Is there literally any positive about the Desert Eagle?
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Desert eagle is an American gun.
Because then YOUR gun says Desert Eagle... Point five oh.
It's a lot less unwieldy than it looks. I take it you've never handled or shot one.
Yes it's heavy, it's a gas operated rotating bolt handgun that is basically engineering porn.
It's far from inaccurate, it's a fixed barrel rotating bolt action, it's as accurate as a handgun can be designed.
What's wrong with being made in israel? They're exceptionally experienced in manufacturing ways to kill people effectively.
you can use .50AE hollowpoints as shot glasses
Killing kids isn't that impressive
>making shit up for another troll thread
you're a credit to your species
>Is there literally any positive about the Desert Eagle?
Yeah, its fuckin cool, ya fuckin dork!
You're wrong anyway. You can always kill children with greater proficiency.
>killing kids isn't impressive
>implying that matters
>It's a lot less unwieldy than it looks.
wrong. I didn't appreciate just how shitty of a gun the deagle was until i owned one, just racking the slide is a pain in the ass.
>Magnum cartridge in a semi auto
>no harder to use than a large bore revolver of an equivalent caliber
Just stop being a onions boy
Everyone needs an over the top, "because fuck you that's why" firearm and the Desert Eagle fits the bill almost perfectly.
It can reliably punch through thick books.
There's a reason Hollywood armorers go for it.
(The director will like it and deciding on it takes about as much time as fetching it)
>just racking the slide is a pain in the ass.
maybe stop being a woman and things will be easier for you
They have a model in 357 mag now. Probably easier to hold and kinda neat.
take apart in 1 second
great ergonomics
gas systems are better than delays of any kind
>pic are my 2 carry guns, depending on whether or not I am wearing a coat.
ammo cost
crappy magazines (i removed the last round hold open)
easy to limp wrist and/or needs hot ammo
standalone trigger group
trigger pull is light crisp and adjustable
have shot 2 dozen different handguns, deagle is best.
If nothing else, this. This guy gets it. I want to do an ar pistol probably 8" in x39 with a binary trigger and probably maxim defense brace. Why? Because fuck you that's why
Awesome man, do it. Then post pics here
I've unironically considered carrying a Dessert Beagle since I'm 6'6" and the idea of pulling a Bullet Tooth Tony type of scenario on some hooligan is very tempting.
Says nogunz faggot
You might as well us this
I want to put a "canted" vfg on it too, since it's not 90 degrees it's technically legal by being angled something like a Fortis shift vfg
4 U
Knocks down steel pretty well.
I like mine its super pleasant even with hot 44mag loads.AMA
what brought you here from reddit?
I enjoy the dog porn and memes
>little girls hands
My dad can beat up your dad
Is there a gun, better or worse, that is like this and is not made by Israelis and or patents aren't being paid to Israelis?
This is obvious same fagging. Did you want to look like different posters, or not? If these were four follow-up posts responding to yourself, okay.. But it looks like you were talking to yourself? Obviously the fingers are the same. You have a lot of deagles, huh? Plus the img names were sequential..
Are you phone posting? Take a closer look at the hands friend.these are me.
This is someone else
the israeli make good guns tho
This, mine is a vepr 12 with 10 round horse penis magazine
>dat filename
Only thing i’m holding against it is the gas port clogging up with lead ammo.
Other than that, pistol is fine.
Because then you can say you have a Deagle Unironically.
That also sounds like your mom, OP.
Lift until your skelly arms are capable to actually capable of holding it you pusspuss.
Underrated post
Competition gun
OP is a fag
Post hands and forearms plz.
Limp wristing is only an issue with recoil-operated pistols.
The real issue is that it's bulky and heavy for carrying. Not so much an issue, but it was also designed as a solution looking for a problem. But why shoot engine blocks with a pistol when rifle is better?
Well yeah you fucking retard its shooting a .50
Role play deadpool
I carry a deagle every day. Headshot people with the .50 BMG shells all day every day. Good gun for big guys.
I always wondered why limp wristing would be a problem with the deeg if the gasses push the bolt back no matter how it's moving.
This is neither a positive nor a negative.
They're fast, small targets
>.50 BMG
user please
It fucks up fleshpounds right proper
Dosh mate. Things are goddamn bully once you can buy one of the bleedin things
Shot one at my local range. Action is beautiful, all the force brings the thing straight back, very little twist , built-in compensator keeps you nice and level. Once i went through a few mags i was doing pretty well at 20 yards keeping my shots centered
Only problems i had with it is that it flung rounds directly back into my forehead (didnt notice with all the shock, the guy who owns the range pointed out I was bleeding afterward), and the floating mag means you cant hold the bottom on the grip.
When i get my raise next year its gonna be hard to keep myself from splurging and getting one for shits and giggles.
fpbp, its amusing to see how many people think the desert eagle is israeli.
Also the most recent desert eagle seems pretty nice
>Smaller and lighter than original
>.357 so no recoil
>9 shots so an actual advantage over a revolver
I want one
Napalm sticks to them pretty well.
Having shot one--in .44 Mag, not fiddy--it was a tremendously fun range toy. All the beastly power of top-end .44 Mag loads with about the same recoil as stout .45 ACP +P in a lightweight Commander.
I wouldn't pay a grand and a half for one and then feed it commercial .44 Mag ammo at seventy cents to a buck+ a pop, though, not on the regular, anyway. Maybe if I win the lottery.
Further proof that women shouldn't own guns.
Fuck you, I can use a gun just fine.
They always did