>leave a man to die
>receive Medal of Honor for it
What the fuck is going on?
Leave a man to die
Other urls found in this thread:
>elect a senile game show host
>nation is disgraced
What exactly did you expect?
>Trump doing something stupid
Must be a day ending in Y.
His brown. That all that matters. He can only get in trouble for leaving someone to die if he white.
>trump approved the MoH
Do you what’s funny?
Almost the entire militants of USA are Meehecans
>nigger becomes president
>gets nobel peace prize just for being a nigger
Sad future ahead.
unfortunately this
we have arrived at the dystopion future of idiocracy
That's not why he got it Jow Forumstard
He got it for not being Dubya
>for not being Dubya
>while he doubled down on all of dubyas foreign and domestic policies
I wouldn't accept one from that nasty piece of trash anyway.
You seem like a brilliant individual.
Hindsight is a bitch. It was 2009 and he had just taken office.
Will there ever be another thread on Jow Forums that isn't nearly instantly derailed by Jow Forumsacks?
Norwegians, 'nuff said.
Have you fags even read the Nobel Prize document for Obama?
He got it for kowtowing to the Europeans. That what he was given the award for specifically.
The Nobel Prize is a joke presented by liberals.
Thank you.
Give it a decade or two and racism won't be cool with the kids any more. You know, like the nazis where every edgelords darlings in 1926, and so out in '46.
>even read the Nobel Prize document for Obama?
i would rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork
bottom line he didn't deserve shit
>give nobel prize because you think his skin color and political party is indisputable fact that he will be a bringer of peace
>leaves a guy behind after their chinook is shot to hell
>has them go back
>gets shot to hell again
>leaves another guy behind
>has to have an ac-130 save them
>gets MOH
No one is giving you medals for being a faggot so you’re safe
Actually, Swedes, but whatever
Anyone know the Air Force response to this?
source? im trying to find an aar that isnt a fucking news article. got any .mil or .gov types?
Not the peace price, that one's awarded by the Norwegians.
I doubt any official .gov or .mil sight is going publicly publish anything that indicates a Navy SEAL abandoned anyone, it's bad publicity, and the Navy SEAL program basically relies on coasting off the good PR from that 90's action movie and the SOCOM games.
4chans been around for more than a decade and has always been racist
the trumpenning kicked it into maximum overdrive and overspooled the header.
i found this, which definitley sounds like a shit show, but not necessarilly negligence. i wish they had posted the group kdr expected. the paragraph bda sounds like a fuck up, since its a matter of who DIDNT get wounded?
is it medal worthy? probably. is it MoH worthy? who knows. i wasnt there, but it sounds like a cluster fuck.
Not really, we've been equal opportunity haters. Race is but another facet that can be used to rip on you. Now it's
>hurr durr Niggers low IQ mud huts
>because I'm white, I personally landed on the moon!
Now, if they changed it up a bit and actually made it funny, that would be cool. But it's just a broken record of impotent teenage angst.
Confirmed with 88 dubs. The problems really started back in 2010 or so when the population here started to grow in huge spurts. A few media stories-of-the-week combined with co-ordinated oppression of free-speech and viewpoints across many other online communities served to drive a lot of people here over a short amount of time. Then the election season ramps up, more people are flooded in here to try and change the place further, and the left goes completely Marxist in having their people launch into hyperbolic temper tantrums when someone expresses an unapproved opinion and everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi. This had the side effect of causing people who might lean that way to throw their arms up and say "Fuck it! You're going to slap the label on me anyway, might as well go full 1488." This causes the Marxists and Antifa drones to froth at the mouth and go into a frenzy attacking *any* behaviour to live the fantasy of fighting the good fight against evil Nazis. So more fight back against suppression of speech and disruption... This is where we've ended up, back and forth, reaction worse than action, again and again.
Whereas before you'd have someone use the terms "nigger" or "kike" or "gook" and we'd have a chuckle, and set it immediately aside and move on, because everyone was equally offensive, that's Jow Forums. Now someone calls someone else a dumb nigger and the lines are drawn, Antifa defence force shows up to Ctrl+V the same 5 or 6 "Jow Forums plz go" statements, which are responded to in kind by people telling them to fuck off and so on and so on.
I only wish things were like they were before 2010. I don't think I'm alone in telling both sides to fuck right off.
This whole post.
>and the left goes completely Marxist in having their people launch into hyperbolic temper tantrums when someone expresses an unapproved opinion and everyone who disagrees with you is a Nazi. This had the side effect of causing people who might lean that way to throw their arms up and say "Fuck it! You're going to slap the label on me anyway, might as well go full 1488."
but especially this part
The messiah speaks.
>Trump decides to award MoH
Well, this is the interview straight from the horses mouth.
and this is the drone footage.
I guess the Americans were moving and the guy that got the medal, Slabinsky. They received info that a guy thrown from the helicopter might be alive. They chose to go back to try and rescue him. It was probably a suicide mission. They charged up the hill and That's where Chapman was shot. They kept fighting. Slabinski says he checked John Chapman, thought he was dead and moved positions. John Chapman apparently wasn't dead and got back up to fight but then was killed. Jow Forums then condemns Slabinski, who received the Medal of Honor today. The other 7 survivors were there at the ceremony for Slabinski and apparently support him receiving the medal.
right looks like maisie williams somehow got even less attractive
You're not wrong. This board has been getting worse probably sense Sandy Hook but it seems especially bad over the last couple of months.
'Bama was more dubya than dubya.
>Slabinski says he checked John Chapman, thought he was dead and moved positions. John Chapman apparently wasn't dead and got back up to fight but then was killed
well done
its summer time.
Well both him and Chapman had charged in together. They ran from a crash but apprently decided a guy might be alive so they went back by choice. It's probably pure chance that Chapman got shot and not Slabinski. Slabinski did carry a wounded soldier for some distance at increased risk to himself.
It does sound like a shit show and probably not MoH worth, maybe IDK, but definitely I'm not going to badmouth Slabinski.
When I get shot down in a helicopter and am under enemy fire where the team runs for cover but then decides to run back in to rescue a guy who "might" have survived, then I'll be more comfortable sitting in judgement.
t. nazis
>right have big anime eyes
>middle is a xcom alien
>left is a mix of everything.
dios mio.
Guess I might as well go full 1488, seeing as how I will be labeled a Nazi regardless of my beliefs or any nuance. See you on the day of the rope, hippy!
The difference is back then we were being comically offensive for shits & giggles. It stopped being funny when dipshits who actually took it seriously started flooded the site and unironically calling for genocide.
I refuse to believe the bug on the right isn't shopped. Fuck these people are ugly. The asian atleast looks like a mongoloid orangutan.
I think the girl on the right is attractive.
follow the link. she declares herself as black.
>get into a bad gunfight
>sustain causalities
>go back to and get into another gunfight and take another casualty
>get a medal of honor for it
what, this is silver-star tier not MoH
i thought the same thing
That's what happens when you elect (((Donald Trump))) into office
No one knows for sure if Chapman actually was still alive. We never directly see who was still fighting on the top of the hill, it could've been a Taliban who got disoriented and was firing at his own guys without realizing (the person was using an AK).
>trump approved the MoH
This was a mattis recommendation
>mfw all these triggered white boys
wew. the future is going to be rough for you guys.
Slabinski personally said he saw Chapmans IR laser, through his NVGs, rising then lowering. Back and forth
Stop fucking posting this shit here.
America hasn't had a real war in decades, the standards have to be dropped to accommodate that.
Look at his face.
He knows he doesn't deserve this. To be granted his nations greatest honour by one of its greatest Presidents.
He knows it's all built on ashes, blood and cowardice.
He knows it will never bring back his honour, or the man he left to die.
From this day forward he will be congratulated and praised for the single most shameful thing he has ever done.
It will drive him mad.
Also don’t forget the guy was unanimously voted against to not be promoted, SEALs under his command beheaded an enemy fighter and were ordered to kill any male regardless of being armed or not.
Plus he continues to deny that Chapman was alive, even though there is now video evidence. Also he is actively fighting against Chapman receiving the MoH.
Plot twist: 2 of 3 are male
that's not a joking matter anymore. that mental illness is everywhere now.
>What the fuck is going on?
The grand, liberal, social experiment known as America in it's terminal phase. Not even trolling, completely serious.
You'd have to be a complete retard to not understand that this country is done for on every level except the military.
What medal did Marcus Luttrell get for abandaning his team mates and leaving them to die?
Navy Cross iirc
His teammates were already dead. Plus he was thrown by an RPG blast and was unconscious for hours. I don’t think he left anyone behind purposely, what he did was just a matter of survival.
See they claim this, but interracial marriage and birth rates are so ridiculously low I don't think it's realistic.
John Chapman's getting a MOH despite years of Navy stonewalling because apparently they can't have any cracks in the "NAVY SEALS ARE PERFECT ELITE KILLERS" myth for what was an understandable fuckup in the middle of the heat of battle in a mission that was fucked from the get-go
also falling for the most obvious and stupid baits that could ever be created, holy fuck i get nausea every time i see 10+ serious replies to a obvious bait at Jow Forums
Which was just Nobel's way of telling the swedes to fuck themself, for some reason
Where the fuck do you think you are, new fag?
Lefty psyop to discredit Ian
Isn't it great that the last great troll move available to the lefties and Jews is to claim somebody is a lefty or a Jew? Must be disheartening.
>pardon some dead boxer that everyone forgot about
>in news for two fucking days along with fact that he cancelled a peace summit
why do we even follow this shit anymore
Welcome to Jow Forums
Also that guy was probably serious
>t. US Navy Social Media Team
4-D chess, nigga
cant stop the Trump if even Trump dont know what Trump is planning
the instruction to award the MOH also states there must be
>no indication that he second guessed his action
>no indication that he would have been looked down upon had he not done what he did
in other words, the MOH can only be given to someone who without a reasonable doubt went outside of what he was required to do to do something
like that one priest who ran into a burning boat to pull armed bombs out to throw overboard so the crew would not be kill
in the citation it said he ran under fire and put himself between his men and the enemy, some losses were expected, but he stopped the mission from becoming a failure like in mali
>Slabinski says he checked John Chapman, thought he was dead and moved positions
Surprised he even checked, British drills when under contact is to win the firefight before casualties are dealt with
I mean to be honest though if the words of some filthy Marxist are enough to turn you into a racist subhuman, you were a piece of shit and deserved to be strung up anyway. Racism is counter to the ideals the US Constitution stands for.
> Racist
> Subhuman
> Putting standards on what is a human makes you less than one
Go away summer
Hello "Libertarian" high school student from 2010, I miss you. I wish we could go back to those days.
stupid dumb leftist scum.
>liberal = leftist
It was a weird thing, even for the left.
Obama himself said that he didn't think he'd earned it but chose to 'be inspired' to live up to it or something.