bubba thread
bubba thread
>le ebic meme game girl
Yuri is better anyway.
wow a micro draco with a rpd stock and drum. such bubba.
kill yourself.
who care's it's fucking slavshit
Wow it's fucking nothing.
Hey fuck off. Some of us played that before it caught on and became streamer meme garbage.
>big tiddy goth gf
Fuck off, normie scum
A Micro Draco has no historical significance whatsoever. It was initially built like 4 years ago exclusively for the American civilian market. Only a retard like you would get triggered by this.
This is what happens when autists take "RIFLE IS FINE', turn it into gospel, and take to screeching at anyone who even remotely alters their rifle beyond its "original" state, completely ignoring that Ivan was always only ever a joke and that "RIFLE IS FINE" only applied to retards turning cheap milsurp into something it wasn't meant to be.
He cute.
>This is what happens when Redditors don't lurk.
Fixed. See how much effort you could have saved?
What's most upsetting isn't the build. It's that the seller legit thinks it's worth over 2k.
My brother...
This has me thinking, how compact could a practical LMG be?
I mean, its not like they are fucking with a historical gun so let em do what they want.
I think the dot sight is a bit odd considering its placement, guns length, and implied rate of fire.
I kinda like this, if it didn't have the red dot it'd be much better.
Jesus christ, the newfaggotry is insane.
This thing has been up for sale for like three years and posted here all the time.
Fuck it, give it a forward grip and remove the dot and i would not mind using it.
Yes yes i know but i find using a forward grip for smaller guns is better for me.
If the red dot wasn't on backwards it would also be better.
>It's that the seller legit thinks it's worth over 2k.
Yeah that's insane. A few months ago he could probably get 1k for it just because they were out of stock for a couple of years.