Funs you must buy edition.
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Funs you must buy edition.
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Just built a Glock that contains 0% Glock parts.
Having never even taken one apart before I now know why their triggers are so bad.
That's significant to me. You're paying for the integral rail and possibly metal parts, depends on the A1 as some come with plastic and some with metal. (there's nothing wrong with plastic parts btw)
Do you want a rail? If so you must pay, your only other options are those hideous Recover grip-rail abominations or a railed Taurus PT92.
what the hell is that lever on the right side?
is that the other side of the mag release?
That is the trigger bar. It's exposed on the 92 series.
Yes, it's as bad an idea as you can imagine, and yes I have personally witnessed shit get caught in it and cause a failure to fire.
Not the hue poster, but I believe you are probably referring to the trigger bar.
Any of you fucks know about the beretta 92sb? Could get one for $300.
I want to buy more guns, but then I don't.
>i want one of these badly, but i won't buy one
I imagine it's pretty rekt at that price but the SB fits between the 92B and 92FS, the SB is like a proto-FS. It's essentially a blued 92B with a thumb clip release. They're pretty uncommon, unless it's really really corroded and rusted to pieces $300 sounds like a good price. Potentially a really good price if it's like new.
>I have personally witnessed shit get caught in it
What did you see get caught in it?
Beard, ragweed, and a glove.
Buy it
oh no it's retarded
Nigger how are you shooting your guns?
It’s Italian surplus. $300 in very good condition. I’m wondering if this guy is just the first to get them and we will soon see them come in like the 92s did.
nobody said it was his beard.
It wasn't me, and yeah that guy was full retard.
I have no use for it right now, so no.
Basically I just want to know if it’s got 92fs style sights on it or if they are the trash 92s sights.
Thats no excuse you bitch.
>Those $450 92FSs from PSA ruined my perception of the model forever.
Why? You sure you don’t mean the 92S?
I guess its not that big of a deal since it passed and won Army trials and is one of the most produced handguns of the 20th and early 21st century.
So I wanna ride my bike everywhere but I also want to carry
I rode today and noticed my shirt was going everywhere from the wind
How can I conceal carry without everyone seeing?
33 years ago...
Who cares if they see it
appendix carry
if they see it I go to jail
What retarded cuck state do you live in
...and still in service. I also noticed a lack of a retort to the production figure as well :)
carry a shoulder rig instead.
safer to draw on a moto imo
The Glock 17 has it beat a hundredfold. The S&W 5906 ties it. The CZ75 has it beat 50fold without including clones and a thousandfold if you do. All of which are the same age or older.
Yeah 33 years ago, back when the Army actually finished their tests and reviewed their equipment stringently.
>M9's shearing their locking blocks and breaking soldiers' faces when the slide flew off the back of the gun
That deficiency was identified in 1987 and Beretta failed to fully rectify it until 2008.
6-10 mil Glocks made vs 3.5 mil Beretta 92's
Ah, I see you do not know how math works. Regardless, if the trigger bar design was such a bad implementation on the pistol it would have been forgotten to time.
Nigger there have been 8 million Glock 17's ALONE sold JUST IN THE US, nevermind the 7 different foreign militaries that adopted it in some fashion.
>implying anybody but autistic Jow Forumsommandos and noguns Die Hard fans give a shit about the 92-series
It's never had a place in competition shooting. The military has shat all over it from day one. The only other people to have adopted it as a service sidearm are either irrelevant (Italy) or dropped it like it had herpes as soon as the Glock 17 came around.
It's been irrelevant since before 1990.
>Beretta failed to fully rectify it until 2008
You're full of shit.
Thats not true retard. That incident occured when some dipshits started firing overpressured ammo. The incident was blown out of proportion and retards like you don’t ever read the part where Beretta fixes the issue almost immediately.
>enlist in 2005
>be in major infantry division in 18th ABN
>personally witness a locking block crack and smash a Captain's eyepro into his face, breaking his nose
Yeah nah that's wrong.
>military issue ammo
Sure they were. Sure. You just keep believing that.
Woah calm down there bud. This is my source on the figures.
Just go to users lol.
Isn't the "military issue rounds" just some generic 147gr hollow points?
No, they're 124gr standard pressure FMJ's
If you're talking about 9mm NATO, it's a 124gr bullet loaded to pressures between standard 9mm Luger and 9mm Luger +P.
ok then thats not exotic at all
>locking block
Then it wasn't a slide breaking, was it faggot?
>3-5 million civilian AR-15's and variants
Didn't pretty much the entire world agree that over a million of them were made and sold in 2016 alone? And that if anything production has ramped up significantly since then?
That list is at least 20 years out of date.
>Italian surplus
Now it sounds like you're describing a run of the mill 92S, not an SB. $300 is a fair price for a 92S, that's what they've been going for for the last few months. I'd probably try to heeb a few tens off that if it's battered up, as copsurp tends to be. 92SBs are much rarer than 92Ss.
The sights are the same as far as I know... even the newest Berettas have narrow sights.
Nope, I mean 92FS. Thumb clip release, plastic trigger and decocker, ramped dust cover, new in box with 2 15 round clips.
Wear a jacket, wear a shoulder holster, offload it into a bag/saddle for the journey, or better yet stop riding a motorbike like an edgy 20-something. I retract that last if you meant bicycle.
I don’t believe you. You probably didn’t actually see it, just heard about it from someone else.
I would post the video where Bartocci, who’s citing pretty much what was posted here , talks about the incident in detail where some Navy dipshits decide to fuck around with +p ammo, but jewtube took his channel down recently, and he hasn’t uploaded it on Full30 yet.
not ruger, but just in general
I want a CZ but I keep jumping from fullsize, to fullsize but with a rail, to poly frame, to compact poly etc etc
Mainly because I might want to carry a bigger gun sometimes over a lcp/9 so it makes me question getting a fullsized steel gun without a rail
But you still havent explained why your perception was ruined.
Semantics. Again the point (you seem to be missing) being that if the exposed trigger bar was some sort of flaw it wouldn't have been adopted by over 40 nations Armed Forces and Law Agencies.
is there replacement grips for 92 series that covers the exposed part of the bar?
The point you seem to be missing is that even though it's a flaw many of those nations didn't have another option, at all. It was literally Beretta or sticks.
Because they were sold for $450, so now anything over that is not unacceptable, forever.
well thats actually fair
I found this while digging around.
lol why is it such a big deal?
Gonna drop some sources with that hot pile of shit you call a reply?
bonus: it adds a rail to 92 models without one.
Well, I stand corrected.
That being said,
is this color better?
If you like gaudy, plastic piles of shit just buy a Glock already.
No, worse.
And seconding
This looks fugly as fuck. I'm not a beretta fan at all but god this just makes it look like shit. Buy a glock, if you think about doing this.
Damn glad I picked mine up before the secret was out. A quick look at GB and holy moly those things shot up.
No, it’s an SB for sure. Dan’s is selling them, but the pictures won’t load. The dealer is good, though his website sucks.
Actually, buy a Toblerone instead
>No, they're 124gr standard pressure FMJ's
nato ammunition is +p.
I hope Grand Power gets some good returns for putting out such a nice gun, really.
that whole region could use some loving with all the shit they get from the EU and the like.
at least black doesn't stand out as much.
It falls somewhere between WWB and most "+P" defensive hollowpoints. NATO specs call for it to not exceed 36,500 PSI and the majority of what the US uses is below that somewhat, and some of it is below SAAMI max of 34,100 PSI. I guess technically the hotter ones truly qualify as +P but a lot of the US contract ammo does not exceed SAAMI max.
The issue arises with the fact that the US military uses multiple contracts to source their service ammo, with confirmed sources being Winchester (WAA headstamp), Federal, Lake City (uses Federal headstamp), and 205th Arsenal of Taiwan (TAA headstamp). Unconfirmed but suspected sources include CCI/Speer and UMC (just UMC, not Remington). Some lots are appreciably hotter than others (although none exceed 36,500 PSI) and some are noticeably colder loaded than others.
Sorry, that looks like Kel Tec partnered with Stark Industries to make a set of grips. They're uggo, although the black is the least uggo.
I just wish they would put the threaded barrel on the US market. I doubt they will since I'd be like one of ten people who would actually buy the thing but a can on a rotating barrel is right up my weird alley.
Link if "them" means plural
I got to handle one of those at the NRA Convention.
It seemed solid but other than its exoticness I don't understand why it commands the prices it does.
>muh rotating barrel
Neat but changes nothing in how it shoots
>muh ergos
Ergonomically it's a direct clone of a Witness Polymer, which are $200 cheaper.
how much to offer for a p220 like this, except the slide release is stainless too
can't seem to find much about this combination on gunbroker
Bud, if you buy this shit. Everyone is going to think your fag. Just go out and buy a m9 or 92 with a rail if you want one so bad instead of this abmonation
>I don't understand why it commands the prices it does.
Because heebs invariably want to make the largest profit and once Grand Powers were no longer a secret they realized they could flip a switch and double profit. Same thing happened to the HS2000, the P2022, the PX4, the FS2000, the P226, the TP9 and the mother of all jewfuck shitheeb greedpig guns, the HK P7.
It's possible the description is wrong btw, if you're not seeing it in person call them and ask about something very specific like the clip release.
Isn’t the rotating barrel supposed to help accuracy? It does on the PX4
Has had some 92S before so I’m pretty sure he knows the difference.
>I've only handled one
>Trust me, it doesnt change the way it shoots
Why bother replying to that?
Cool, I'll leave it to you (you can delete the link if you want), but I'd still recommend at least calling or of you're local examining the pistol. The last two I saw sell were around $700, so $300 is suspicious.
Thoughts about a tanfoglio witness compact for cc?
I found some more info on my mystery PPK in a 2004 book "Pistols of the World".
It was made by a startup company that was only in business from 1984-1985. I found the place on google maps and it's just some small garage in an industrial area on the outskirts of L/A.
But even better I found a 1985 review from American Handgunner magazine where the author claims the Eagle to be superior to a Walther.
The controls are actually satin nickel finish iirc not stainless. Looks nice but it's not my particular cup of tea, shouldn't be any more than a normal 220
The FS isn't imported any more though
Last i checked they were cheap as fuck for the quality of machining, accuracy, and trigger. Also IMO the rotating barrel does help with felt recoil a little, and i say this as a relatively dissatisfied customer.
>No image of the pistol
Is it weird I find XDs attractive? They’ve got a utilitarian blockiness to them that kind of turns me on.
The old ones look great imo. The new G R I P Z O N E looks horrid.
>That bulge
Yeah it’s kinda shitty but I know the seller is legit
I'm picking it up on the 1st of June. Feels good to be 21.