Ok so these assholes have overtaken my local fishing spot. Now im a burgerfag so just killing them will land me in ass raping prison. So I was thinking maybe some pepper spray or a co2 bb gun to get these assholes to piss off. And no you cant scare them away, they will hold their ground and/or return very shortly and no I love my fishing spot and will bot give it up be cause of these assholes which should have been extinct in the first place.
Ok so these assholes have overtaken my local fishing spot...
Other urls found in this thread:
Step 1: Aqquire Oar
Step 2: Remove Honk
Pretty sure a bb gun will still cause harm thus land you in ass raping prison
Just walk up and club em
are you honestly going to attack baby goslings and potentially their mother too? asking for a friend
just kill them discreetly you fag
>just kill yourself discreetly you fool
Removed hatespeaks and honk murder.
Have you tried peeing at them?
Asking for a friend.
>So I was thinking maybe some pepper spray or a co2 bb gun
felony animal cruelty. they're migratory, just wait for them to leave.
Fuck me, you are gay as fuck
Super soaker?
Or This
Or fill a super soaker with your own piss and mark your territory.
nope, i'm just not a total fuckwit like you are.
>begin implementing daily goose harassment techniques
Get an air rifle, nvg’s, and snipe them at night
Birds can't fart.
Bicarbonate of soda in bread pellets.
Self defense laws allow you to kill geese if they attack you first. Just grab the neck with both arms and pull apart hard to kill it. Same as breaking a rabbit neck.
Get a rig for bow fishing and use them on geese. If they're still alive after a minute or two you can reel them in and strangle them to death or cut their heads off. Remove honk any way you can.
remember the three S:es
Shut up
Thats a bullshit myth
Just raise a few gators and dump in your fishing spot. They’ll take care of those geese.
>imblying anything can stop the goose when its loose
>want good fishing spot
>disrupt local eco-system by killing large animals higher up on the food chain
Sounds good. Dump some raid and pepper spray on them too.
>Surrender captain honk, I will be merciful and swift
>part of the ecosystem
A $20 clear airshit gun from Walmart should do it. Don't use a bb gun because they can still arrest you for poaching since that an still kill them, & don't use a realistic gun unless you want a soccermom calling in an active shooter at the pond.
>canada geese
>not actively destroying ecosystems with toxic fecal matter while offering nothing other than the control, or possible overeating of various aquatic plants that are literally already contained in their body of water
>literal refugees using the US as their squatting spot
There was that user who made an IED and blew them to hell and then based recoilless user who remover caw with a homemade bazooka. These are the only acceptable options.
Why does Jow Forums hate honk?
I kidnapped the eggs from one of those once and hatched the little joker's out in an incubator. Turns out they can't fly across power lines very well so they just stuck around and squeaked at the dogs for a few years.
Throw bear traps in the water.
everyone hates honk, k is just vocal about it like.
Can someone post the Honk-IED-Story?
Who the fuck could like the honk
herd u were talkin shit
they're immune to capsaicin.
How are honks not taken off the protected list yet?
The punt gun was designed for HONK not "hunting"
Find a new fishin’ hole, Cletus.
shoo shoo, leftist
get an electric airsoft m4, the newer ones are really accurate and shoot hard. Plus, the plastic BBs are big enough that they won't penetrate unless they're going way faster than the gun can propel them, so the effect will be terrified geese with no damage
Y’all niggas retarded, Bread soaked in antifreeze.
complete retard here
aren't these ducks? looks like ducks to me because i pictures honks as being bigger, and non cute cubs
Women. Especially old ones. They feed the honkers because they're "pretty", can you believe it?
Goslings are fluffballs as babs.
ITT: Jow Forums tries to convince OP into murdering geese.
look at that cum spray
They're Chad birds, so naturally the stuttering losers of Jow Forums are perpetually seething at them.
Rubber snake
we just work with what we get
Say it with me.
I was fishing at a golf course my buddy lived on once back in high school and managed to nail one in the head with a half ounce football jig. Wasn't intentional and it backlashed my reel pretty good, but I was smiling. Fucking remove honk.
God, I would kill for an opportunity to cleave a goose's head off with a 9-iron.
I'd probably have to go to the hospital because I'd be erect for so long afterwards.
>are you honestly going to attack baby goslings and potentially their mother too? asking for a friend
They will rwtuen r=to a safew place every year and fucking multiply. Where ever the commie bleeding hearts prevent their removal it becomes a goose shit covered mess. Fuck these things,
OP stop being a bitch, twist heir necks and eat the motherfuckers.
Is this in reference to a video or something? Please link if so
Smokebombs. Bigger the better.
T. My pond no longer has geese
literally nothing wrong with ducks you fucking faggots
dicks like you are why I keep some of my cameras pointed at my drainage ponds and possible parking spots.
t. Canadian Goose
Aww. Killing young hunt able animals and mothers is out OP. Sorry but that is that. Have to wait until they are in season.
bread with poison in it
Lol i remember reading that short story a while ago
Do canada geese taste good?
wew, have you seen the video/webm of a nigger doing just that but with a poor duck instead of goose? Head went flying straight off
Gentles! They are just trying to do their smols a big protect! Y come do them a mean? Safe and sound suitable for a goose gentle!
Dis one does a pose! A flap! A big silly gentle!
neck yourself bud
I agree. everyone in this thread is mentally handicapped if they don't know how to coexist with animals. This is why we need billions to be culled
it's a reference to a goose killing story that got told here. there's a screenshot of the post floating around occasionally.
Dis one a loyal! Does a big appreciate! Have a gentle!
thanks fren
i forgot about this stupid show. it's great, thanks.
Look at this gentle matriarch! Why this thread so rough tumble?
Y come so samefag?
Goose gentle most gentle! Looks a loyal to me too! I wanna do this thread the biggest protect!
We know who is behind these posts. Go honk somewhere else before your species gets wiped with a paddle
What a fucking joke that it's illegal to kill geese. Fuck the federal government. Does more to protect faggot geese than our rights. Fuck this gay earth.
T. Gov ranger stooge
The problem is a stupid treaty written in the 1910s to protect migratory birds after the passenger pigeon was exterminated. This is why you have a 3 round limit, amongst other things. It protects seagulls too IIRC, but they could not have predicted KFC and McDicks then.
Capture one of the young and name him Ryan.
And yet here you are, faggot.
Please do the loyals a respect! They don't mean to do a rough tumble!
/an/, we love ya, but the geese have got to go.
Too indiscriminate.
Personally I find it's a well thought out treaty that has stood the test of time.
Reasonable limits are a good thing and protect us all.
Engage punt gun, remove honks.
I agree. Do us a solid and cull yourself first, fuckin noodle armed faggot.
Y come so sage? Y come no bump? Sage is rough tumble!
alka seltzer?
Passenger pidgeons have been spotted in the wild again, nature uh finds a way.
Nothing is illegal if you don't get caught. Seriously, I don't think anybody really gives a shit about those honkniggers. Use a Suppressed air rifle if you're worried about getting caught. Go nuts.